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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Oh my god Marvel needs to stop showing clips from this movie, I feel like we've seen half of it already.
  2. TCP

    UK Politics Thread

    Nah we're actually merging with the US, manifest destiny and all that. Plus we've decided we love guns and Trump.
  3. TCP

    UK Politics Thread

    True UK fact; the nerd in the red shorts will one day be running the United Kingdom!! He'll probably end up marrying the one holding that old lady's bag.
  4. Happy 4/20 everyone! Don't forget to smoke some ganja today bruthas #marryjane #highlife #mowiewowie #cannibus

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Yeah but let's not forget that today is a doubly special day!



    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Better bone up, Cowboy. Your country will be going through with legalization next year. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/philpott-un-marijuana-legislation-legalize-1.3544554

    4. TCP


      Yeah, I heard about that. I don't personally smoke it anymore, but glad my boy Prime Minister JT is being so forward thinking.

  5. Do we know if Valve is going to shut down Steam before the NEO launches or will they slowly stop supporting it over the course of a few weeks?
  6. PS NEO I am yours, have your way with me.

  7. Anyone else think it's BULLSHIT a movie called Captain America is coming out in Europe first? I mean, we beat them in WW2 and THIS is the thanks we get??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next


    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      It's because we invented civil wars. Learn some history, moron.

    4. deanb


      And Captain America is a German invention.

  8. Update yo calendar info, E-than!

    1. toxicitizen


      Oh right, they delayed it because they knew releasing so close to Dark Souls III was suicide. Smart move.

    2. TCP


      You so silly!

  9. Everyone knows great RPGs take at least 17 years to come to PC.
  10. Now you just need to upgrade that cover to this.
  11. Dayum Tilda Swinton you just punched his soul out of his body!!
  12. I look forward to this poll being the same in four years.
  13. Yeah a lot of that can be assumed with what we've seen from on set photos and some of the trailers. There was a similar one last year about the Hardhome battle, but involved Tormund dying.
  14. JON STARK, KING OF THE NORTH! Supposed GoT spoilers too awesome not to read.
  15. Terminator Genysis or however the fuck they spelled it. I was close to dumping this in the "bad" thread but parts of it were fun, stupid fun, but fun.... but make no mistake, it's definitely on the lower end of "ok". I do believe that somewhere in this stupid mess of a film is a good idea. I don't even mind going back and redoing the first Terminator film as the first act does. But things get real stupid when they go to 2017. Terminator John Connor was spoiled by the trailers, so the only redeeming part of it which would have been the twist, was spoiled. That was stupid and did not need to be there. The whole 2017 storyline did not need to exist. Also how come Kyle Reese was a little kid in 2017 but an older teenager in Terminator Salvation's 2018? Clearly this movie gave no fucks about anything Terminator after T2. Maybe that's for the best. It kind of reminded me of Amazing Spider-Man 2, seemed like their was too many chefs in the kitchen. It shouldn't be that hard to make a good Terminator film. Though it was cool hearing Daenerys Targaryn and the 11th Doctor talk without accents.
  16. What! The first time in years there's a film with a commentary I want to watch and The Force Awakens doesn't have it?! JJ ABRAMS, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!?!
  17. Looks great! The Bothans were involved in stealing the Death Star II plans, so no Bothans in this film, probably. Also "A Star Wars Story" is really bad. Star Wars: Rogue One is much better.
  18. The one thing I haven't seen mentioned about the PS4K which makes it all make sense is Sony selling 4K remasters of PS4 games we already bought. 4K Uncharted Collection. 4K Bloodborne. 4K Knack!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deanb


      Is it not literally a case of supporting HDMI 2 for 4K output. People don't honestly believe a £300 console capable of rendering at 4K right?

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I thought it would be more expensive. Also, I doubt it will do anything but movies at true 4k.

    4. Pojodin


      Please, it would be a sequel called 4Knack.

  19. Wow, so this is what PC gaming is like.
  20. Just finished Ass Creed 4.5: Rogue. That was ok I guess. Pretty short. I wish the overall story in these games was a little more clear and thought out.
  21. PS Vue isn't available in Canada, and probably never will be, but it seems like a disadvantage. With remote play coming to PC and Mac, and with PSVR getting a "theatre mode", that's perfect to play PS4 in the same room as your girlfriend/wife if she's watching something on TV you don't like. But if your PS4 is your cable box that makes it impossible.... That said, I'm not sure what cable prices are like in the states and how PS Vue compares.
  22. How often do you guys yell out "OBJECTION!"?
  23. Guys, that's how law works, if that's not how you guys do it, you're doing it wrong.
  24. I DID IT!! I set my alarm, woke up early. Constantly refreshed the Amazon page on Chrome, but it never change. At about 7:02 I started to worry I missed it, I switched to Firefox and sure enough they had it. BRING ON THE FUTURE!!!!! (Please don't be another Move, please don't be another Move).
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