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About Strangelove

  • Birthday 12/01/1985

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    Centralia, Pennsylvania

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  1. Lots of new WiiU info coming in today...and I couldn't care any less. I think Ive reached my peak of liking new stuff. I think Im just old and like the same old shit. Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      It's too bad that leak a few weeks ago happened, took a lot of the excitement out of today's announcements.

      At this point, I'm invested in my PS3 for multiplatform games, so unless there's something really "unique" to the Wii U version of Assassin's Creed 3, I'll stick with my PlayStation, thanks.

      What Nintendo needs to do now, is blow me away with some HD games. I'm talking Zelda and Metroid.

    3. fuchikoma


      IMHO if Nintendo fails to amaze you, it's far from a sign that you can't be amazed. (* I have not seen their E3 stuff yet... maybe I'll check the Wii or 3DS in a bit but... can't imagine buying anything else from them these days.)

    4. RockyRan


      A few days ago I made the realization that third-party wise, there's nothing Nintendo can do to satisfy me. Short of the console giving out blowjobs and running games in 1080p/60 FPS, I'll be using the PC as the de-facto multiplatform standard. The only thing I'd be interested in a WiiU is first party games, and if they're anything like the Wii's offerings...well...they can keep it :/

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