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About Strangelove

  • Birthday 12/01/1985

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    Not Telling
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    Centralia, Pennsylvania

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  1. I used to dislike Square Enix because of how misguided and stupid they are, but now I just feel sorry for them. They really have no idea what theyre doing. Theyre so much worse than Nintendo and Capcom in that respect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      Yeah, could you imagine working for one of their western studios and having the whole management think you're second tier next to Final Fantasy, when your games not only out perform critically but also commercially? How disheartening would that be?

    3. toxicitizen


      Yeah, well, they asked for it! If Tomb Raider had been a soulless, mobile cash-grab filled with micro-transactions then maybe it would've made an acceptable amount of profits!

    4. FMW


      No! I think that basing FF XV on the most expensive spin off screwup/vaporware EVER and mixing it with Kingdom Hearts is a GREAT idea for the future of the franchise! This will open the eyes of the market and the industry. You know, once they finish it.

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