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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I think Ive finally hit a wall in this game. I feel like Ive already seen everything the game has to offer. In fact the only thing I feel I have left to do is get to level 30. I just need one more piece of raid armor. Otherwise theres no weapon, armor or any other kind of item I want. I even have a legendary sparrow now. I dont know.
  2. Did the raid up to the last boss. Got the raid gauntlets to go with my raid chest armor. Now I just need the boots. And maybe the bond.
  3. The furries in Dust: An Elysian Tail are really putting me off the game.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I wouldn't say that's a reason to give it slack with all the me too side-scrolling indie titles out there, but it's not a bad game at any rate.


      That's pretty cool about your best friend, though—and a good enough reason for you to own it. ;) Do you know what character he's a VA for in DA:I?

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I'd assume that since it was a competition he might be a villager/minor character.

    4. SomTervo


      Yeah I think the part was a secondary/tertiary character, but not a full-blown extra like a villager. Ie a quest giver or flavour character in a court or something.


      It is cool! I'll talk to him about it and feed back. He's also a genius musical composer who has won national competitions in music composition. One day hopes to be like Jesper Kyd or something.


      Watta guy.

  4. I'm available almost any time except between 3am to 9am central. That's when I'm usually asleep. The guy with me has pretty much the same schedule. If we could do it some time today that'd be great though.
  5. Me and a friend of mine want to do the vault of glass. Anyone else interested?
  6. Finally did the nightfall strike. Cheesed the shit out of it, but I did it. 500 rep for about 20 ,minutes of game time is awesome. A legendary fusion rifle on top is just icing on the cake since I already had one. To be honest, I can't imagine doing this strike or any level 28 strike without cheesing it. That kind of sucks.
  7. I love my raid chest armor.
  8. You have to organize your own team. No random matchmaking,
  9. Level 27 alt now. I had legendary gauntlets, boots, class item and exotic helmet ready to go. Thats the main reason I made another character.
  10. You just have to keep trying it over and over til everyone finds a specific job to do. You have to perfect what youre doing to the point where you wont make any mistakes like dying, running out of ammo, or failing to kill certain enemies in time. Overall the difficulty of it is doing enough damage in the very little time you have to do it. The raid doesnt allow you waste any time. Play out your role in the raid so no one has to help you out unless thats what theyre supposed to do. Anyways, I think Im switching over to Titan since I go this sweet ass helmet... Also, shoulder checking is awesome.
  11. Got back in the raid and completed it. Not as hard as I thought.
  12. Quit the raid last night at the last boss. Half of our team kept dying no matter what they were assigned to do and/or running out of ammo. I'm level 29, there were two level 28s and the rest were 27 and 26. Honestly, those lower level dudes just weren't very good. Not to mention they had shittty equipment. I on the other hand hardly ever died and I never ran out of ammo. I felt like I was wasting my time.
  13. Ive been working on the Raid for the last 2 days. Were currently on the last boss now. So far it's actually not that bad once you know what to do.
  14. There's only enough equipment to get to level 30. They need to release armor with more light to raise the cap.
  15. In case anyone hopes to get to level 30, don't use your ascendant materials on anything but raid armor. RAID armor is mandatory to be level 30.
  16. Same here. I'll keep doing them so I can get the second shader, then I'm done with those.
  17. Im just glad theyre nerfing the goddamn shotgun. It's kind of ruining PvP for me. It's no-skill bullshit.
  18. To butthurt loot cave exploiters-
  19. Cave got nerfed. All caves really. Enemies used to respawn every 6 seconds, now it's every 40 seconds. You also dont get shards from dismantling queen items. Honestly, I had all my slots filled with legendaries and exotics before others who used the loot cave. I played the game like normal and bought most of my shit. I wont miss the cave at all.
  20. You're not quite there yet with the hand cannon. Killing 500 hive is only one of the phases. Anyways, go to the moon mission the dark beyond, kill the hive when they come out the big door without killing the knights, let them kill you, and repeat til 500. It should take 15 minutes tops.
  21. I just realized that I dont know how to boil an egg. I cracked one and it was still yolky inside. Dammit.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Eleven


      ^ He baited all you guys into telling you his joke.

    3. TheRevanchist


      The yolks on everyone.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Well now we all have egg on our face.

  22. Cool. I really need help. Just invite me whoever you want to give it a shot.
  23. Need the same. Let me know when you find a third person.
  24. In all honesty, I bought all my legendary armor with marks and strange coins. I only "got lucky" with the exotic weapons I have. Obtaining legendary and exotic gear isnt even the hardest part of this game....it's leveling them up. The materials you need are scarce as hell. Ive pretty much unlocked all my gear's levels, but I dont have the materials to upgrade them.
  25. Another PSN sale... I played DR2 before and didnt really love it. But I felt maybe Ill give it another chance. Hopefully "Off The Record" is somewhat better than the original.
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