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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Joss Whedon, you magnificent bastard.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TCP


      If it's as good as TDK, I think that'd be a HUGE success for Nolan.

    3. Johnny


      @Strange: Last Crusade > Temple of Doom

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I saw the Avengers last night, and while it was good I didn't think it was super amazing like everyone else seems to.

  2. New Xbox for Christmas maybe? Mg revengeance for Xmas too. Wii u gets a shitload of ports. Playstation smash bros gets third party characters. And I have no idea what else. I suck at this.
  3. That's genius. What's the brain made out of though? Looks like gummi worm type stuff or something.
  4. MGS4 port confirmed for 360. 7/7/2012
  5. Ive ridden a bike and jogged before. That's how I lost 100 pounds years ago. I dont have any fun doing that. At all. Its just not in me to enjoy those things. I dunno. Im still doing it, but I cant enjoy it. Same thing with dancing. I just cant see whats so fun about it. Either im really really boring, or Im some sort of fruit or vegetable come to life. Maybe a bit of both.
  6. The biggest button-up shirt I have fits so tight that I just want to punch someone in the face!! Ugh. Being fat sucks.

    1. Mal



  7. Dieting is so hard. I'm not even hungry most of the time, I just eat out of boredom or because Im supposed to. Bah! Exercising isn't any better either. Its so boring. I only use my exercise bike for about 30 minutes because its boring. Im really jealous of people who think its fun or do it as a hobby. You guys suck. I have more fun sitting down and staring at my cats. Thinking. Plotting. Turning around and showing me their buttholes. Almost as if they planned it. Jerks.
  8. I really want to play a game, but Im not really in the mood to replay any of the games I have. Ugh. Videogames are really the only escape I have from being depressed 24/7. This sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      That happens all the time. I'll have a work free Sunday, be all psyched to game all day, look at my collection, and not find anything I feel like playing.

    3. fuchikoma


      Sometimes when that happens, I meditate...

      "I wanna do something... Not that though. Not that either. That sucks too... entertain me!"

      "Scumbag brain... You wanna do nothing so bad? Let's see how much nothing you can do!"

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I'm in the same boat as of recently too. You think of games you could play, but then think of how it'll carry out and the appeal instantly dies. Everything appealing dies and you go back to thinking depressing thoughts and you try of thinking fin things again and the cycle repeats ad nausseam. Oi...

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XQf3YP8p85I I didnt care for the first one, but this trailer is pretty badass.
  10. Ja ja ja, mach schnell mit der art things, huh? I must get back to Dancecentrum in Struttgart in time to see Kraftwerk.

    1. fuchikoma


      Kraftwerk huh? I guess you could take the TRANS...EUROPE...EXPRESS...

      Or if you're closer, you could take in the fun fun fun of the autobahn... ♪

    2. BrainHurtBoy...2


      Kraftwerk is peasant Krautrock. Get on some Can pronto.

  11. You really should be able to play as whatever class you want from the start. Im pretty sure A LOT of people stopped playing multiplayer after a short while because they never got the class they really wanted.
  12. Im not excited for the movie at all. I feel bad that I don't seem to care. Everything just looks so uninteresting. I dont care about Bane, I dont care about Catwoman, I dont care about that origami looking batplane thingy. Im also not a Joseph Gordon Levitt fan. Hes overrated as hell. Im sure the movie will be awesome, but im going to wait til I hear from the general public. I usually shun them, but im not a comic geek, so I think my opinion will closely tie to the masses this time around. If I have to pin it on anything, its probably Bane. I really dont give a shit about Bane. I dont care how awesome a character he is in the comics, I have no personal interest in the character or the actor portraying him. Same thing with Loki in the Avengers. Im excited for the Avengers, but its not a must-see movie really. Because I dont care about the villains or the actor(s) portraying them. With that being said, I felt the same way about Batman Begins. I didnt care about Rahs before the I saw the movie. Yet its probably my second favorite Batman movie ever. So I'm sure its still going to be a great movie, same thing with the Avengers. But im not losing my shit over any of the trailers. BTW, Im not ranting against the film in a dickish way. Ive just been wanting to say this somewhere to someone for a while. Feels good to let it out, man.
  13. I liked the multiplayer quite a bit. It was a lot of fun. The only collectible stuff I was interested in getting was the customization options. I got all of them in a few matches. Didnt take long at all. Other than that, there's not much different from other multiplayer games ive played. You level up, get all kind of medals/titles and shit, and do it again and again and again and again. They need to add collectors to the multiplayer though. I love my collector armor.
  14. I really shouldn't have gotten that 3DS. At least I shouldn't have gotten it so early.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FMW


      Honestly I've gotten more mileage out of Zen Pinball 3D off the eShop than any Nintendo titles. Look that up if you're bored dude.

