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  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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    British Columbia
  • Donation Title
    think long and hard

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    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      If they want to build up a new userbase, they're going to have to open the gates sooner or later.  ResetEra is going to be starting from zero and they can't play by the same rules NeoGAF did if they expect to go anywhere.  But I guarantee you that no matter how long it takes, the moment they allow general access it's going to get raided.


      I always preferred smaller communities, though.  This place is comfy.  Nobody tell NeoGAF we're here!

    3. TCP


      @FLD hook me up with an invite if you get in! 

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, there's already a few hundreds people in the Discord channel and that's only the one created by SteamGAF. From what I understand, there are others also planning to join with the new forum. Seriously, a lot of long-time users are jumping ship. I think they can get a solid starting user base this way and be good for a while. My only hope is that the few communities I regularly checked in with are gonna live on. 


      I'm sure they'll figure out a way to avoid stupid assholes causing too much of a problem. They can simply require non-free emails for registration and that'll likely be enough to keep it manageable. 


      Beyond that, I'm completely out of the loop. I have no idea what their long-term plans or intentions are.


      @Ultra Spooky TCP  Well, I've been verified in the Discord so I think I should be able to get in. But I'm not sure how it'll work beyond that. I'll let you know.

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