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Everything posted by Lemmiwinks

  1. I ended up using the third slot, as seen when unit is laying down horizontally. First and fourth didn't maintain the connection. When using the fourth connection it would read the external HDD and just get going before throwing up an error.
  2. I have to ask, since I had a problem when first trying to swap mine out, did you try using each of the USB slots to attach your external? I ask because I found that 2 of my 4 slots do not maintain a good enough connection for the process to go smoothly. It wouldn't even recognize it in one slot. For the record the slots do work, as one always has my keyboard and the other always has my bluetooth headset plugged into it. Good luck if you keep trying!
  3. Lemmiwinks


    As far as iPods, I have only had 2, a first gen shuffle and the newest one I got fro free. Both work well for what they do and were dirt cheap. I do plan on possibly getting the classic in the not-too-distant future because I want something that can carry all of my music on the go. And at least for amount of GB's in a player, I have not seen anything on the market short of those archos mini tablets that comes close to the high storage as well as small form factor. My girlfriend wants the iPod touch but man, I do not want to plunk down that amount of cash for a touchscreen and SSD when the classic offers double capacity at a much lower price. I'm hoping she will just buy it herself. As for Apple phones, they are fine I suppose. I don't want a smart phone. I simply need it to make calls and send texts. Smart phones are just too big and I work a factory job, so I can't have something delicate like them on my person.
  4. I don't get it from games, but any 3D movie I have seen gives me a slight headache about 5 minutes in and goes away a little while after the movie is done. It's so slight that I don't notice it most of the time, but its there.
  5. Lemmiwinks


    I'll clarify. While it really isn't a big issue anymore as PC's have really gotten to be reliable and easy to use since XP, my Apple's just have not had problems. Even back in the early 90's etc. when you were lucky to go a session on a PC without some sort of crash, the Apple just worked. I think it is mainly that they optimize their software for their hardware. And its basically what it seems like they still concentrate on and is why they are decently successful. Stats/specs-wise they never are really the best. But they consistently pack the best user experience because it just doesn't vary. It's always been what I want, without the problems. Granted, I have only had 3 Apple computers. But each has been rock solid and the previous 2 lasted 10 years, without upgrades, maintaining their performance.
  6. Lemmiwinks


