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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Maybe Im losing my mind, but for some reason Im having a hard time flying in this game. Not only are the buttons to ascend and descend really sensitive, but I keep confusing them with each other. I normally dont do that.
  2. So this game is pretty rad. Is there going to be an actual single player campaign or not though?
  3. I like that no matter where a shooting game takes place - past, present, future, alternate universe, alien planet, etc....there is ALWAYS a revolver to use. It's my second favorite gun to use in games, so I think its awesome that a lot of games include it.
  4. I thought people were exaggerating about Peter Dinklage sounding bored in "Destiny", but they were not. He sounds like he's reading "The Fountainhead" to senior citizens.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleven


      Who says Listen every 3 seconds?

    3. Vecha
    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I had no issue with it. He sounded a lot better than what the internet (who mostly probably hadn't heard it in context) says. Then again, vox populi opinions online are almost always wrong at this point.

  5. Jrpg bosses in most games that arent affected by any status effects whatsoever. I just hate the fact that the game tries to teach you how to use all these abilities and they they all get thrown out the window for bosses and it usually devolves into chipping away damage. Off the top of my head, early 16 bit FF and Persona 3 and 4 are some of the only games I remember where you can use status effects. There are SOME bosses in the later FFs who are weak to some status effects, but it usually done in a gimmicky sort of way that will only apply tot hat one boss.
  6. Lego Marvel Super Heroes(the story missions anyways). This is the first Lego game Ive truly enjoyed. It was a lot of fun. It also has some of the best collectibles in a videogame(extra characters). So yeah, this will keep me busy.
  7. God, thats so stupid...but I still laughed. I really hate myself right now.....sigh.
  9. Alright. I think thats all the questions I have for now. Thanks.
  10. Y'all need to learn how to get along.
  11. So uhh....maybe its because I don't play these games as much as they assume I do, but what does getting 100% in a level mean? Does it do anything if I fill up that meter at the end of the level? What do the gold bricks do? What about the red ones? What about those things that look like a traffic light? Theres 10 of them in each stage. Do those do anything?
  12. Yeah, it worked for me. Thanks. Sucks for the other person though. I didnt get one until now because I thought itd be really easy to get them since everyone has been handing them out like candy. I couldnt find one though unless I preordered.
  13. Anyone have PS4 Destiny beta? US. I needs it.
  14. What does the icon for the main story mission look like? I switched my destination and I have no idea how to go back to doing the story stuff.
  15. Am I crazy or does Lego Marvel not ever tell you what the icons on the map are? I have no idea what any of that shit is. What are the character icons? Do I get them if I go there or do I need them to do something there?
  16. Yeah, that feature I think has been there since day 1. I was able to play Injustice while it was downloading and Infamous SS as well. It doesn't really tell you when you can do that though.
  17. Yup. Injustice on PS4 is also $8, but I already had it. It's insane. Im glad that we're getting decent sales on retail PS4 games so early.
  18. There's a Superhero sale on PSN, so the PS4 version was $10.50. I'm not in love with the Lego games as much as other people are, but thats a damn good price. PS3. I'm one of those people that know MvC1 is a lot better than 2.
  19. Yeah, pretty much. It really doesnt bother me til videogames come into the picture. Which isnt often.
  20. Apparently the remastered version is going to be 50GB. Thats about 2 entire days of nonstop downloading for me. And theres no preloading for it either, so yeah. Damn. I will still say that this game is the exception, its nothing to really worry about. I dont think a lot of games will get up to filling an entire 50gb bluray until maybe MGSV.
  21. Chuck Palahniuk needs money. Bad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      That's a tough one. It's definitely up there though.

    3. Vecha


      Didn't the movie fuck with the ending from the book?

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I think so, but IIRC the author said he likes the movie's ending better.

  22. Yeah...no. Im not doing this. Sorry. No.
  23. I never got that trophy and Ive finished the game twice and I pretty much always scan everything. Though it has to be done on a single playthrough. From what ive read though each shadow has 3 different Rise phrases when they get scanned depending on how weak, equal, or more powerful they are to you. On top of that I imagine that being hurt a lot will also help since she always comments when a character is close to dying. I tended to not have that problem.
  24. Persona 4 Golden. I beat this when it came out in 2012, but technically not really. I got the good ending last time, but this time I got the true ending. It was pretty awesome. I missed a lot of important stuff. I also got 94% of the Persona Compendium. I wasn't able to max out all the S. Links. It seems impossible really. I beat the Hollow Forest as well, I tried to find the Reaper after I ran into him a long time ago, but he never showed up. And since I didn't get the true ending beforehand, i couldn't fight the secret boss either. Id be lying if I said that I'm not tempted to start over a third time and get the platinum trophy. I just wish i could keep my items and/or social links. Maxing out the Fox's link again is going to be annoying. Or at the very least give me the abilities that get unlocked when you max out your links with your party members. I would love to have Rise all maxed out as soon as I get her. It'd be awesome.
  25. If I like Persona 3 and 4, but disliked Digital Devil Saga, am I going to like SMT: Nocturne?

    1. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Probably not. DDS was basically a refined version of Nocturne gameplay-wise.

    2. FMW


      No. SMT 3 and DDS are REAL similar. DDS is linear and has it's story, SMT 3 has a branching story and a big overworld. But in terms of grindy gameplay, combat mechanics, and lack of waifus: same game.

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