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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Looks like Mark Hamill is voicing the Joker in The Killing Joke movie. Uuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh Mark why are you attaching your name to this project?!? When will DC learn this misogynist garbage is not what we I, as fans a fan, want??
  2. Well, I did it. I purchased Elder Scrolls Online. I was talking about getting it with a few guys at work, and then me and one guy decided not to, and we maaaybe forgot to tell the other guy, who purchased the game. Oops. Anyways, it was on sale for like $25 off on PSN this week so I jumped on it.
  3. Yeah probably closer to an hour, I stopped a few times. I felt a little ripped off for $7... half that would have been more reasonable. I'm nervous for anyone who bought the season's pass.
  4. That sounds terrible .......which makes me believe it.
  5. I beat the Arkham Knight Batgirl DLC this weekend. And by this weekend I mean, in about an hour and a half on Saturday morning. It was pretty good though, but definitely could have been longer. Also doesn't Batgirl drive a motorcycle?? Totally missed opportunity.....
  6. *crickets*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Apart from E3 summer is generally always like this.

      I can happily power the Final Fantasy Thread though if folks want.

    3. Strangelove
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, my mind was blown when I got up this morning and there was only one unread post.

  7. Yeah I finished it last night. That second to last episode... oh man....
  8. The problem is they went on stage at E3 and called it an "exclusive", they forgot to mention the word "timed". Since then, yeah, it's been pretty clear. Anyways, hopefully the PS4 version comes with all the DLC and what not. I'm fine with waiting, the first one was good, but not day-one kind of good. Plus, assuming that No Man's Sky comes out late 2015/early 2016, I'll still probably be playing it in holiday 2016.
  9. Good write up from George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) on Ant-Man and why it might just be Marvel Studio's best film.
  10. The Incredible Hulk above Ant-Man? What the hell is wrong with you GOH??? You too, Hot Heart, what's wrong with you!?!? You both are crazy. The correct ranking is: 1) Guardians of the Galaxy 2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3) Avengers: Age of Ultron 4) The Avengers 5) Ant-Man 6) Iron Man 3 7) Thor 8) Captain America: The First Avenger 9) Thor: The Dark World 10) Iron Man big drop off 11) Incredible Hulk giant drop off 12) Iron Man 2 EDIT: I will accept alternate placements for films 6 - 10 as, to me, they're all pretty equal.
  11. I was so confused (about why you were confused).... I should have known, Ethan was up to his old tricks.
  12. I only saw the mid-credits scene but
  13. FYI: You can get Dishonored Definitive Edition for PS4 via PSN for a 50% off if you have a digital copy of Dishonored for PS3, which lots of us should have as it was a PS+ game a few months ago.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It's the same game!

    3. deanb


      Yeah if you have it on PC I can't imagine it being much improved on PS4 compared to that.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Which is why I'm not getting it.

  14. There is no possible way on earth the Wii U pad lasts 8 hours, or anywhere near as long as the DS4. Sorry Gerbil, but you're a bold face liar. Two DS4s is the way to go. I'm contemplating pre-ordering the grey 20th anniversary DS4. It'll be my third.
  15. Oh man! OH MAN! Just got back from seeing Ant-Man. Another fantastic Marvel film. Just an all around enjoyable film. Paul Rudd was essentially Paul Rudd but it was a refreshing change from the other Marvel heroes, can't wait to see him in Civil War. Oh and there was some great tie-ins to the MCU. There was a great mid-credits scene which I suggest you stick around for. Apparently there is an post-credits scene that I did not get to see, hopefully it pops up online.
  16. TCP


    Anyone else assume Strangelove was just being sarcastic?
  17. Neither did the guy who programmed the camera ahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahaha lololololol
  18. PC nerds! How scary would The Vanishing of Ethan Carter be for a baby like me??

    1. Pojodin


      Almost twice as scary as The Vanishing of TheMightyEthan! O:

  19. Was it that bad though? Was it worse than Man of Steel?? I don't think so. Well the "oh you should use your real name... Robin" line was awful. All I'm saying is you could have easily had Bale-Bat come out of retirement after Man of Steel. Nolan tried very hard to keep The Dark Knight trilogy grounded, and the general concept of Batman v Superman is what happens if a figure like Superman popped up in the real world... or at least a world that's relatively close to the real world unlike, say, the comics or Smallville, or anything like that. You could have easily linked those worlds up. Everything's riding on BvS being a huge hit with audiences, but I'm thinking, while it will likely make money, people could very easily leave the theatre disappointed and uninterested in future DCU films.
  20. Yeah, and it definitely doesn't help that the definitive live action version of the Joker was only 7 years ago. This trailer matches up with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman..... I still don't understand, if they're going with a dark and gritty relatively grounded world, why not use the Dark Knight trilogy as your starting point, keep Bale (or at least the Nolan history if Bale doesn't want to come back), and build from there?? I understand the reason to reboot Spider-Man (this time), especially since the Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a steaming pile of garbage, but why the fuck are the rebooting Batman and co again after the BEST onscreen version of these characters!! Booo, DC, BOOO!!!!
  21. ^^^^^^ Post of the year.
  22. That's what happened to me! At least since it seems to be a recurring issue, Rocksteady can patch it soon.
  23. There's about 10 missions that feature Catwoman to one degree or another, and they all involve...
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