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Everything posted by Jackpot

  1. This is my writing process: Seriously. I wish I could have some sort of structure to it, but it simply doesn't work out that way.
  2. Cabin Fever TERROR OF THE FLESH Oooh, spooky. I just saw this movie on TV a couple of days ago. Honestly, it was the corniest low-budget movie I have ever seen in my life. The acting and the writing were absolutely ridiculous. Somehow, the movie still managed to creep me out in one scene, but it's not scary at all. Just filled with laughably fake gore.
  3. I agree about the Oracle games. I really liked the game play for those games and it was interesting that Ganon was not the main villain, but rather people trying to revive Ganon. People always forget about OoS and OoA... Well, if you beat both games, there was the secret boss Ganon. True, but he wasn't the main threat in the game. Although, that boss fight was a pain in the ass.
  4. Nope, and I am grateful. The person below me has been burned by spilling coffee on their self.
  5. Same here. :/ Tron had so much potential... but it was just boring. The acting was awful, the story made no sense and did not make me the slightest bit interested. I'm not sure how long the movie was, but sitting in that theatre felt like an eternity.
  6. It's okay, I still have a pulse. The person below me is procrastinating. Get back to work!
  7. I agree about the Oracle games. I really liked the game play for those games and it was interesting that Ganon was not the main villain, but rather people trying to revive Ganon. People always forget about OoS and OoA...
  8. That for me is (almost) a good enough reason to buy a 3DS. The trailer was completely bad ass. I'm also super excited for all the remakes they're doing, especially Final Fantasy V and VI, OoT, and Star Fox. Also, Paper Mario and MGS. Yeah, I'll probably end up turning off the 3D, too. It will probably be cool at first, but if it's anything like those #D computer monitors, then I'll probably end up not using it, especially if it sucks the already bad battery life.
  9. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    1. peteer01


      It was happy. My wife gave me nama-chocolate, and I brought home a slice each of her favorite types of cake, and much delicious sweets eating was had by all.

    2. Jackpot


      Sounds awesome. :) I'm just enjoying the fact that people are less pessimistic today.

    3. Bizzenya


      I'm not going to lie to you Jackpot, seems a lot of single people are pretty bitter today.


      In one of my classes this morning was a huge message on the chalk board that read 'happy singles awareness day'.

  10. I just saw The Eagle last night. It was surprisingly excellent and I would highly recommend it. I really loved the direction in it even though some of the actors were slightly awful.
  11. Call me a fangirl, but I'm stoked for the 3DS release! It's ridiculous. I absolutely love the launch titles and I trust Nintendo's handheld systems to be completely awesome. The price is a bit outrageous but I've been saving. Besides, isn't Phoenix Wright v.s. Professor Layton a 3DS exclusive title?
  12. Oh man, I've beaten a lot of games this year. Shadow of the Colossus, Ghost Trick, Bioshock, Trine, and Final Fantasy VI are the ones I can think of. I'm so close to beating God of War...
  13. Define "spy". TPBM does not like the PS3.
  14. Final Fantasy XII and Divinity II: Ego Draconis. There's probably a lot more that I can't think of at the moment. Final Fantasy XII wasn't that bad, guys. I know people complain about the gambit system, but you can just turn your gambit off if you don't like it. I thought it was a really fun game. And Divinity II: Ego Draconis is an AMAZING game! I don't care what other people say about this game, haha. I had a ton of fun playing it and my only complaint would be how hard it is to level up because the monsters don't re-spawn. But seriously, it was super fun to play. Edit: Hm, I wasn't aware that people didn't like Prototype. I guess I'll add that game to my list, too.
  15. Someone spoiled 999 for me. @_@

    1. Commander Shepard
    2. Maritan


      I remember how someone spoiled Persona 4 and Heavy Rain for me. Ugh.

  16. It's almost Valentine's Day? Oh, well.
  17. That box art makes the game look like a cheesy b-rated sitcom. Maybe with a bit of drama on the side, but seriously, it's awful. As for the game, I played the demo and loved it. As for scariness, I did not find it all that scary for some reason. I only flipped out once: I accidentally got eaten by the water monster and died. When I continued the game, the water monster didn't seem to be there anymore. So, I continued on with the game by cranking open that huge door and the thing startled the living daylights out of me. I'm assuming that the game is a lot scarier than the demo. Overall, it seemed very well made~ I should buy it.
  18. Oh, definitely. I forgot about Zelda II. But still, I would call Majora's Mask the odd one out. The gameplay, story, and creepiness factor made it awesome, but it didn't really feel like a Zelda game to me. I really liked Twilight Princess. However, it did get a bit old and I left it alone for a year before I finished it. I didn't really like the tedious middle part of the game. However, it was a lot of fun despite that fact. I am scared that Skyward Sword, however, is going to suck.
  19. Kingdom Hearts. I have no idea why I don't like these games. They're right up my alley yet I can't even sit through the god-awful opening cutscenes (At least; for the two that I tried to play). It's weird -- I'm a huge fan of Disney, a huge fan of Square Enix, and I love RPGs... but I can't stand Kingdom Hearts.
  20. Google Chrome is the way to go. Yes, this is coming from an extremely biased Google-worshipper. I used to use Firefox until my laptop got funky and decided to take five minutes to boot it. That's when I started using Chrome exclusively. And shame on you if you're using Internet Explorer willingly.
  21. Oh my god, is this for real? I think the world just broke.
  22. This is such a tough question... My unpopular opinion is that Link's Awakening is the best with Minish Cap close in second. As for the 3D games, I really loved OoT (I know, I know -- overrated). Majora's Mask is kind of a tie with Ocarina of Time even though it was the black sheep of the series. However, it is hard to compare the Zelda games with each other. You can't really compare TLoZ with TP for instance because of the huge time gap. Which is why this question is so hard to answer. Ah, hell. All of them are the best. Except for Phantom Hourglass. o.o
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