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  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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    British Columbia
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    think long and hard

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  1. I'm not as critical of IGN as some of you. In fact, I think there's some pretty talented writers there (though, some of the articles they have to write are terrible)... But holy hell, the IGN Nintendo team is bad.

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    2. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Seriously bad writers. Didn't care for Matt Cassamasina (sp) back in the day either

    3. TCP


      Yeah, Matt Cassamasmasmasmas had some bad articles/reviews back in the day. But I'd take him and/or Craig Harris back in a heart beat.

      Listen to their last podcast, they spent more time talking about how much they hate the Vita and how hilarious it is the 3DS is outselling the Vita. Also they say something along the lines that the Vita launch titles were on par with the 3DS (?!??!?!).

      Why was I listening to their podcast? I guess I have some masochistic tendencies.<...

    4. RockyRan


      I enjoyed Matt Cassammassamassassassamassasa's slow descent into madness, though. I read IGN quite a bit (horrible lack of judgment on my part) back when he was a really big white knight for Nintendo. Then I stopped reading (yay!) and years later I read this extremely bitter editorial about how Nintendo fucking sucks and it's all the fault of the fans. Shortly after, he left. I was like DAYUM.

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