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Everything posted by TCP

  1. After playing about 4 hours of Uncharted 4, I can safely say that it is the best game ever made. Every other dev might as well cancel all unreleased projects.

    1. TCP


      No but seriously it's pretty good.

    2. Eleven



    3. Pojodin


      Looking forward to it!

  2. Yikes, if that's what the starter Pokemon look like, I don't even want to see the random ass common Pokemon. Why is it so hard to design Pokemon?
  3. Basically, it's your fault no one new joins and we all want to banish you to the GameFAQ boards.
  4. IIRC only one of the Sand Snakes is Ellaria's daughter but yeah, they all suck.
  5. My god. Uncharted 4 is out for delivery.

    1. Eleven


      My card just got charged! It's shipping now!

    2. TCP


      It's all happening, Eleven!!!!

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I've never seen folks so excited for a meh cover-based shooter with all the story beats and writing quality of a straight-to-video 90's action movie.

  6. Well I started UC3 up last night and played till chapter 5 or 6. At one point I had a headshot streak of 12 going, so, no I'd say it wasn't UC3. I guess it could have been the original UC1, I don't recall that happening, but maybe they fixed it for the HD version. Though, in fairness, that is an almost 10 year old game. Hold on, you don't also think that countering breaks combos in the Arkham games do you??
  7. I don't know what game you were playing but even with the weaker guns I'd always one shot helmetless guys in the head. I was playing on normal, I could see maybe that being different on Brutal or Crushing.
  8. Fantastic Four (2015). Well, this is on Netflix now. I have to admit I was very curious why this was so bad. Now I know. What a mess of a fucking movie. It's a great example on the wrong way to take an IP. I was left wondering what the point of it all was. The bar was so low to be better than the first movie, yet, somehow they made it even worse. Editor's note: previously a version of this post was featured in the OK thread. How this happened is unknown, but I want it on the record that I, TCP, think this movie is CRAP.
  9. What! I posted that in the crap thread. Ethan must have moved it. DAMN YOU ETHAN I THOUGHT IT WAS CRAP!!! CRAAAAP!!!!
  10. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Holy shit this game holds up. 7 years later and it feels like it could be a new release. Hell, the remastered PS4 version still looks bette than most new games. The gunplay and climbing feels great, the set pieces are still better than most games, and the dialog/characterization is top notch. I was hoping to have time to play through UC3 but I've definitely run out of time for that before UC4 comes out.
  11. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on this forum!

  12. If you had come up to me, before this movie, and said "Hey, TCP, if you can make ANYTHING happen in Civil War, what would you want to see". I wouldn't have hesitated FOR A SECOND So yeah, I really, really liked it. Though it should have been titled Avenger's Civil War, it was as much about Tony as it was about Steve. Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Ant-Man were all highlights. I'm looking forward to move Avengers films and more team ups with them in the future.
  13. Fantastic Four (2015). Well, this is on Netflix now. I have to admit I was very curious why this was so bad. Now I know. What a mess of a fucking movie. It's a great example on the wrong way to take an IP. I was left wondering what the point of it all was. The bar was so low to be better than the first movie, yet, somehow they made it even worse.
  15. What! Dean! Spoiler please. Now I know something happens to War Machine. I really wanted to leave work early to see this today, since both me and my wife have overtime, but she refuses, apparently she has "work" to do. I was tempted to yell "I WANT A DIVORCE"
  16. If my N64 carts aren't backwards compatible, I'mma be pissed.
  17. Like living on the cold Montreal streets!!
  18. There's a lot of rumours/speculation that the NEO will be out alongside PSVR in October. Obviously nothing is confirmed. Especially if P5 isn't coming out in 2016 in the west, if it's out after holiday 2017, I just can't see a PS3 version coming out. For your sake, I hope I'm wrong.
  19. The NEO could very well be out by this game's release, would you consider getting an original PS4 if it was discounted? Also has the PS3 version been announced for NA? I'm not sure if they'd even release it here.
  20. Inverted controls are THE DEVIL'S TOOLS!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Stick = Your Head. Tilt your head forward, you look down. Ergo, it is the only correct way.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      EXACTLY! THANK YOU! I even made diagrams a couple years ago to demonstrate exactly that when we had a similar debate on this forum that, but no one could see how obviously correct they were.

    4. deanb


      I've got mine kicking around somewhere on my HDD.

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