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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. They never show Lucy's face throughout AC Revelations...they cant afford it. Hahaha.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strangelove


      For all intents and purposes, shes dead. But if they could somehow get Kristen Bell to reprise her role, Im sure Ubi will bring Lucy back from the dead. So im basically waiting to Bell fucks up and goes broke.

    3. Eleven



    4. TCP


      Maybe she'll spend all her money on sloths.

  2. Beat Arkham City. Great game. Disappointing Catwoman chapters though.
  3. Theres a beta for a new Audiosurf? Why didnt anyone tell me? I love that fucking game.

  4. Im sure if the graphics had been in more colors besides red and it were small enough to be strapped to your face it would have succeeded.
  5. Mario Tennis was the only game I had on my Virtual Boy. I have fond memories of it. It also didnt give me a headache, so theres that. I never had a problem with it like everyone else did.
  6. Ive never seen an Alien(s) movie. I feel bad when I tell people that because chances are id really like them. Ive also never paid attention to an Indiana Jones movies. Ive seen them....play in the background. Never paid attention to them though.
  7. Fuck it. I might as well kill myself.
  8. Golf is fun. Im not sure why. It just is. Watching it is a pain in the asshole though.
  9. So Sonic Generations has a casino level, but its dlc and its not even an actual full fledged level? What the fuck, man....the casino level is my favorite level in Sonic games.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      You can buy the PC version but yeah, now having it available for the consoles is bullshit! I love pinball so I happily bought the PC version but the PC version is buggy compared to the PS3 version. :-/

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      It's shitty DLC anyway, Strangelove. You're not missing out on anything.

    4. Battra92


      I dunno, I really like pinball so I thought it was worth the buck and a half. :-/

  10. I went back and got it at GS yesterday. Brand new for 20 bucks sounded like a good deal, especially for the signature edition. It basically comes with some Gamestop exclusive dlc. It also comes with AC1...which is kind of neat, but seriously...who wants to play AC1 after the past 3 AC games are a million times better? It doesnt even have trophies, so trophy whores wouldnt play it either. Seems kind of pointless.
  11. To FDS: Well, once you have almost 2 million dollars in your pocket, the hell with your reputation.
  12. Whats to stop people from asking for 2 million dollars and only spending 100,000 to make a really cheap game? And then they just pocket the rest? I doubt people would be cool with it.
  13. Well, I just downloaded Steam for the first time to redeem my Portal 2 code...IT BEGINS.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ...what about indie games?

    3. Strangelove


      I never cared enough to install steam. I just hate having more than one platform. I dont want to scatter around downloads all over the place. Thats what was nice about PS3 and PSP both using PSN. Never downloaded anything on my Wii and i havent downloaded anything on my 3DS either. If I ever get a 360, ill probably never download anything from XBL either.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I tend to be the same way, with PC my preferred platform, but I'll make exceptions for platform-specific things.

  14. Windows 7. Ok ill give it a shot. Thanks.
  15. So, do HDMI cables carry sound or only video? I connected my laptop to my tv and it worked fine, except I got no sound. What the hell? If my PS3 can send sound through HDMI, why cant my laptop? My older laptop didnt have an hdmi port, so I had to buy this other cable that was thick as hell and I also had to connect the audio jack to my tv. So it was two wires. Am I going to have to do that again?
  16. I bought a used copy of Batman AC on PS3 and Gamestop printed out a Catwoman code for me on the receipt. Turns out the code that came with the game was unused. That tends to happen a lot at Gamestop. Anyways, if anyone needs a Catwoman code for PS3, message me. I dont want to post it on here in case of lurkers. Fuck those guys.
  17. Arkham City finally went down in price at GS, I had credit there, and I also had a B2G1 coupon. Eh. Also, i was still pretty hesitant to get Sonic Generations. I have a heavy dislike of 3D Sonic gameplay. Im not sure why, but I really dont like it.I hope its gotten better since Sonic Adventure.
  18. Do you guys know if I can get a decent pc for $250(screen, keyboard, mouse included)? My mom wants one. She really only needs it for innernet and probably to watch videos and to listen to music. Basic stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Strangelove


      Yeah, I said desktop because they tend to be cheaper. I also dont think she would like touch screens. I need a keyboard and mouse. Im currently looking at refurbished stuff from new egg.

    3. Strangelove


      http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100006736 4017&IsNodeId=1&name=$100 - $200


      Does any of that look decent? Let me know. Thanks.

    4. deanb


      Apart from the size of the HDD that refurbed Dell should do fine. Problem with the others is a lack of OS, which adds like $100 on right away unless she's fine with Linux (which for web browsing n basics should do fine)

  19. I just learned what the Marauder Shields meme meant. Yeah. Ok.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      We get that you dislike the movement jeez

    2. Eleven


      Stupid memes are stupid. Nothing you can do about it.

  20. I gave up on Pokemon Black. Played it for about an hour, then realized id never even come close to getting all of them. Sold it. Fuck that. I like finishing/completing things. Its the same reason I dont play MMOs.
  21. ....and I used to think you were cool....
  22. Fighting crime gives Nite Owl a boner. Fuck yeah.

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