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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up when you think about it. I've definitely said this before BUT..... Marvel launched this whole MCU without Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Wolverine, or the rest of the Xmen, all their biggest characters were taken. Captain America was a joke. Thor was a joke. Iron Man wasn't anyone I remember people talking about when I was a kid. Hulk was probably their biggest name. Yet they launched this whole film universe while also making their own film division at the same time. DC on the other hand has access to all their characters and the support of Warner Bros and they can't figure their shit out. They don't unify their TV and film universes yet still force their TV shows to tiptoe around what their less successful films do. It's a mess. I still think it was a mistake not to use the Dark Knight trilogy as a jumping off point for the rest of the universe. They're making a dark, gritty, 'realistic' universe anyways.
  2. Listen, we have a major problem here with thieves from the PC gaming community, pirating console exclusives! So we're going to build a firewall around Steam ...and we're going to have Valve pay for it! Let's make the Wii U great again.
  3. Just bought it on this thing called "Steam". I guess it's a computer platform for buying and playing games. Think of it like PlayStation on your computer.
  4. TCP

    Pokemon Go

    WE HAVE A TEAM VALORER IN OUR MIDSTS?! BAN HIM! BAAAAANNNN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That graffiti was clearly done by a Team Valor to make Team Mystic look bad.
  5. TCP

    Pokemon Go

    Y'all Team Mystic, right?
  6. Pokemon Go.... GOTY!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      No but in all honesty, Pokemon Go is horribly broken. I can't believe you can't challenge other trainers or trade with them. The way you level up your Pokes is very un-Pokemon. But it is cool seeing a phenomenon like this. Even in my small town you see tons of people out there Pokemoning.

    3. Pojodin


      Agreed. I'm not playing the game and have heard about the complaints with its issues, but the effect it has had on society is astounding. It's the perfect counterbalance to the election.

    4. Mal


      But Pokemon GO is what's wrong with this country. Besides, this is how Japan is gathering intel on us for another war. WAKE UP SHEEPLES

  7. Y'all just jealous your Windows PC's won't have Siri built in this Fall!!
  8. I want to play Hyper Light Drifter so bad. Hurry to consoles...!!!!
  9. Welp, after 5 years of faithful service my MacBook Pro finally kicked the bucket last week. I'm pretty sure it's just the harddrive that died but the whole thing was on it's way out, so rather than replace the HD I figured it's time for a new computer so I've ordered: That's right, a MacBook Air. I can hardly wait! The reason I ordered it, rather than go to Best Buy or whatever (this town lacks an Apple store) and pick one up, is that employee's at my company get a corporate discount if you order directly from Apple and if you order online you can customize it, so I used the savings to afford upgraded ram and a processor, which is good since the Air was a little weaker than the other MacBooks. I'm glad I made this decision, I was contemplating cheaping out and getting a PC but I realized I just can't go back to a Windows OS and computer, OSX is too great and the design of the MacBook can't be beat in my books.
  10. MANTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S MANTIS, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I prefer when little Groot rides on Rocket's shoulder.
  11. I would be more interest in SNES games. Still, seems like a smart idea.
  12. Anyone have any mp3 player recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TCP



      THE RCMP FOUND THE IPOD!!!!!!!!!! That's right... THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE! Apparently someone was arrested one town over with the iPod, police plugged it in and the device was named with my wife's name and number (good thing her husband is a brilliant bastard).

    3. deanb


      How Canadian. But yeah, next phone she gets I suggest getting one with a SD slot. The S6 was garbage in that regard.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      They prefer the term "Mounties".

  13. Happy Canada Day everyone! Death to the infidels!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      Pfft, real original there, Canada!

    3. deanb


      "Succeeded"? Who's your head of state?

    4. TCP


      Neil Young, I think.

  14. Dear Internet, Tonight I watched a movie called Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. I watched the extended cut, which maybe wasn't the best call, holy fuck was it long. Jesus, what a mess. Let's start with what I liked. Ben Affleck was cool as Batman. Good job Ben. Wonder Woman was rad too*. It was cool seeing Batman/Bruce Wayne and Supes/Clark Kent on screen together. Some of the action was pretty good. Um, shit that's it. Ok. Um. That's basically it. They let Marvel win. They let Marvel win by changing to differentiate themselves from Marvel. This film was a mess. How it ever got the thumbs up from the WB brass is alarming.
  15. When I saw Varys in that final shot I figured the camera would pan around and reveal they were approaching King's Landing or Dragonstone. It was a little jarring but if Tyrell and Martell ships were there, the two fleets probably met up in Volantis or somewhere in the middle and departed back to Westeros together, so this wasn't Dany leaving Mereen like one would assume.
  16. YOU ALL SUCK!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I didn't see it! Happy late birthday!


      I still love you though, please still let me stay with you if Trump wins.

    3. TCP


      I can't stay mad at you guys. Group hug!

    4. Pojodin


      Happy Belated Birthday TCP! :D

  17. Actually, he'd be the second born son. Aegon, who's mother was a Martel, was killed with his sister by The Mountain. Though obviously he's a bit dead.
  18. There's nothing I hate more in TV shows then when someone talks slightly quieter and the audio just cuts out entirely.
  19. Someone was telling me you can only use the wolf once a day?? Not sure if true but that might be a way to curb it if it's too OP.
  20. Damn UK, you dun goofed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Sounds like a plan to me.

    3. FredEffinChopin


      Is the Wu Mansion still occupied? The view is lovely.

    4. Pojodin


      There's only one way to find out!

  21. Vita remote play works great for me, almost seemless. Get your internet checked, Ethan! Or move to one of those Google Fibre cities!
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