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Everything posted by TCP

  1. They're missing the opportunity for 4vengers. Let's start a petition!
  2. Then give it a different name in the UK. One country that barely makes a drop in the bucket compared to North America and China. Money wise.
  3. Captain Marvel trailer looks dope AF. Also, the rumours/speculation is that Avengers 4 is going to be called Avengers Assemble. Which is a considerably better title than what was being floated around when Infinity War came out, Avengers: End Game.
  4. Yeah I liked GoW well enough but Spider-Man is the ultimate culmination of Ass Creed/Arkham/etc. It's the most non-Nintendo fun I've had with a game in a few years.
  5. I HAVE THOUGHTS ON SPIDER-MAN! Ok so, first, let me say, I absolutely love this game. I think it's the best superhero game PERIOD. Sorry Infamous and Batman Arkham. I think it also might be one of my favourite depictions of Spider-Man. For me, Tobey Maguire never felt anything like the Spider-Man I grew up reading in comics and watching in the 90s cartoon. Andrew Garfield came a little bit closer. Tom Holland was the closest by far, but this Spider-Man, man, he feels like Spidey AND he feels like Peter Parker. It's not just the banter when he's fighting, it's what he's saying. It's how he's saying it. He's cocky and rude and cheesy BUT he's also endearing AF. It's great. I can't get over it. I'm pretty far in, not at the end but I can tell I'm getting close. I'm in the process of listing my house to move across country, so I haven't had as much time with the game as I would have liked. But it's fine, I'm savouring it like a fine wine. They're doing some bold stuff, specifically Peter's relationship with one key villain. It's great and just gives the whole thing more weight. My biggest complaints is forced stealth sections where you play as different characters, which happen regularly enough it ruins the flow of the game. Stealth as Spidey? Great stuff. Stealth as Miles or Mary Jane? Nope. Nope. NOPE. It removes the best parts of the game, traversal and combat. Not to mention it takes way too long and happens too often. Usually you have one or two gimmicks to help get around enemies but it's nowhere near as satisfying as secretly webbing up enemies when you're Spider-Man. It's too bad because anytime either of these characters get focus in the story, you know you're probably about to play as them and it puts a damper on all their scenes. This is the best depiction of MJ. She's not a model turned actress, she's a bad ass (kind of cheesy) journalist who isn't afraid to cross the line to get the story. This should be fun BUT it's not. I should mention that, while I complain, for reasons I won't explain, the last MJ section I played was great. But that one was pretty different than her and Miles' other sections. 10/10, GAME OF THE YEAR!!!
  6. 4U5bOhx.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      Weird that PS4 is ahead of PC on this.

    3. TCP


      6hrs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    4. Mal


      Maybe next year... 

  7. Yeah but also it'd need to get it's ports day and date with the other systems, which apparently is too much to ask for. Plus, I suspect the Switch version will be based off the 3DS version.
  8. I TOO LACK SELF CONTROL I know what you're thinking "but TCP, aren't you going to play Spider-Man on Friday?" Yeah but I can play this before/after/maybe during. Like a fine wine I will sip it. "But TCP, aren't you going to Seattle on Wednesday and returning Friday" I'LL TAKE MY PS4 WITH ME!!!
  9. That's what we call, pulling an Ethan.
  10. Me? Make shit up? NEVER!
  11. Oh I forgot The Witcher 3 got a PC port. The Xbox 1 version which is of course the definitive version of the game is at 91 on Metacritic. Still, two of the best games of their generations with very high Metacritics!! Also, @FLD, I thought Splinter Cell was your favourite game series?? Get your story straight!!!!
  12. Witcher 3 was my first Witcher-anything (also, I love the hell out of that game and outside of BOTW, it's the best game released this gen). Yeah it was set in a fantasy world but it didn't feel nearly as Tolkien-influenced as, well, any other Western fantasy game. Which made the game feel like a breath of fresh air. I guess that's because it was based off Polish fantasy/fairy tales, NOT English/German fantasy/fairy tales like most of the Tolkien-derivative work. FLD, you yourself compared it to Deus Ex in your first post. Not to mention Thursday's comparisons. I guess I was hoping it would do to cyber punk what Witcher 3 did with fantasy, and from what I saw in that demo, that's not the case. It's a pity, because it's based off a table top game, you'd have to imagine they'd have a lot of flexibility with the aesthetic. Now factor in that they're unapologetically transphobs, and I'm much less willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But hey, maybe, hopefully, I'll be wrong. This game has a lot to live up to. Also, what does Uncharted 3 have to do with anything? Uncharted 3, a game with a higher Metacritic than any CDPR game. ??
  13. Yeah looked pretty generic. I don't know. I guess after the transphobic jokes, this game being a generic first person shooter, I'm just feeling nervous about CD Project Red.
  14. Red Dead looks HOTTTT 

  15. Would you go as far to say it's the best 3rd person shooter of this gen??
  16. Giddy up, The Cowboy Poet is going to Montana on Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      @Mr. GOH! Yeah, I've driven through Montana, and that was basically my experience. It was like driving through western Kansas, except without even the treelines to break up the monotony. Or even any cross-roads.


      I would like to go to Glacier National Park though.

    3. TCP


      Real pretty country here. Far Cry 5 nailed the look of it. Even the churches everywhere. It's weird, you cross the border in the Kootenays, which is pretty hippy dippy, and all of a sudden you're in Jesus-land.  

      But I feel a little uncomfortable in a red state. These people actually voted for Trump! They said "hey you know that guy from the Apprentice? Yeah the one who said he can grab women by the pussy because he's rich. Yeah, let's vote for him over the woman who devoted her life to public service". CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??

      Also, probably related, it is very, very, very white here. Diversify America!! 

      I saw signs for Glacier National Park, I'm sure it's cool but I can't imagine America has better glaciers than Canada. Drive a few more hours north and see some REAL glaciers, Ethan! 

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yeah,  Montana is full of Jesus-y fascists.  But it's nothing compared to Ethan's home state of Kansas.

  17. TCP

    English vs English

    Not going to lie guys, a few of these slangs, like chesterfield, two-four, mickey, gong show, kefuffle, double-double, I wasn't aware were "Canadian" slang.
  18. Hey @Mister Jack..... fuck Batman
  19. Chrome is trying to say PXOD is "Dangerous" now? Dangerously cool or dangerously dangerous?? 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      But I liked my sig... :bun-cry:

    3. TCP


      Yours was easily one of the top 5 worst sigs.

    4. toxicitizen


      Plus, it compromised forum security! Seriously, what a shit mod...

  20. The EB Games which supposedly had some NES Classics was closed at 6pm for some reason, but it was next to a Walmart so on a whim I went in and looked and sure enough they had one.
  21. This game looks too good. I don't deserve a game this great. Pre-ordered canceled.
  22. Holy fuck I forgot how good Lumines is.
  23. God of War It was great! I wasn't crazy about the twist but whatever. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good game, but anyone who says this wasn't directly influenced by The Last of Us is LYING. Anyways...... 9.2/10.
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