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About TCP

  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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    British Columbia
  • Donation Title
    think long and hard

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  1. Holy crap why didn't anyone tell me how good Persona 5 is?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleven


      While I think it's a very good game, I got tired of the dungeons (not the random subway one) after a while.


      I don't know how, but I want to think they could have been done better. I think it's repetition of the same type of puzzle that got me. I found myself complaining about how I have to do the same thing but on a different floor one too many times.

    3. TCP


      I'm only in the second palace now, and so far it seems different enough from the first. If I have a complaint I wish the game gave you more freedom. Most nights Morgana won't even let me leave to go work on my stats. Then there's things like, walking into a room, gameplay stops for characters to go "wow what is that?", gameplay resumes, walk 3 steps towards what they were looking at, gameplay stops again for the characters to have another conversation about it. That happens all the time and it gets a little tiresome. 

    4. Eleven


      Yep. And after that conversation you had about that thing, you'll get a text message about it the next day... :/ If you're lucky you'll get a text about it before bed.


      I found out that you should pretty much only expect to be free during mission days, where you're given time to finish the palace.

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