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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Does anyone know if I have to finish the entire game to do new game plus or can I just use a save file that I havent completed yet and start over again witht he stuff Ive collected?
  2. Do you think game publishers will ever apply a "physical disc+digital copy" system to their games? I would love that. If dvds and blurays, can do it, I think games should too.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Johnny


      Ethan: Except the disc is fairly useless in steamworks titles because it can't be used without steam anyway.

    3. fuchikoma


      Movie companies had to compete with home DVD ripping and people downloading pirated copies because they were easier to work with. The studios know people would get a workable copy either way, so they provide it to keep users getting official versions and not pirating. They'd control it that badly if they could - remember Digital Video Express (DIVX?) Per-use activation fees and the ability to blackout movies that are coming back to theatre. You'd buy a separate copy for every device y...

    4. fuchikoma


      ..you own if they could help it.

  3. Can we please stop saying "blah blah blah would like to say hello/have a words with you?" Inanimate objects cant talk, dammit!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleven


      More like "An Idiot"! They think inanimate objects can talk! Unbelievable!

    3. toxicitizen


      My dog talks to me all the time, so there!

    4. SixTwoSixFour


      Mr. Douglas would like to have a word with you for calling him an inanimate object. Also, he says you're fired.

  4. I never got my associates. I think I should go back to college. There's only one problem though - clown or barber?

    1. toxicitizen


      I really don't see how they're mutually exclusive.

    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      you can't get close enough to the barber's chair in your clown shoes.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Am I a cloooooooooooooown! Or am I barber?! If I'm a barber, then I'm a very funny barber!

  5. I also dont have fond memories of Burnout Paradise. It played well enough and it was a pretty looking game(it was actually the first racer I got for my PS3), but the actual game and the way it plays....ugh. I dunno. That game was frustrating. I remember I just gave up on the challenges and I used to just play it when I was bored and I just wanted to cruise around listening to my music.
  6. I just dont think 1% of the game matters when 99% of it was so fucking awesome. I think maybe thats what makes me biased. Maybe the ending is as bad as they say and maybe I should be as angry as them, but the game was so great....I just dont care about the ending. It could have ended with "the End" and I wouldnt have cared.
  7. How many people have donated? I thought I heard it was around 30,000. It sounds like a lot except when you consider that ME3 has sold or will sell millions of copies. Then it IS a small vocal minority. I just cant imagine the average gamer being so pissed off at an ending like a lot of hardcore fans are. Im sorry to say, but a lot of us arent built like that. We dont take things so seriously. Im sorry to ridicule hardcore ME fans, but Id be a hypocrite not to when I ridicule hardcore Star Wars fans. I hated the prequels too, but those guys are also lame entitles scumbags.
  8. Well... http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/03/14/bioware-responds-to-mass-effect-3-criticism.aspx BTW, I thought DA2 played a lot better than DAO. The problem with DA2 was the limited scope of it's world and the kind of pointless storyline. Then again, I think ME2's main story was kind of pointless too. Not bad, just...pointless and it just didnt mean much to the overall plot. Very little got done in those games.
  9. Big Clit Lesbos 4 wasnt as good as Big Clit Lesbos 3. Dammit.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Once they go into series, they usually aren't that good. The stars get less and less. The art direction goes out the window, if there was any in the first place.

    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I think the problems with the series really started after BCL2. When EA bought the studio all the real talent left and EA forced them to add in a "Deleted Scenes" pack which totally affected how the uncut scenes were shot. Also, they need to change the ending of 4. I felt totally betrayed by it.

    3. Battra92


      Big Tit Lesbos are far more entertaining anyway. (disclaimer: I hope that's not a real porn series but I suspect it is)

  10. hmm. I was able to get Ashley in my first playthrough, but on my second playthrough she rejected me. Bitch.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Do you hate the internet because of spoilers? Or because they are a bunch of philistines?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Philistines, I think. Pretty sure Strange already beat the game.

    4. SixTwoSixFour


      It's silly to expect them to change the ending, of course, but it IS a really fucking stupid ending.

  11. AC Brotherhood is definitely the best of the AC series. I loved it.
  12. What did you play as? I was a vanguard. They REALLY made that class way better than it used to be. Biotic charge, then nova is an awesome combination.
  13. I think characters interacted more with each other and this time were more significant to the plot of the game. At points they all became central characters, except James. Who actually wasnt that bad. Too bad he looks stupid as hell. Freddie Prinze Jr. did a good job. Martin Sheen was fantastic though. I also thought there were tons more dialogue and quips during missions than ME2 between characters. My team was EDI and Garrus and they had shitload of stuff to say. I loved their dialogue. On the other hand, Javik didnt say anything when I used him during a mission. Kind of a bummer.
  14. Also finished ME3...about two days ago. So far, its definitely my GOTY.
  15. The ending is not really as bad as people say. Its been blown out of proportion. Plus, it doesnt hold a candle to FF13-2s ending. I completely understand if people hated that. I personally didnt want a Fallout 3, NV ending. I hated those endings. Just a 10 minute slide show meant to include the stuff I did. Felt fake as hell. I like short endings more than long ones. I didnt want an LOTR ending, but it seems most people did.
  16. Is it just me or is Kotaku getting...better? Not as good as it used to be, but compared to Kotaku at its worst, its far better. Thats how I feel about it right now anyways.
  17. So I downloaded ME Infiltrator so maybe I could get some dlc or whatever it does with ME3. Its not a bad game by any means, but it really proves that ME2 and ME3 arent "just" shooters. THIS game IS just a shooter.
  18. I finished it in 30 hours and Im pretty sure I did all if not most of the side missions. I didnt do all the "quests" though. I still had about 10-15 left. And that probably wasnt all of them. im sure I missed some. I cant imagine finishing this game in 20 hours without skipping a lot of side missions and/or speeding through the cutscenes.
  19. I do hope they release an epilogue dlc like Fallout 3 got. I dont care much, but maybe itll stop(some) of the bitching.
  20. Anything can be a sex toy if you try hard enough.....
  21. You played 32 hours of Mass Effect since Tuesday? How is that possible? Ive got about 26 hours right now. Its easy when you dont have a job, school, or anything else to do. I also wake up at 7am and play till midnight.
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