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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The ruins teach you part of the language of the aliens in that area. So if you find enough of them you can understand the aliens enough to befriend them, so if it's a really tech savvy race, they'll improve your science stat. Understanding them also enables trade with them, I believe. You can also piss off the alien races and they'll hate you, so much.
  2. Y'all wack. Look at that thumbnail. Jesus fucking christ. You guys are going to be sitting here, typing on your message boards, wacking off in the boobs thread, while I'm playing this in PSVR having the time of my life, killing space dinosaurs, blowing up space stations, and finding space minerals.
  3. I'm curious, what about this makes it a game that shouldn't be full retail price?? If Firewatch can be a $20 game with a 4 hour campaign, why can't a game with literally 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets to explore be $60?? If the planets aren't interesting or aren't very good, that's an issue with the game not being good, not with the amount of content.
  4. JUNE 21 MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!! 59.99!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/vFTxBjxeK0I INB4 "this shouldn't be a full price game."
  5. Damn, looks great, it's fully released or early access?? I patiently await the PS4 version.
  6. Can we all just agree that Mass Effect 1 was the worst Mass Effect game??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deanb


      Funny playing DA:I and recognising it has the same core combat mechanic as ME2.

    3. Eleven


      It got it from DA2, but yeah DA2 was probably inspired by ME2.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I agree with TME.

  7. Perfect, that'll give me more time to get through UC2 and UC3, trying to do a playthrough where I find all the treasures, but that all got put on hold thanks to Far Cry Primal.
  8. Damn Daniel! Back at it with those indie games! Damn FLD (and Mal)! This is the first I've heard of this game but it looks right up my alley. Is there combat??
  9. Also coming to Mac! The real game changer is the ability to appear offline, thank god.
  10. What? Really? Shit. Also, should I read the new book last or where it takes place (between 4 and 5, I think)?
  11. Finished The Gunslinger, onwards to The Drawing of the Three.
  12. Who would win in a battle, a Hogwarts trained wizard (or witch) vs a Clone Wars era Jedi?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Okay, yeah, I agree with that, I'm also highly skeptical they could be deflected.

    3. Mal


      Disarming a wizard might not work if there is a magic equivalent to the Jedi own Force field blocking any attempts of swiping their lightsabers away.


      Physically though, wizards are boned. Things will turn south in close range.


      And for blocking magic... Kylo stopped a blaster bolt which is amazing in any universe. Maybe blocking or stopping magic is possible... especially if magic get explained via symbiotic bacteria.

    4. TCP


      I don't believe a normal, run of the mill, non-evil wizard would just use avada kedavra, or any of the "banned curses" in a duel, even against a jedi. It's the same as a jedi using force choke, they could do it, but probably wouldn't.

  13. Happy 4th birthday to the greatest gaming platform that ever graced this world, the PlayStation Vita.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I'm not criticizing your taste in /systems/, I'm criticizing your taste in /games/. :P

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      It just occurred to me that the Xbone is getting the same treatment as the vita, what with all of its games going to another platform.

    4. toxicitizen


      Right, because you totally bought the Xbox One for its robust system features such as TV and Kinect!

  14. Marco Rubio ad mistakes Canada's Vancouver for US city.
  15. Did you try co-op at all? I found it pretty enjoyable, especially with the helicopter-like machines.
  16. Seems like there use to be a lot of people around here (or back on TAY) that used their PSN names, or names just like it. I remember Strangelove being VincentGrey at one point. I'm pretty sure FLD was Toxicitizen either here, TAY, or back on Kotaku. And of course, SomTervo was Kenshi up until a week or so ago.
  17. PREDICTION: Episode 8 begins with a cold open, featuring Luke and Rey, immediately after TFA ended, with Rey holding out the lightsaber. Luke says "I don't need that" and pulls out a black handled lightsaber, turns it on emitting a red beam, and quickly cuts Rey down. Cue scroll. Next time we see him in the movie he's wearing the hide of Chewbacca and a hat made out of the top of R2D2. EDIT: I WROTE THAT PREDICTION BEFORE SEEING THIS HOLY FUCK IT'S HAPPENING:
  18. Daaaammmnnnn Ethan is on a platinum streak. I need to step my game up.
  19. Holy shit you're still here? Nah, just kidding. I didn't see any posts from you in this thread, you're on the list now.
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