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Everything posted by Boom

  1. Thanks for changing my name, dean. Still cant believe I messed that up on both forums.

  2. Team Ico said that the ending would be "open to interpretation".
  3. I bought a used version of Phantasy Star Online when I was a kid and someone had thrown up in the case. The game was fine, but the left side of the case and the manual were just disgusting. How the hell did gamestop let me buy that?! But somehow, I wasn't traumatized that much, and I still buy used if the price is low enough. This year, I've purchased Bayonetta, No More Heroes 1/2, and REmake used and they all work great/are like new.
  4. This game, combined with Skyrim, Uncharted 3, and The Last Guardian, is getting me hype for 2011.
  5. FFFFFFF combined my two addresses again, so I can't be Boom!....

    1. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      You'll always be Boom for me <3

    2. deanb


      There's a login name and then a shown name. I'll change it over for you.

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