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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I watched A New Hope for the first time since 2003 on Friday night. I forgot how great that movie was. I grew up almost entirely on these VHS copies: But DVDs I'm watching are the "Special Edition". Holy shit, the fans weren't over exaggerating, there's so much unnecessary BS especially during the Mos Eisley scenes. Onwards to Empire, with hopefully less garbage added in.
  2. I bought the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII. And goddamn! It's sharp, looks like how you remember PS1 games looking, not like how PS1 games actually look ...if that makes any sense.
  3. Yeah IIRC week 1 sales were very low for Syndicate but week 2 were pretty strong, probably due to good word of mouth. Not surprising, people were pretty burned by Unity. Hopefully Ubisoft learned they can't just release broken games lolol what am I saying.
  4. THE MAIN CHARACTER IS A BOY?! Is this game very progressive or just poor character design??
  5. Franchise fatigue + releasing weeks late on PC is a bad mix. Why would you release your open world PC game AFTER Fallout 4?
  6. Just play as Evie whenever you can and it'll be pretty good.
  7. You are my role model! Any tips for the benevolent leader trophy??
  8. I imagine it was because he was still in the building, so his 'virus' could reach through all the hallways/doorways of the building. I don't think he could just go on national TV and control the country.
  9. Shadow Complex on PS4?! Someone hold me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      Nice! I'll get that downloaded tonight!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I'm guessing it's them trying to get people to use the Epic Launcher.

    4. Pojodin


      Who wouldn't want to use an Epic Lawn Chair?

  10. Welp, now I'm excited for BvS. -The Wonder Woman reveal was great, too bad they gave that away in the trailer, I can only imagine how great that would have been to see for the first time in the theatre. -I liked Lex Luthor's energy. -Doomsday. DOOOOOOMSDAY!! -The conversation between Clark and Bruce was great. Also looks like there's some major history with The Joker, could the Jason Todd = New Joker rumours be true? -I don't buy the whole Bizarro Superman stuff, that's just too much for one movie. Then again, this is Snyder, so maybe. It could be the Bizarro Superman is the early version of Doomsday. -There's a lot of stuff going on, I really hope the Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman parts are just one scene each, otherwise this movie is going to be a little all over the place. -Again, that fucking Wonder Woman entrance.
  11. I heard it's better than Empire.
  12. That's because you're on Amazon.com which is the American version of Amazon. A lot of times they only ship to the US, or if they ship internationally once you pay the exchange rate and shipping fees it's significantly more expensive (and slower) than Amazon.ca.
  13. It's a Canada only kind of thing because we reign.... SUPREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I get really annoyed when American's post thing online about deals on "Amazon" without specifying if it's US, Ca, UK, etc. So I can't resist doing the same thing back.
  14. I also preordered Far Cry Primal, and DIshonoured 2, Final Fantasy VII, and Horizon Zero Dawn, all for 30% off.
  15. A follow up to the conversation in the Zelda thread.... More NX 2016 rumours. Where there's smoke, there's fire, or something.
  16. That was right up there with Blink. What a time to be alive!!!
  17. We do it that way because there's a wide range of financial means in our family, and this way people can spend as much or as little as they want without feeling bad for getting someone else something crappy. And the part where we have to guess whose gift it is is a lot of fun. Strange you say that, I actually just got a PM from your sister, TheMightyEartha, and she said everyone actually buys everyone else presents but every year Ethan only gets himself something.
  18. I can't decide what's weirder, buying yourself Christmas presents, or celebrating Thanksgiving in November.
  19. It's too awesome and you just can't handle it, much like the PS4.
  20. Should I get my wife a roomba for Christmas? Or is getting essentially a house cleaning item a bad idea for a gift?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Pojodin


      I pronounce it as the former, though multiple interpretations/pronunciations are half the fun! :D

    3. toxicitizen


      Well, since Ethan insists on calling me a racist, I think I'll just stick to Po-joe-din!

    4. Pojodin


      Works for me! And with the whole being German thing, I'll by no means be offended.

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