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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. EXACTLY! I dont want to live in a world where Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made. That's a shitty world to live in.
  2. Shit, I don't want to be an unimaginative magic killing asshole, but...it's Bioware's story. We chose choices that have already been picked by them. Its a modern read your own adventure book. There are only so many paths and a lot of them lead to the same places. If youve played one of their games more than once, you'll see how little things matter. This series was headed in the direction they chose from the start. Weve just been riding along. You cant go outside their parameters. Shit, the game even forces you to be a "good" guy. Renegade is just another choice for "meanie." Youre never evil. You cant side with Cerberus or the Collectors or the Reapers. You're still always a boy scout. That's not choice. Even something as blowing up the collector base or keeping it doesn't matter. Even if half of the characters die in ME2, it doesn't matter. Theyre written off or replaced and the game keeps going as planned. As long as others write our stories, they're not our stories. Simple as that.
  3. Kind of a weird question, but has a Mario game ever had a reputation for being overrated? I hear it all the time about Ocarina of Time or Link To The Past, but no one ever talks like that about any Mario game.
  4. I also got Costume Quest through Plus. It was a such a good game. I never would have bought it otherwise.
  5. I have a feeling that these people still arent going to be happy with the different/extra ending. I just know it.
  6. Why did they even send the cupcakes in the first place? Isnt it common knowledge that there definitely is going to be ending dlc or changes to the ending? Seriously, do people really think theyre NOT going to change it? They have to now.
  7. http://blog.us.plays...e-soldier-beta/ Exclusives: The House of the Dead 4 Demo – 4/10 Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier Closed Beta – Date TBA Free Downloads: Shift 2 Unleashed – 4/3 Shank 2 – 4/3 Frogger Returns – 4/17 Minis: Canabalt – 4/10 Farm Frenzy 2 – 4/3 Mystic Garden – 4/10 PS one Classics: Silent Hill – 4/3 Full Game Trials: Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes From Liberty City – 4/10 Dead Rising 2: Off the Record – 4/17 NHL 12 – 4/17 SAINTS ROW THE THIRD – 4/17 Disney Universe – 4/24 The Cursed Crusade – 4/24 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 – 4/24 SUPER STREET FIGHTER IV ARCADE EDITION – 424 Media: Qore Episode 47 – April – 4/10 Free Avatars and Themes: Escape Plan Lil Avatar – 4/3 Escape Plan Bakuki Avatar – 4/3 Escape Plan Logo Avatar – 4/3 Escape Plan Triangle Avatar – 4/3 Escape Plan Laarg Avatar – 4/3 THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 GOLDMAN AVATAR – 4/17 THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 JAMES AVATAR – 4/17 THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 KATE AVATAR – 4/17 THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 DYNAMIC THEME – 4/17 Discounts: GRAND THEFT AUTO IV EPISODES FROM LIBERTY CITY – 4/10 (PS Plus Price: $11.99) THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 – 4/17 (PS Plus Price: $6.99) Disney Universe – 4/24 – (PS Plus Price: TBD – 50% off Store Price) Exclusive Discounted Avatar Bundles: Devil May Cry Avatar Bundle- 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99) Devil May Cry 2 Avatar Bundle – 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99) Devil May Cry 3 Avatar Bundle – 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99) Looks like another good month for PS Plus. Sadly, my subscription ends on the 10th of April. I need to scrounge up some money to renew it. This thing has gotten so much better, but I don't think most people notice it yet.
  8. Quote from the Bioware forums...ahhh...humanity. "So again. Will there be proper proof of these cupcakes being delivered to those promised local youth shelters...an not just biowares word...biowares word is worth nothing now. I'm actually starting to get pissed now. Not that these kids got free cupcakes, but the fact that Bioware could've EASILY told us what they were planning on day 1 of this campaign. Instead they gave us various replies of "YUMMMMM cupcakes." Bioware you are a disgrace. You trolled us for no reason. This is a ****ty way to treat your fans..just saying." "Ok, enough. You decided not to accept the cupcakes because they didn't celebrate ME3, and therefore you won't eat them--and implicitly, won't accept the feedback.. That's truly remarkable, and yes, it is a fair reading of what you wrote. This is the first moment where I have begun to actively dislike the company, Bioware. This is PR fail, again, and smacks of attempting to protect egos and not deal with customers. I hope to hell I'm wrong, and may well be proved wrong in April, but I really doubt it. A large # of people think Bioware screwed up an important part of a game. You refuse to accept that they might be right, over and over again. That's worse than insulting and wrong, that's a mistake and it will be paid for in cold hard cash terms over the next few years." "I can already see it now. All the journalist articles talking about how great and generous Bioware are and how their evil fanbase who only wants to use children's charities for their own gain are now upset with their decision (which is due to the pretentious response, not the worthy cause). Well played, I suppose. I for one am done with reasoning with this company though, I'm sick of this holier than thou attitude."
  9. Bioware just countered snark with snark.
  10. The cupcake thing is such a dickhead move.
  11. I think it's time for an intervention.
  12. Im never getting any CE unless its on sale weeks or months after the game came out. Not first day. Fuck that. The extra content is hardly ever worth the extra money youre paying. Honestly, Ive only bought 2 - Dead Space 2 and inFamous 2. I got DS2 on release day and the CE was disappointing. Then I got the inFamous 2 CE a month or 2 after release for 60 bucks and it was amazing. THAT one was actually worth 80 bucks(it was originally prices at 100). A damn good figure AND a damn good quality backpack. ive been using that backpack for almost a year. Its still in really good shape. I dont use the figure though. Im just not a figure guy. I need to find something to do with that thing. Maybe sell it.
  13. I pay 60 for games for sequels to games I loved. Or for games that come from a developer I really like. That's really it. ME3 and Catherine come to mind. I just want to play them as soon as I can. Paying 50 is just stupid. Just wait for 40. I pay 40 for games that I really want, but not immediately. Id say RE6 and Deus Ex HR 2(?) qualify. I pay 30 for games that I know are probably good, but that im on the fence about. Batman Arkham City is a good example. I liked AA< but I didnt love it. Yet AC has gotten great reviews. I think thats worth 30 bucks. 20 is everything else. Games I know ill like but have some sort of flaw or games that I MIGHT like, but have good production. Mostly AC Revelations and even stuff like El Shaddai. I dont have either yet, but im not expecting them to get lower. Id buy them now if I had the money. 10 and under for dlc and really old games. I got Brutal Legend for 5 bucks a few months ago. Its so old that it felt ok to pay that price. I have nothing against its quality since I probaby would have paid 20 bucks for years ago. But I just forgot.
  14. Well, I finally finished SH2. I liked it...a lot. But Im not in love with it like a lot of people are. I dunno. Just to clear things up - games and movies dont scare me. That's just not going to happen. So thats not a point that I can subtract or add to it. I didnt feel creeped out by it or anything like that, I guess a lot of it is just unsettling. Its just a game that you can never feel comfortable in. I think it has art style, music, and story. Thats whats so good about it. Thats what I enjoyed anyways. But honestly, Ive played SH1 and never finished it, Origins and never finished it, and Shattered Memories, which I loved and ONLY I loved. So maybe its just not for me. BTW, I hated Origins. Solely because of the mirror thing. Ugh. These games are 95% backtracking, but Origins made it a point to make the backtracking as tedious and boring as possible. Now Im going to give SH3 a try. Its a sequel to SH1, which I never finished, so it might be troublesome to get into it too much. Then theres supposedly a whole cult storyline that I never got to when I played SH1...and I think Origins mentioned it too, but fuck that game.
  15. I just got to the Lakeview Hotel in Silent Hill 2. This is the last part of the game. ive enjoyed it, but I dont want to finish it. I think im getting that "I never finish any of my games" disease.
  16. I just played the Rayman Origins demo - I dont get the big deal. It just feels like a slightly more expensive flash game.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Strangelove


