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Everything posted by TCP

  1. If you guys know anything about me, you know I've been wanting to play as Funky Kong since 1996.
  2. New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe I beat the final boss but still have a ton of levels to finish. I tend to power through these games so I can get to the point where I can save whenever and then I get distracted and move on. Maybe Nintendo should just let us save from the get go. Still, I never even saw the final few worlds on Wii U, despite this being the best of the New series. It was even better on Switch. It was nice to play on the TV with the pro controller but also worked great handheld. Toadette/Peachette is the bomb and I'd take a whole game centred around her. WUPOTY (Wii U Port of the Year).
  3. Tetris 99 is the best battle royal, I'm sorry but it's true. #dealwithit #hashtag 

    1. Mal
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      it's the most tempted i've been to buy online even with splatoon 2 sat there which i love


    1. Mal


      This looks like a 3D Dot Game Heroes rip off. 

    2. TCP


      How can you rip off something that ripped you off??

  5. Are we going to form a PS4 posse or what? We'll call ourselves... the X PUSHERS!!!
  6. So I take it you will NOT be playing co-op with me??
  7. I'm excited to dive in. I've heard nothing but good things about this game!!
  8. Red Dead Redemption 2 I have a lot to say about this game. And almost all of it is praise. I loved every minute of this story. There's a lot of layers and the way everything is tied together in the end makes not only a terrific game but also adds and compliments the original Red Dead Redemption. Arthur Morgan is my favourite video game character, period. From who is when he starts, to who he is at the end, is the best character growth I've seen in a game. This game does what The Last of Us set out to do but does it much better, IMHO. Not only Arthur but with side characters too, there was a handful of them that I got really invested in... mainly Sadie, Charles, Lenny, Hosea, John +fam. Seeing what the main antagonist does, slowly over time, made me absolutely hate them. Dutch's transformation, while you knew it was coming based off where he is in RDR1, is heartbreaking. He's charismatic in the beginning and you get the feeling he truly cares about his people. Or he's just really good at pretending he does. Then at the end... well, no need to drop spoilers but you can guess how that ends up. The epilogue stuff is PURE fanservice but in an 80ish hour campaign, I don't mind, at all, in fact, I LOVED IT. 10/10 GOTY.
  9. Gavin? Has anyone seen Gavin??

    1. CorgiShinobi


      You mean Gav? English bloke?


      Nope, I don't know any Gavin. Seems a lovely fella.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Sorry, friend. Good luck.

  10. Chapter 6 now. How are you not?!?! No, I need to cool it and do some more side stuff.
  11. Wow chapter 5.... When Red Dead goes full I love it.
  12. You could always stop playing the bad game to play the good game??
  13. Check out that fucking double rainbow!
  14. You guys know I don't like to just throw this around but...... this might be the game of the year.
  15. Selling a home is frustrating. Just don't ever do it, dudes.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. toxicitizen


      God, I hope not. That sounds like a terrible idea...

    3. TCP


      Ok we can couch co-op some Disgaea 5 on the PC.

    4. toxicitizen
  16. I really didn't enjoy Origins. I didn't like the main character. Egypt, outside of pyramids, was not that exciting to explore. I didn't like that the RPG mechanics felt halfbaked. This addresses all of my concerns and honestly, might be the best Ass Creed game. Sorry Syndicate and Black Flag.
  17. I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. And I guys, I'm happy to report that it's the best game I've played since Spider-Man!
  18. Yeah the game is pretty buggy at times. Last night I was trying to stop a bunch of Saber men, cleared them all out but didn't get my crime tokens. Eventually I realized a jetpack guy had spawned INSIDE a building and I couldn't get to him. Similarly, once on a rooftop, some enemies came out of a door, just as I got pushed into the door, I got stuck in an empty small room with no way out. And they're both bad Spider-Men. Tobey was too meek. Spider-Man should be cracking jokes, quipping the bad guys. Andrew was closer to that. Tom Holland is a vast improvement but as someone who grew up reading the comics and watching the 90s cartoon, the Spider-Man depicted in this game is much closer to what I feel Spider-Man should be.
  19. Spider-Man Man, they went ALL in on that ending. The best game I've played all year. The best super hero game. The best Ass Creed / Arkham / etc etc game.
  20. I just realized Nabbit and Ravio are two different characters. I thought it was cool the salesman from A Link Between Worlds was in the Switch port of New Super Mario Bros.
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