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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I was impressed with (as others said) Crisis Core, Dissidia, Persona 3 Portable, as well as LittleBigPlanet which I thought worked better as a handheld, at least for playing levels, maybe not creating. There's a few games I'm looking forward to... The 3rd Birthday, Dissidia, and Final Fantasy Type-0 (this summer??). I was going to pick up Gods Eater Burst but apparently that games not as great as the Japanese hyped it up to be.
  2. Just beat Little Big Planet 2. Was a little disappointed when the credits rolled, I could have used an extra world or two. Still a great game though. I'm going to use this time now before Dragon Age II to finish off Final Fantasy XIII and Dragon Quest IX.
  3. In chronological order of purchase... NES, N64, GBC, 360, Wii, DS, PS3, PS2, PSP, and next month a 3DS. I also have a Mac and an iPod Touch but I don't often use those for gaming. I am surprised however that 25% of us own a 360 but only 10% with a PS3.
  4. He knew exactly what he was doing when he released that code. In my books, he's a criminal who not only doesn't deserve a dime but should also go to jail.
  5. I picked up Marvel vs Capcom 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, and Final Fantasy IX (PSN) this week. So far I'm digging all of them.
  6. I have that but never actually played it. The 'harder version' description put me off. Joe I've play OoT so many times I'd love to try a version where the dungeons are mixed up... Hopefully the 3DS version will have it.
  7. ''Ura Zelda'' I know it was released for Game Cube but I never owned one! Nowadays it's impossible to find.
  8. Would Final Fantasy XI be worth getting into at this point or should I just wait for XIV to be fixed and released on PS3?
  9. PSN: The_Cowboy_Poet I'm fairly lonely on PS3! Pretty much everyone I know is on 360 so add me if you wish. I play pretty much everything but FPS.
  10. I voted Ocarina. Though honestly, I love them all. I've spent more time playing Ocarina than any other game. Majora's Mask is a close second. I also have fond memories playing the GB/GBC games. The Oracle games are often over looked.
  11. I haven't owned a Pokemon game since Yellow. Though I vaguely recall playing some of Gold via a rom back in the day. I did buy my girlfriend a DSi XL for Christmas with Pokemon Heart Gold, which she has enjoyed. We're going to get Black and White and play through it together though. I'm a little bit excited. I'm going to pick the grass Pokemon as my starter and rename him SMUGLEAF.
  12. Yo TAY, hope all y'all are doin' well.
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