      NSMBW also whored out Yoshi to a disgusting degree. "Hey look, Yoshi's back!"..not really. Instead of being a pivotal part of the gameplay like in SMW, hes now a powerup more or less.

    3. Strangelove


      The NEW series was awful just on the simple fact that it tried to trick me into liking them because of my nostalgia for SMB3. Sadly, it was only aesthetics and NONE of the gameplay. SM3DL does this too and even neuters one of the best powerups ever, but there actually was gameplay reminiscent of SMB3. Its just a much better game.

    4. fuchikoma


      I found making players bump into each other basically forced "accidental PvP" and the solution is... just die a whole bunch all-around and stop caring about dying so much. Wait... that's not Mario...

  17. http://www.siliconer...-2-coming-soon/ The Ezio costume is coming out soon. Damn. Releasing Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed costumes is just....mean. By the way, a lot of people are either confused or angry that Square Enix is cross promoting with these non-Japanese companies. Id just like to say that it's Japan's reluctance to collaborate with other companies outside Japan that has hurt them quite a bit. Its just a couple of goofyass costumes, but its a step in the right direction.
  18. Gamestop Spring sale April 1-7 http://slickdeals.ne...-SALE-April-1-7 I have about 20 dollars in credit at GS, so Im thinking Arkham City. I liked Arkham Asylum a lot, but I didnt fall in love with it like everyone else did. I only played it once. If I get AC, is AA worth keeping or does it replace it? Other than that, WKC2 for 20 is good as is LA Noire Complete Edition for 20. Im wondering if AC RE is worth 20. I love AC, so Id rather get Revelations that Arkham City, but that just feels retarded. Id like to hear some more on Arkham City if anyone wants to help me out.
  19. Those Mass Effect costumes are available in the US for FF13-2...goddammit...fucking shit....ass cunt..ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      I hate his pants. ive been thinking of getting his Guardian costume just so he doesnt have poofy pants anymore.

    3. TCP


      Yeah, I don't mind him as a character (except, if I was him, I'd be making some passes at Serah) but his design was stupid as fuck.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      >people actually buying this cash grab bullshit


      You are what is wrong with the industry.

  20. I hate when Collector's Editions have "sample" soundtracks. It has only selected songs, not all of them. CDs still only cost cents to print, right? If youre paying 10 or 20 extra dollars for a CE, you should get the entire soundtrack, not a part of it.
  21. I dont know if anyone's brought this up, but how does everyone feel about downloading soundtracks to games you have for free? I own almost every single Final Fantasy game and ive downloaded all the soundtracks off torrent sites. I figure that its close enough to playing the game and leaving it on without playing it to hear the music, except without the hassle of doing all that. On the other hand, a lot of game soundtracks are huge and expensive to produce. Not just FF, but the GTA games. If you downloaded the GTA3 soundtrack on iTunes im sure id be somewhere between 30-50 dollars. Its weird that thats something people never think about. GTA3 was rereleased on the iPhone for 10 bucks, but the music alone is worth 3 or 4 times that. Thats not a bad deal. Yet i think most of us wouldnt pay 30-50 dollars for the game nowadays. To be honest, the music is a fraction of the cost to make that game. Which brings me to another point - I dont think everyone ever gives soundtracks a second thought when people bitch about the 60 dollar game. Im not saying games should cost more, but game soundtracks on their own cost more than the game half the time. I wonder how that works out.
  22. My day is officially ruined.... well, sooner than usual.
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