    lol, I'm an Apple fan as its what I grew up with. I interchange between them and MSFT PC systems pretty regularly and get along fine. They make decent stuff that's been high quality/ high cost in my experience. But certainly not a zealot for either OS or "side". Can't we all just, get along?
  7. PS1 PSP PS3 Atari 2600 Gameboy (original) And that's all now. Gave my NES to my sister when she went to college.
  8. http://www.gamepro.com/article/features/127009/how-to-swap-out-and-upgrade-a-ps3-hard-drive/ here is what I used. Just had to make sure that my external that I also got was in FAT32.
  9. I switched mine to a 500 GB Western Digital and no problems. I use mine to store a mass amount of media though. Still have 190GB left!
  10. View from a B&B we stayed at for last Oktoberfest. The background rotates between a few pics we have from there.
  11. Just the 1. A launch 60 GB I picked up in December of 2006 and upgraded to a 500 GB a couple years back. And I use the shit out of the thing too. So I dunno. Used 6 out of the 7 days a week now for 2-8 hours a day. Oh, and when folding came out there was a point when I wasn't playing a game or watching a movie it was folding@home, always. I didn't turn off the PS3 for a stretch of 13 months. And it still hums as quiet as a slim. The ONLY issue mine has, is the fold down door that covers the card readers got a little bent and busted when the console was dropped one time. So it doesn't sit all nice and flush anymore when it is closed.
  12. 8 Days to Vegas, looked like a pretty cool game.
  13. Alrighty I will give V and VI a shot first then. I don't mind a grind so that won't be a problem for me. The more RPG's I have played the more I find I prefer the older combat styles, the non-ARPG style, if you will. Much more relaxing and lets you put more thought into your moves. I think its the same reason I prefer turn by turn strategy games over RTS.
  14. I would suggest Loco Rocco 1 & 2 as well as Patapon 1 & 2. Those games are the reason I bought a PSP.
  15. you should try the older ones too. not as pretty (altho you could try for like the psp or ds remakes) but certainly solid story and gameplaywise. IV and VI certainly come to mind as must plays. The PSP remakes is what I was considering right now as I only have the PS3 and PSP. Other than downloading a Rom or something like that, but I don't mind paying still for old games. The PSP ones seem to come in double packs it looks like, at least the first 2 were in one together.
  16. That DVR add-on for the PS3 that only released in Japan. ~sadface~
  17. Would Final Fantasy XI be worth getting into at this point or should I just wait for XIV to be fixed and released on PS3? I don't think that it would be worth getting into at this point, though there are still a decent amount of people that will not give it up. That, and it was far too addicting for me and was able to give it up after a few tries after 3 years. Really I would hope that it's what most MMO communities are like, lots of nice people with a few asshats here and there and everyone trying not to get killed by crabs and flies in the dunes! I would wait for the possibility of 14 being fixed and try that out as I doubt 11 will be continually supported THAT much longer. I mean, it HAS to die at some point, right?
  18. I know now that I am probably considered a bastard, when it comes to being an RPG fan, as I didn't enter the genre really until late into the PS2 life. For my money so far, of the titles I have played to completion (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13) 11 or XI was the greatest one for me and what I started with. Really it's kind of its own thing though, being an MMO timesink and I can see why it isn't on the list. It was simply the best at making me feel like I was part of whatever world I was in of the RPG's I have played so far. And yes I don't just have FF experience, I have been trying to rapidly branch out as much as possible, especially into the PS1 era.
  19. I'm happy for the hopeful return to large maps and tons of people, yet sad that I have gotten out of PC gaming for the most part and prefer the consoles. While I want to think the PS3 version will be fine, it will by no means, be anything compared to the PC version. 24 players? That's it? lame. Give me Mag graphics and the player count tyvm. Battlefield is an awesome series of titles, the main ones at least, and once you have played them on a PC, the other versions just feel, tainted.
  20. Holy crap did you spend 10 mil or 15 mil for that....I haven't yet, but for only 1 race, I'll probably skip. Got the polyphony f1 which is cheap and fast. It was the 10 mil car :'( I wanted to get it because in the description it mentioned that it has a larger than normal fuel capacity due to new F1 regulations reducing the amount of pitstops a team is allowed. I had already picked up the Polyphony 1 which turns out to be a better car anyways at only 4.5 mil and about 200 more HP I think it was. Oh and as far as a better controller to use, I don't have a full on wheel, but for Christmas my woman got me that HKS controller with a slide wheel and pedals for the gas and brakes. Here that is It works a lot better than the DS3 at holding your lines and a bit better for the applying pressure to the brakes/gas. It however is not better for the endurance races for me as I tend to get the bumps on the gas pedal ingrained into my thumb pretty quickly.
  21. I'm not much for PC gaming, but I think this counts? http://www.virtualapple.org/oregontraildisk.html I still play every couple months :/
  22. That thing is a must! I also tried one handing the DS3 and even my SIXAXIS and it just doesn't work for a shooter.
  23. So, don't bother getting one of the Ferrari F1 cars for anything other than that 1 make race that popped up last week. They can't be used in regular Aspec or Bspec. Like not even the Endurance races. Just for practice, online F1 only races and Special Events with them as the make. Would have been super for them to list that in the Description
  24. I've been playing Mag with mine lately with a little success. You really have to play with the settings to get it feeling smooth. Not sure but i'm leaning towards getting one of the plastic gun things for it but am torn on the sharpshooter that comes out when KZ3 comes out, the battle rifle, or if one of these would even help me much. I will still need to be able to use all of the buttons. At the very least a rifle would keep me from respawning looking at the ground/sky and having to reorient myself again, since I tend to point the Move somewhere other than the screen after I die.
  25. oh my, where am I?

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      Definitely not Kansas.

    2. McBeeferton



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