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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Ant Man a C tier? Same level as Iron Man 2? There's no other way to say it... that listing is wack.
  2. Happy Black Friday Eve! 

    1. FMW


      I returned from my visit to the relatives for Thanksgiving, and have a big couple work days coming up (online commerce spikes so bad the day after Thanksgiving). So I decided to go to the grocery store to grab bread/bananas for sandwiches and snacks through the work week. The grocery was closed. Duh, of course. It's thanksgiving. But across the street Target was open. So I figured I would sneak in, grab food out of the grocery section where nobody is shopping on black friday, then bail. Quick and painless.


      BOY did I underestimate the black Friday checkout line.  20 minutes waiting to buy 2 loaves of bread and some bananas.  So that was my Black Friday!

  3. Yeah I lol'd hard with that story. I love that they really incorporated the comedy style from the Thor roommate shorts from a few years ago. What We Do In The Shadows It's a New Zealand mocumentry about four vampires. It's really funny. It was made by the director of Thor Ragnarok and one of the dudes from Flight of the Chords.
  4. Super Mario Odyssey Just an amazing game. A true 10/10 game, probably my favourite 3D Mario game. Some of the things this game does... I don't want to even get into even hinting at anything. Everyone needs to play this game.
  5. Odyssey is some T-rex possessing fun.

  6. Super Mario Odyssey. Wow, I just preloaded a Nintendo game. Welcome to 2011 Nintendo!!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      If they want to build up a new userbase, they're going to have to open the gates sooner or later.  ResetEra is going to be starting from zero and they can't play by the same rules NeoGAF did if they expect to go anywhere.  But I guarantee you that no matter how long it takes, the moment they allow general access it's going to get raided.


      I always preferred smaller communities, though.  This place is comfy.  Nobody tell NeoGAF we're here!

    3. TCP


      @FLD hook me up with an invite if you get in! 

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, there's already a few hundreds people in the Discord channel and that's only the one created by SteamGAF. From what I understand, there are others also planning to join with the new forum. Seriously, a lot of long-time users are jumping ship. I think they can get a solid starting user base this way and be good for a while. My only hope is that the few communities I regularly checked in with are gonna live on. 


      I'm sure they'll figure out a way to avoid stupid assholes causing too much of a problem. They can simply require non-free emails for registration and that'll likely be enough to keep it manageable. 


      Beyond that, I'm completely out of the loop. I have no idea what their long-term plans or intentions are.


      @Ultra Spooky TCP  Well, I've been verified in the Discord so I think I should be able to get in. But I'm not sure how it'll work beyond that. I'll let you know.

  8. Yeah that's the Master Sword Trials DLC. The story one is supposed to come out Q4 2017, which is this quarter! But here we are and they haven't said nothing in ages so I reckon it's been DELAYED.
  9. I did it and I suck at video games. Believe in yourself, Ethan!
  10. Isn't that game a little mainstream for you?! What would the devs of Darkest Dungeon think??
  11. Is the fire in the sky any more unbelievable than sound in space and shit like that??
  12. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past My shameful secret is NO MORE!!
  13. Now I can finally stalk Pojo!!
  14. @TheFlyingGerbil My wife and I had a Hyundai Accent that she drove to work and we used exclusively on the evenings/weekends. While it was cheap on gas it was pretty unreliable in the snow, the vehicle was so low the ground if it snowed more than a few inches over night the Accent became useless. So we upgraded to a Hyundai Tucson, which is all wheel drive and a fair amount bigger without being overwhelming for the wife. We narrowed it down to a Honda CRV or Hyundai Tucson but the CRV had a lot of bells and whistles we didn't need, it seemed more like a family vehicle when there's just two of us and the dogs and the Hyundai was more affordable. Which is good because at some point in the next few years I'll want to get rid of my old Jeep and get some sort of a pickup truck.
  15. Yeah that's what happened to me. I've tried on the Wii VC, Wii U VC, the GBA version, some ROMs here and there, and most recently on an actual cart this summer. But I never got far. I think on the Wii version I beat the first three dungeons, and that was previously the furthest I got. This time I'm on the SNES Classic and for whatever reason I'm really enjoying it. Two dungeons left!! For as big as a Zelda/SNES fan as I am, I always felt ashamed about never completing ALTTP (I've beaten everything from Link's Awakening onwards minus the DS games and ALBW). Super Metroid is next!
  16. Currently further in A Link to the Past than I've ever been, just beat the dungeon in the dark world Kakariko Village. Why didn't anyone tell me how good this game is?!?!
  17. Where's them Halloween names at?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TCP


      @PojoDinnerWithTheInlaws is that a PC thing? I only use Mac, so I don't see any error codes :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:


      @Atomsk88 Ultra Dank Poet? 

    3. CorgiShinobi


      It's Transmission Control Protocol. If you're on the Internet, you've used it.


      UDP is User Datagram Protocol. It's also part of the Internet protocol suite and is preferred in online gaming for I.T. nerd reasons I could go on about.

    4. Pojodin


      What @Atomsk88 said! That specific error is, "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." :o

  18. I'm Ultra TCP now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal



    3. deanb


      Or click the ”+ Create" button at the top which lets you do all sorts.

    4. FMW


      Pls fix Mr. Deanb. I want to talk about games without making whole new threads that nobody will ever use. I miss my status box :(

      Stupid Tech Support.jpg

  19. Well, duh. Good thing Bethesda Softworks isn't the only Bethesda developer comfortable in making first person games. We still don't know which Bethesda studio is doing MP4 but I imagine it's not the Fallout/Elder Scrolls team (though certainly possible but I imagine whatever they're working on has been in development since long before the Switch). Arkane is probable, even id. Is it even known who's doing the Wolfenstein and Doom ports? I imagine whatever in house Bethesda team it is, is probably working closely with the Metroid Prime 4 team.
  20. Makes sense. Bethesda (and it's subs) are probably pretty good at developing for Switch since they're also developing Metroid Prime 4.
  21. TCP


    A customizable OS is good when the standard OS is trash. It's weird that people who claim not to like Apple products can't stop talking about them.
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