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  1. Once upon a time I played Spore Islands with one of my co-workers. The game allows one to set up some creatures with special skills and slider-adjusted stats. Combat occurred between random creatures on your island and creatures on your FB friends' islands. Creature control is automated, which is unfortunate because it is possible for them to get caught trying to move around a rock or tree, and die in the process due to starvation or old age. It was okay to watch for awhile; the combination I liked most was making highly aggressive creatures with high spawn rates. Any fight involving my creatures either resulted in my creatures' extinction for about half the game, or else they proliferated and destroyed all the other creatures, then promptly went extinct anyway from their naturally short life cycles. The way damage calculation is done in that game was pretty garbage iirc; damage dealt is a creature's offensive power minus the target's defensive power, and the highest values possible was 10 for either, so any creature with 10 defense was invincible (because a 10 offense creature would deal 0 damage to it). Pretty much any herbivore that was defense oriented and had decent spawn rate was the best combination of stats. Even without that in mind, grinding for points to get new skills or to adjust the stat sliders wasn't enough to hold my attention (which was the only real control I had).
  2. Sup I am new here. I like playing TBS games, but more specifically the Advance Wars series, and RTS games, but more specifically Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3.
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