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About TCP

  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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    British Columbia
  • Donation Title
    think long and hard

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  1. Watch Dog reviews aren't as bad as I thought. The nerds are still pissed off though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      Yeah, I had a feeling it was being treated way too optimistically for a game that showed very little evidence of doing anything that special. "Good" is fine with me though. I'm early in, but it seems solid enough with the exception of some horrendous AI in public areas.

    3. Strangelove


      From what Ive heard it has a lot of content, so at least itll last you a while. I just find it hard to be excited about open world/sandbox games. I know people love them, but they all feel too samey for me. Honestly, no one can top GTA5 so I feel like its a waste to even try. Thats why I don't mind stuff like Infamous, Assassin's Creed or even RDR. Theyre kind of trying the same thing, but their gameplay focus is entirely different. On the other hand, GTA, Far Cry, Just Cause and Sain...

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I would still play it, but I dunno if I want to drop 60 bones on it.

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