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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Isnt everybody a zombie in most fps and tps games? Enemy ai isnt a thing of beauty right now. Some run, some walk, some have guns, some dont. That's basically all enemies in every game ever. Theyre completely dumb and disposable. Aside from Ninja Gaiden, it all button mashy shit or FPS crap. Games are running out skins for enemies. monster, zombies, aliens or humans. Thats about it.
  2. This song needs to be played at the same time during the trailer for full effect.
  3. Yeah, it sucks that they scrapped the mid-quel story for this post mgs4 story.
  4. Heres the link to the story stuff: http://andriasang.com/comzba/mg_rising_details/
  5. Well, its kind of sort of maybe not canon. From what ive heard, its taking place in the same universe, so technically it is canon, but nothing dealing with the Solid series will be discussed or be a part of Rising. I guess kind of like Half Life and Portal being in the same universe, but never meeting in any way. I just hope to God no one is going to be playing this for the story. Kojima has pretty much no input and Platinum couldnt write a decent story or dialogue to save their lives.
  6. Seriously though, if youre going to make a game based on Cyborg Raiden, this was the way to do it. If I have a sword and can move at tremendous speeds, I dont want to be stealthy, I wanna use that sword and cut some shit up and have lightning come out of the sky and strike my foes and have both my arms ripped off and fuck Rosemary with her big ol titties and then bleed white jizz-looking blood all over the place in my goddamn high heels. Thats what its all about, man. Thats why were all here.
  7. If it makes anyone here feel better, the game takes place after MGS4, but it's not really canon. MGS Rising was canon, but it was scrapped. This new Platinum one is not. Enjoy it.
  8. Despite the fact that no one is going to give any kind of award this year, you're still my goty, Dead Space 2.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I'm sure Dead Space 2 would've gotten more love had it not come out at the very beginning of the year.


      It was definitely on par with the big hitters of the fall schedule.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Same here, Strangelove! Fist bump!

    4. Luftwaffles


      Mine's a mix of Deux Ex, Saints Row 3, and (sigh) Battlefield 3. I've yet to play the Witcher 2, Skyrim, or Dead Space 2, though...

  9. The Last Of Us looks badass. Ugh. Jizz. Naughty Dog. More jizz.

    1. Chewblaha


      I couldn't stop thinking Enslaved with zombies. D:

  10. I'm gonna make love to ya, woman....

    1. excel_excel



  11. Youve never played PW? Its great....on the PSP. The story is fantastic, the production and voiceacting is great, and for the most part the mechanics are alright. The structure is based around pick up and play. Its meant to be a portable title. The levels are really short, theres tons of micromanaging and leveling up stuff, etc.
  12. I dunno. I quit PW halfway. I originally played it on the PSP and loved it, but on the PS3 with MGS2 and MGS3 on the same package....its kind of shitty. I know I didnt answer your question, but I just had to vent.
  13. Im a stupid hipster(hence the stache and glasses), so this is a picture of me smelling my own poop and enjoying it.
  14. Wouldnt you guys get hatemail if you didnt include Skyrim? It would almost seem like trolling.
  15. You guys do love Skyrim though. We'll see.
  16. Skyrim is just a crowd pleaser. Highly rated by critics and players, multiplatform, and it's a wrpg. It's hard to hate it.
  17. You dont have to be a fortune teller to know Skyrim is going to win every single GOTY award out there on the net. The only other game close to it would be Arkham City, but its still no Skyrim.
  18. Actually, nachos, fajitas and burritos are mostly a Texas thing made by Hispanics. Its not real Mexican food. Not saying they dont eat that stuff in Mexico, but Mexicans dont identify with it much. useless fact #78263921837
  19. Hmm, since i dont have a 360 and I DO have a PS3 im sure I cant escape what im about to say without being labeled a PS3 fanboy, but this type of thing shouldnt really be ok. Its not so much that you pay to NOT have ads, but its questionable that everyone(PSN, Steam) doesnt have ads, yet you who do pay DO have ads. Its just backwards. It makes no sense. XBL Gold members should get premium services in all sorts of ways compared to the other free services. Party chat, cloud storage and exclusives are cool and everything, but for 50-60 bucks, people should demand more from MS. Im usually against self entitled assholes, but this is should be a common courtesy. From what I hear, Hulu Plus also has ads? Netflix doesnt. They both cost money. That just doesnt make sense to me. WHy should one have it while the other one does? And this just isnt about XBL, its about everything. People dont care for this sort of thing, theyre completely desensitized to advertising like this. Were just so used to it that a lot of us arent bothered by it. We should be. Im not going to suggest that people stop paying for XBL because its been proven time and time again that people like XBL for many reasons over other services, but the number one reason is because all their friends have it. That makes sense to me. That being said, people need to demand more from MS. That simple.
  20. Man, fuck american cheese. Im never eating that shit again. Who the fuck invented it anyways? I dont find cheddar to be that much more expensive than that crap.
  21. Wow, my PSN download list says I've downloaded 497 items off PSN since I joined. A lloyd of it is made up of demos, avatars and themes, but still...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I have close to 600 items downloaded off PSN myself. Most of it demos and such and a whole bunch of Rock Band DLC. It was a huge pain in the ass to go through it to redownload stuff I'd deleted when I upgraded my HDD...

    3. Strangelove


      I have so much rb dlc, it's ridiculous. I haven't even started downloading it. It pains me just to think about it.

    4. deanb


      I've got tons of Demos. It used to be primary play time of my PS3. Also WipEout Demo made some great wallpapers.

  22. Im goddamn jealous. I love videogame artbooks.
  23. Is this thread viewable by lurkers? I would really suck if it was.
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