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Everything posted by TCP

  1. 720p is about what I expected. What's weird is multi-touch since that basically confirms there will be tablet-only games that won't work on TV.
  3. Jim sums up my feelings: EDIT: Video won't embed. Here's a hyperlink.
  4. Sorry Ethan, looks like no BC, at least physically.
  5. Yeah, that's weird. I imagine they want to announce a price and get pre-orders going before the end of this fiscal quarter, so why would they wait till January??
  6. Ethan, you need to accept that there's no BC.
  7. Nintendo (on Polygon maybe?) basically said if you want a Wii U get one now cause they're going to be hard to find. It's a collector's item now! I think BC is impossible since you won't be able to dual screen.
  8. TCP


    Great song choice. Great trailer. Today is the day that keeps on giving.
  9. Not that I'm aware of? I just meant if we want to play together like we do on 3DS we'll need two units.
  10. So I guess if my wife and I want to play Pokemon together in a few years we'll have to have two Switch systems?? That's weird Your 7 years of lawyer school is paying off nicely.
  11. Happy birthday to my heterosexual life partner, Mr. GOH!

  12. Interesting there was no kids and no families in this trailer. Just miserable 20s/30s somethings like US.
  13. You realize you won't be able to transfer any digital purchases that might carry over like you could with Wii -> Wii U.
  14. Goddammit Nintendo just announce a price so I can pre-order this thing.
  15. I can't believe that's the trailer you hype up for days. Like, why not just release that with the announcement? Why drag things out for that.... there was literally no new info. Just pretty location shots. EDIT: Red Dead Redemption coming to PlayStation Now!!
  16. I can't believe it. I'm truly fucking flabbergasted. This is their first truly interesting looking hardware since... the GameCube? The Super Nintendo? Years?! DECADES?! This is what the Wii U should have been. If you're going to make your console less powerful than PS4/Xbone then have a good reason for it. They fucking did it. They fucking did it. Since 1996 I've wanted one thing. Just. One. Thing. A Pokemon RPG on a console. Well here we go. You glorious bastards! There's no reason Pokemon should look how it does after Sun and Moon. Now, I owned a 3DS and a Wii U, and I was pretty disappointed with the amount of games on both of those systems. The games we got were great (usually, fuck you Wonderful 101) there just wasn't enough of them. But if you combine the amount of games released by Nintendo across both consoles, then you'd probably have a decent library, something I wouldn't regret owning. Launch with that Mario game. This system needs to launch strong, not like the Wii U or 3DS. The Wii U was a failure from day one, so of course no one was going to develop games for it after the launch line up. Like this?
  17. Don't get me wrong Dean. I'm going to do the fuck out of that. But what if I want to play in the park? On a plane? At work? While I'm supposed to be watching my sister's kids?!?! SWITCH!!!!!!
  19. Do you think you'll be more disappointed or confused with the NX unveil tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Confused. I would like it to be cool but I don't actually expect it to be cool so there's no way I can be disappointed.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Confused because Ninty doesn't know how to do anything in a straightforward manner.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      ffs, still keeping us waiting


  20. Don't even talk like that! The modern world would be dead to me so I would give up on the world. Sell all my possessions. Leave my wife and dogs behind. Build a cabin in the woods, and live a simple life as a woods hermit.
  21. Honestly at this point, anyone who is serious about gaming and would be interested in a game like RDR has a PS4 and/or Xbox One so I understand why Rockstar wouldn't prioritize a PC version. Interesting it's Red Dead Redemption 2 and not Red Dead Re________. This can't really be a straight sequel to Redemption since it ended just before the start of WW1 which would be the end of "The West". The character in the middle kind of maybe resembles John Marston so maybe it's a prequel? In which case, weird to name it Red Dead Redemption 2. But I guess the "Red Dead Redemption" name carries a lot of clout. I guess we'll find out on Thursday at 8am.
  22. Holy shit! Holy shit!!!! Is it Fall 2017 yet???
  23. RDR feeling empty was good. It wouldn't be an immersive wilderness if it was filled with NPCs and distractions. That is also what I meant. They should release us from the torture of not having this game.
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