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About TCP

  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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    British Columbia
  • Donation Title
    think long and hard

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  1. Quick everyone! Go on the PlayStation Store and vote for Dissidia 012 as the PSP GOTY. Not only is it truly amazing and deserves to win, it'll go on sale if it wins! Which means I won't have to fork over 30 dollars again to play it on my Vita.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      But if you like Final Fantasy, I don't see how you couldn't like Dissidia 012. The battle system is amazing, and everything else is basically a love letter to the series.

    3. Johnny


      I don't like Final Fantasy. I did in the PS1 era, but that was long ago. I'm over the franchise.


      As for Dissidia, my problem with it was that it's controls felt too slow and clunky. If there's something I can't stand, that's it.

    4. TCP


      I played more of that game then any else in 2010, and wouldn't ever describe it as slow and clunky. But if you're not a fan of the franchise, the game really isn't for you.

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