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About ChiltonGaines

  • Birthday 08/13/1992

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Delaware, USA

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Just got back from Texas yesterday. What am I to do now that I don't feel like I'm being baked alive?

    1. Mal


      Welcome back to civilization.

  2. Does anyone use chat anymore? I miss this forum. But I haven't been playing enough games recently to start a discussion. What's everyone else been playing?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ChiltonGaines


      Aw, are you guys jokin'? I can't tell! But it's definitely been a whiiile. "ChiltonGaines ." "Chilly".


      (I hate chili.)

    3. ChiltonGaines


      I've beaten Dishonored and Deus Ex. But I was a dumb-dumb and traded them in. The GOTY seemed awesome. I don't think I can get all Shine Sprites. Those non-Fludd levels always stumped me!

    4. Pojodin


      Glad to hear things are going well and are hopefully slowing down! I just started a new job a couple weeks ago. My last job was running me into the ground as I was 24/7 tech support after my boss had left. I moved and am getting used to the area, so I haven't played much.

  3. A really close friend of mine is turning 21 this month and I want to get her something special. Any suggestions, X-peeps?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ChiltonGaines


      Hahahaha, thanks guys. All replies were fantastic. I've decided on a great gift that I'm sure she'll love. But Revanchist also has a very nice (if old-fashioned-sounding) plan.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      What did you decide on? I MUST KNOW!

    4. Pojodin


      You got her a chocolate companion cube, didn't you. That is a great idea ChiltonGaines, nicely done! :D

  4. L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour show in Madison Square Garden tonight!! I've been waiting so long for this!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Damn, I haven't seen their name in ages. Have fun dude.

    3. ChiltonGaines


      Yeah, Fuchi, Hyde can definitely still kick ass. This makes the third time I've seen him live, and he always has put on a fantastic show. It was great. They did a good mix of songs and gave us their all, and the crowd returned their effort.

    4. ChiltonGaines


      Thanks, Malicious. I did have fun. My voice is gone.

  5. Super Smashed Bros. is preeeeeety fun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CorgiShinobi



    3. FMW


      ...I meant what rules does he use for drinking. That's what Super Smashed Bros is :) I haven't found a good set of rules yet. They all have you drinking too fast, too slow, or are too complex.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      The actual rules I play SSMBM by: No items, infinite lives, big blue. Never played Super Smashed Bros before.

  6. Since I got my iPhone 4S, I've barely been using my computer. Between that, work, and Skyrim, it feels hard to just whip out my computer specifically to talk to the cool X-Talk bros. Why is that iPhone app a lie?!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I'm hopping in there right now on my iPhone to see what the results are:


      "An Error Occurred" Then it says something about contact an administrator. Nevermind. I thought I could help.

    3. ChiltonGaines


      I appreciate it, though, man.

    4. GunFlame


      The App is pretty temperamental. Sometimes it works fine, other times it doesn't work at all. It can't view Status properly either, or allow you to add Status or comment. Updating Threads is fine, and the Notifications work to an extent, they just don't always clear.

  7. Good Christmas as far as gaming! Got Deus Ex, Uncharted 2, Skyrim, and AC: Revelations!

  8. Does anyone know anything about fighting sticks (and the purchase therof)? Especially HORI? My brother requested one for Christmas, and while I won't be able to get one in time, I could still get it for him.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Hori isn't a well trusted brand. Was something asked for specifically?

    2. Strangelove


      I dont know that much about it, but Amazon would be a good place to start. Just read reviews.


  9. My MGS HD collection ain't playing any sound. Anyone know anything about that? Google turns up zilch. Too busy with Skyrim? I guess I'll go sit in the corner....

    1. FMW


      I'm not too busy with Skyrim!


      ...I also have no notion how to fix that though

    2. CorgiShinobi


      Maybe check your audio settings for the console. Do you have HDMI? Maybe unplug and plug back in?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Check the volume settings in the game menu. One time on me for some reason the voices volume got turned all the way down on AC:B. Took me forever to figure out that was the problem.

  10. Anyone know where you can watch The Walking Dead free online? Missed a few eps, and tried to stream them and got hit with a virus that almost fucked me completely.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Guys why torrent? All you have to do is type "watch the walking dead online' in google, and the very first few links give a bunch of megavideo/videobb and more video links

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why torrent? 720p and surround sound. Also, I can start the download and forget about it for a few days/hours/whatever the time period is until I actually watch it.

    4. ChiltonGaines


      THANK YOU, Excel. And Jesus, that's exactly what I did and exactly how I got a virus that ended with me almost having to restore my comp to factory default. Thanks to FDS and P4 as well.

  11. Anyone know where you can watch The Walking Dead free online? Missed a few eps, and tried to stream them and got hit with a virus that almost fucked me completely.

  12. Got a job now (YES!) so time to start saving up, 'cause the L'Arc~en~Ciel playing at Madison Square Garden will be one of the illest moments of my life!

  13. I did like a few of them, because they could help to create what I would consider a 'smooth' playthrough or helped create some tension (trying not to lose health). Infiltrating an area without being spotted can make for a nice challenge. But a lot of them work to the detriment of the game, highlighting the flaws. And it is especially unforgivable when there is no logic behind it, since the '100% sync' title implies that is what Ezio did. Why did he not kill any guards at this particular moment? And why are fists suddenly lethal anyway? Why did he not swim? And that's not even going into the errors like bugs or controller flaws (I was telling Johnny about a Romulus lair with just climbing, where I followed the exact control hint it popped up and yet Ezio willfully leapt to his death). I'm all for 'alternative/optional difficulty' if it is implemented well, but the game has far too many cases of it being there 'just because...', with no extra thought I wouldn't say it's because they were trying to justify a price but it was a case of getting multiple teams to try and sew together so many various elements that the end result just feels disjointed. There's plenty of content there, but it doesn't always feel relevant to the ongoing story. Nothing is driving it forward, so to speak. That's fair. And the machines WERE rough to control, except for the tank, imo. And I got a bit pissed with the controls at points as well, believe me.
  14. Excellent taste, my good man. I SAID 1973 YOU JERK.
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