Welp, I just watched Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. I think this must have been only the second time I've seen it, because I didn't remember it well. Again, there was an over reliance on CG, even for scenes that could have just used a built set or shot on location (the final scene with Obi-Wan giving Luke to his aunt and uncle, anyone??). But that said, outside of General Grevious (who was dumb as fuck BTW) the CG looked much better than ATOC, though it is starting to look dated. Most of the Jedi went out like little bitches, only that one kid (plus Obi-Wan and Yoda) put up any fight. Chewbaca felt forced (ahahahahaha) into the movie, but it was still kind of cool to see Yoda interacting with him. The whole ending was very rushed, if Lord of the Rings can have like a 45 minute ending, we can at least see Yoda arriving in Dagobah, hear Obi-Wan explain what happened to Anakin, stuff like that. I mean the movie is all set up anyways, they should have gone all in. The dialog (and acting) between Anakin and Padme was still awful and cringeworthy.
The whole reason Anakin fell to the dark side was pretty stupid. Seriously, Anakin, you couldn't tell you're being played? Dumb.
All that said, it was light years ahead of ATOC and TPM, and, dare I say, a "good" movie, or at least I enjoyed it, instead of getting mad at the TV the entire time like I did for Episode 2. The fight scene with Anakin and Obi-Wan was fantastic. Obi-Wan and Anakin actually felt like friends in the beginning (something that was very lacking in ATOC) and their quips back and forth to each other, kind of, sort of, felt like classic Star Wars. R2 was boss as fuck. Jar Jar had about 2 lines in it. And Ewan McGregor honestly felt like Alec Guinness.
I think the major problem with this movie is it didn't feel like a conclusion to a trilogy, rather, a set up to another. I guess that's the problem with a prequel where all the events are so well defined in the original films. There was very little resolution to anything, it wasn't a movie on it's own. It was suppose to be the "last" Star Wars movie, instead it felt like a cheap tie in film. And as I mentioned earlier, it didn't even do that well, since everything after Obi-Wan and Anakin's duel was so rushed.
Also how the fuck does Obi-Wan go from mid-30s in ROTS to mid-70s within the 20 years between Revenge and New Hope???
In summary, I guess I just really want a movie set 10 years after Revenge of the Sith, starring Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, where he goes on one last mission for Yoda/Organa/whoever.