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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP


    ^^^^ Everyone wants something for free! Nah I'm just kidding Ethan. I wonder if Dean could set up donations and eliminate banner ads?
  2. My understanding was Sony was always open to it, hence them allowing PC crossplay on certain titles, which is surprising since they don't have a stake in PC gaming like Microsoft does.
  3. PS2/360 had cross-console play with FFXI, IIRC. I wonder how that will work since Rocket League has PS4/PC crossplay already. EDIT: Jeeze, Microsoft is really getting a lot of good will for this from around the internet. It's a good thing, sure, but I don't know if getting rid of a crappy policy is really deserving of praise. This is how it should have been in the first place.
  4. It's pretty impressive that even though Tom Clancy has been dead for two years he's still managed to make The Division.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. toxicitizen


      But seriously, I haven't given up hope yet. It's been a little under 3 years since Blacklist, which is less time than there was between Double Agent and Conviction and about the same as between Conviction and Blacklist.


      They could announce something at E3 and release in late 2016/early 2017 and it would be about the usual dev cycle for the series in recent years.

    4. SomTervo


      IIRC Blacklist was a pretty solid success. I reckon we'll be seeing another.


      Good ole Clancy, the most innovative posthumous creator

  5. I beat Far Cry Primal, got the platinum as well. Pretty good game, though I got a little tired of my beasts killing enemies right before I was about to kill them, resulting in less XP.
  6. These movies have very little to do with the comic equivalent, look no further than Age of Ultron which, besides having Ultron as the villain, had nothing to do with the comic story of the same name. So just because something happened in the comics, doesn't mean that's what'll happen here.
  7. Highres shot of the suit looks good:
  8. Yeah they have a few more months to work on the CGI, a lot of times this sort of stuff isn't a 100% till right before release. Still, I liked this
  9. That last shot.... holy fuck. Incredible gifs in spoiler tags:
  10. DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I wonder if a game like Fable Legends was what they wanted to do or what was being pushed on them by Microsoft? Similar to how Microsoft had Rare doing all those Kinect games.
  12. Microsoft should hire me, that was a call I could have made in 2013. Think of the millions of dollars they've pumped into that game since then.
  13. YOU QUIT BEING A MORON! I fully expect a lot of upset people going into this game expecting a story like Mass Effect or something like that. If you're not into adventuring in games, this is not for you. Obviously there's more to do than a game like Proteus but if you don't see the appeal in a game like that than this isn't for you.
  14. If I worked at Rare I'd be updating my resume right about now.
  15. Yeah except for this completely real post where you got your whine on:
  16. No man, I don't throw shade at just one person, I ain't that much of a dick, that was directed to you, Jack, FLD, Dean, Duke, TornadoCreator, Johnny, Nexus, FDS, etc etc. Looks like it's the top selling game on Amazon and Game Stop, so clearly people think it's a fair value: Anyways, I'm pretty happy, last week, for about 30 minutes, Sony mistakingly posted this on the Canadian PSN for 59.99, so I managed to pre-ordered it for that price just in time, now it's up to 79.99. That's what you call #winning
  17. For all of you being babies about an indie game costing $60, please watch this. WTF I can't timestamp?? Skip to 1:42.
  18. RIP Lionhead

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Almost every single time I'm reminded of it, I go "Wait, is that not out yet?!"


      I feel like it's been in development for way too long for what it is. They must have been having a ton of issues with it.

    3. TCP


      Yeah I pretty much forgot about it. If you had told me it came out in 2014 or 2015 I might have believed you.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      F2P Fable MMO? Good fucking riddance. My condolences to the laid off.

  19. I never played it because PC gaming is for babies especially in 2008, but wasn't Spore relatively well received?
  20. Well, I guess time will tell. If pre-orders are really low they'll have to adjust the price, similar to what happened with Ground Zeroes. But judging off the amount of people online I see online pre-ordering, I doubt it'll be an issue. Also, to those feeling Firewatch was over priced, it was the top downloaded PS4 game in February.... so I bet you they're pretty pleased with the price. Games are only overpriced if there isn't a demand there.
  21. The messaging?? What? Honestly, this really confuses me. This game's been getting some serious stage time at E3, PSX, Gamescom, etc. It even got an appearance on The Late Show. All of that's never been done for a budget game before, not to this degree. Never mind the fact that it was on Amazon as a full priced retail game in the summer. Anyone surprised by this hasn't been paying attention. Minecraft was a 30 dollar game when it came out 5 years ago so this completely different (and bigger) game needs to be a budget title as well?? Ok then.
  22. Don't forget the PSVR has a box that connects to the console and expands POWER!!!!!! OR something, I don't know, I've never been clear on it.
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