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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. As for the pc talk, I like consoles because I know when I put in a game its going to work. I also prefer buying a new console every 5-6 years instead of buying upgrades every 2 or 3 years. I like simplicity. Plus, couch. Sorry I know about the 360 remote and whatever, but yeah. Sorry. I cant imagine balancing a keyboard and mouse on my knees from my couch. Isn't that the appeal of the pc in the first place? Better control? Not having to deal with a simple controller? Dont you pc guys hate that games are simplified for consoles and you guys lose your awesome pc sweetness? Come on.
  2. Im a really nice caring person with my friends on Facebook and in real life. I cant let my secret out. I have a part-time troll image to uphold.
  3. has diarrhea and a headache. Didnt go to work today because of it. Ugh. Kill me. NOW.

    1. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Risking a terrible, terrible pun, shitty days suck.

  4. Sony. Ive owned every console they ever made. I really think the PS1 changed gaming forever. Not to rag on pc games or SNES rpgs, but the PS1 was that first step into film-like quality and production and I loved it. Still do. FF7, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, just a lot of games catered more to someone like me. It just opened things up drastically. For my money, the PS1 was when gaming wasnt just for kids anymore. I Know a lot of people view maturity as gore and violence, but theres other kinds of examples of real maturity that came out of that console. I enjoyed stuff like Parasite Eve and Fear Effect for their storytelling and cinematography more than their gore and sexuality. Nintendo and Sega never filled that void that was missing in gaming til Sony stepped in.
  5. Gears of War series. Possibly my most hated series of all time. It's just retarded. Minecraft because people should shut the fuck up about it. World Of Warcraft because it's World Of Warcraft. And the Fable series because in relationship terms we call it "settling".
  6. Oh, that's a burn mark. I dont wanna talk about it...
  7. Final Fantasy XIII. I liked it a lot actually. Got 91% of all the trophies. Also Final Fantasy X-2. For my money it still has the greatest rpg battle system ever.
  8. Quite unremarkable, but I like it.
  9. OK, i got my hard drive out and put it in an enclosure and it worked. Now im using an old pc from...2001 or something. its old as hell. now I need laptop suggestions. some help please? Only pc games i play are from the last generation like Sims 2 and stuff, so anything that an run that would be great.
  10. So my laptop is almost dead. it turns itself off or it turns on for about 5 minutes before it freezes. Ive had it for a while and i know its on it's way out. it just has had tons of problems. So I ask this since i dont have a hard drive big enough to back up stuff, is it possible to take my hard drive out of my laptop, put it in an enclosure thing, and then transfer my stuff out from there to my new laptop? Id buy an external hard drive to put my stuff if i knew my laptop would stay on long enough for my files to transfer(over 100 GB, mostly music). Thanks for listening to me. Id really appreciate any help. Id also appreciate any good places to buy an external hd of good size for less than 50-60 bucks or a laptop under 400 dollars. or both. Online or at a store. I really dont know shit about computers. Thanks.
  11. It was 35 dollars at Best Buy, so i said "fuck it."
  12. God put our mouths on our heads for a reason!
  13. wants to play AC Brotherhood with y'all....

    1. deanb


      Hop in the events planning.

    2. Showmeyomoves!


      On PS3? Because there are plenty of people to play with! Next weekend is Uncharted 2 weekend, tho. But I'm sure we can squeeze in some AC:B on the side.

  14. Dallas, Tx is full of black people who say things I dont understand. I listen to hip hop and i still dont know what theyre saying, I guess theyre ahead of the curve here. That's all im going to say because im sure ill be called a racist soon enough.
  15. Just finished the game...WTF indeed.
  16. Must be all the steroids in the cow meat.
  17. Feels good to have long luxurious hippie hair....
  18. I like Ninja Gaiden a lot, but....yeah. It's overrated by the hack n slash community, not really the entire gaming community. Difficulty is fine if its actually difficult, but being cheap is shit. NG2 is the worst offender. Thank God Sigma 2 fixed it. The story is shit, the voiceacting is awful, the characters have as much personality as a pubic hair, the level designs are atrocious, and the animations are stiff as hell. I myself dont really like "canned" combos. Thats why I dislike Tekken. Remembering button press sequences is lame. The entire game is all about blocking and pulling out the same awkward looking combo ad nauseum. I like a bit of customization. That being said, Sigma 2 is a lot of fun if you play it like a normal person. I like mixing it up and shooting useless ninja stars and using crappy weapons and running around like a retard. Co-op is also fun. Plus, titties. Lots of titties.
  19. San Andreas is a perfect idea of bloated and super-indulgent. Putting as many things as they did fucked up the entire feel of the game. It was just too much. No matter how optional, its still make syou not even want to start playing it. Vice City is just so much better because of it's balance, characterization, and lack of shitty useless desert.
  20. I picked FF6 because i truly believe its the best one, possibly the best jrpg. That being said, FF8 was and is still my favorite.
  21. I thought it was a really good game. Just take out all the cutscenes and it pretty much solves most of it's problems. Also, switching from 3rd person to first person is retardedly easy. It really wasnt as difficult as people made it out to be.
  22. Isn't Lords Of Shadow just a God Of War ripoff with somewhat Castlevania aesthetics?
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