    3. Maritan


      Nintendo has no gaems.

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I get that feeling too. I've been without a DS for a while so I missed playing my DS games, but it feels like I bought a glorified DS to play a few older games.

  15. I think the problem is making a mistake. You could do it wrong and pressing up would have the character jumping. It would fuck your shit up so bad. The other problem with a special button is that if you mess up is how much itll cost you. You mess up a shorykuen and youll maybe do a punch. Then its back to business. But with a designated special button, youd have to put something there that wouldnt delay you too much. I just think its difficult to get comfortable with a button that has a versatile identity. It would be too risky and it wouldnt offer too much payoff. At least thats how I see it. There are plenty of moves that use Up already in their button combination though and there's plenty of moves that combine only a movement and a button. It wouldn't be more risky then I doing any other button inputs. im not a big Blazblue player, but what game does moves like that? Aside from charge moves(which make sense), Akuma in SF3 is the only one who has a move where you press up twice and the 3 kick buttons, and its pretty hard to do correctly. I think the problem with the special button is how you have to tear yourself apart from your basic buttons just to do a special move. In the end it just sounds like more work than it should be. Being able to do special moves with your kick and punch buttons makes it all gel together. Its flows and builds momentum. Im just having a hard time imagining it. Not to mention that the MK 5 button configuration pisses me the fuck off. I think having a special block button in a fighting game is beyond retarded. I always sucked at blocking because I felt it was needlessly difficult to go out of my way to press a button when I can just lean back on my stick. I think thats the feeling I get with the special button.
  16. Im going to try to keep it simple. Id probably make a fighting game like Street Fighter Alpha 1 mixed with UMvC3. It would not really change anything. It would not shake up the fighting game world in the least. Alpha 1: Chain combos, special moves, super moves that need a super bar, air blocking, a reasonable unspammable counter system, and minimal but doable juggling. Thats what id keep. UMvC3: restrict to 4 main buttons, have every character have a maximum of 4 special moves(thats more of a SF2 thing) and 2 super moves. Like MvC3, ALL characters would do a different attack if you pressed forward while pressing the heavy kick or heavy punch button. Like the Vs series, super moves would be performed while doing the normal half circle but pressing both light and heavy buttons of the corresponding limb. At its very basic, I dont think a good fighting game requires a manual or a in-depth tutorial. It should be organic. You should be able to perform actions and then in your head see how they could go together. You should stumble upon moves just by watching the character. I think the hadoken is the perfect example. Ryu's hands go down, then theyre lifted forward to fire the ball. It makes absolute perfect sense thats how youd perform the move by mimicking the motion and pressing the punch button. Most of all, I dont think it should have too many different types of systems in it. While the fighting community loves having super, special, ex, x-factor, pandora, blah blah blah moves, I think its too much and at the end of the day I think its what truly confuses the average gamer. It makes things needlessly complicated. I think super and special moves are just fine. This is off the top of my head though, so dont quote me on anything. I could change my mind later.
  17. I think the problem is making a mistake. You could do it wrong and pressing up would have the character jumping. It would fuck your shit up so bad. The other problem with a special button is that if you mess up is how much itll cost you. You mess up a shorykuen and youll maybe do a punch. Then its back to business. But with a designated special button, youd have to put something there that wouldnt delay you too much. I just think its difficult to get comfortable with a button that has a versatile identity. It would be too risky and it wouldnt offer too much payoff. At least thats how I see it.
  18. Ahh, I get what youre saying. What would the button do if you didnt press the right directional inputs though? It HAS to do something.
  19. Well, I just got my platinum in ME3. Id do ME2, but insanity seems harder in that game. I have a feeling the the ending dlc is holding back the single player dlc. Ugh. BTW, getting all or most of the assets really forces you to do the most deplorable acts in the game. Id did some awful, awful stuff.
  20. Why do people like Liara so much? She's so dull. Shes intelligent, but thats about it. She has absolutely no sense of humor. Must be all the blue.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I've not forgiven Garrus for becoming The Punisher despite influencing him into NOT being like The Punisher. I mean, I die for two years and look what happens...

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I liked Tali in 1 but in 2 she turned all insecure and shit and that bugged me.


      In 1 Liara was just the best of limited options, in 2 I found her very interesting, in 3 I agree she was dull.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I still like Tali, but I don't /like/ like her. She seems more like Shepard's kid sister than a love interest.

  21. Battlefield 3 is 20 bucks at Bestbuy.com. Free shipping.

  22. Dear God....yeah, Tali was exile din my ME2 playthrough. Also, kind of unrelated, but My Shepard didnt know Liara was the Shadow Broker. She acted like I didnt do that mission with her. Im pretty sure I did. What a weird bug.
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