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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Wii U game pad streams way better than Vita and PS4, it's not even close. But I think it's good enough on Vita.
  2. The problem with that is that the screen and resolution on the Wii U gamepad was pretty crappy. Not to mention that I have a Vita and remoteplay works really well.
  3. It's probably been said already, but this game has the roundest female butts imaginable. I'm glad this isn't third person, otherwise it'd be distracting.
  4. I had my Wii U for about a year and can't say I missed it too much when I sold it. In retrospect, I liked the Wii a lot more. I did like the hardware though. I thought the controller was cool and sometimes useful.
  5. Finally bought this off PSN yesterday. I hardly ever pay full price for games so I'm hoping this won't go on sale next week or something. I'd be a bit annoyed. Anyways, it's a lot of fun. Played the tutorial and maybe about 2 hours of matches. I've only played with a handful of characters, but I do the best with Widowmaker. I can get some decent kill streaks and don't die 50 times. I also like playing as Tracer, but I tend to lose most gun fights. I also suck with throwing the bomb. I can never throw it where I want to. The range on it kind of sucks. I need to try every character and play enough to learn the maps since there's no minimap here like in Uncharted 4(which is my current mp game).
  6. No Man's Sky is going to be known as the most disappointing game of all time, isnt it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I still stand by my assertion the game is Minecraft in Space.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      It will be tough to unseat Spore and Fable.

    4. Pojodin


      Space exploration, resource acquisition, and finding the center of the universe. That's about all I know.

  7. Shadow Of Mordor Megaman Legacy Collection Rayman Legends Mortal Kombat XL Overwatch Origins Edition I think Im set til next year. Outside of Deus Ex(which Im still not sure about) and The new Destiny expansion, Im not really seeing anything else I would want thats coming up. Seems all the good shit is coming out early next year.
  8. The extra options during boss fights is worth it. Even with pacing issues, it's still overall the best version. It just would have been even better if they gave you a choice whether The Missing Link was put in there.
  9. Jamming The Missing Link in there should have been optional. It really messes with the pacing of the game.
  10. Cool. For some reason I REALLY want this game, even if I'm not totally comfortable paying $60 for an mp only game. I didn't play the beta either, I just think it looks like a fun game. I'm worried I'll get bored of it fast because it doesn't have the usual mp unlockables and stuff. I'm severely conflicted.
  11. Is it mandatory to be in a team or do you all play solo a lot? Obviously you'll do better in a team, but is it still fun solo? I need a game I can play while listening to podcasts.
  12. Is everyone here playing on PC?
  13. Anyone know where to buy a cheap 2tb hdd? I need to upgrade my PS4 storage.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I've got a Seagate. Works fine. What's your beef chief?

    3. deanb


      The vast majority of HDD I had to do recovery on at uni were Seagates and I've a colleague Seagate sat aside for the same.

    4. Strangelove


      Looking at Amazon reviews of even the most highly rated hard drives are a ton of 1 stars. I guess hard drives in general are just kind of crappy.

  14. This is like THE game for me as far as a game that's coming out sometime soon and had no hype for. It just looks like my type of game. I hope it turns out good. Killzone debs have a decent record, but who knows.
  15. Sony has the best conference again. Sucks that there wasn't any Red Dead announcement. If not a sequel, then at least an RDR remaster.
  16. Well, I did what I said I was going to do and it actually worked. I got a refund. Weird.
  17. DmC Definitive Edition. It was fine, but the whole time I wished I was playing DMC3 or DMC4. I didnt even finish the Vergil dlc. Im just going to replay 4 instead.
  18. Im all digital on PS4 and I filled up 1TB months ago. You might want to think about a 2tb if youre the type who likes everything installed at once.
  19. I did, but I used the gift option to avoid fees. Only way you get your money is if they give it back to you voluntarily.
  20. Well, I still have a few days to go, but Im pretty sure in saying that I just got ripped off by a Neogaf member. $40 down the drain. Im not sure if Im more angry or embarassed. I didnt even want to say anything on here out of embarassment, but Im too pissed off about it to not tell anyone. This shouldnt have happened. Im an idiot.
  21. Clear controllers. It's the 90s again.

    1. deanb


      And I love it!

  22. The show runners have actually been told all the major plot points of the books. They already know how it'll end. They're still following a guideline but making up things to fill all the missing pieces. I think they've mostly done a good job.
  23. That's what I'm assuming as well. I just think it's shitty to hold off on that reveal til the next episode. They should have revealed it at the end of the same episode to not be so tryhard shocktastic. It's just so incredibly obvious that I find no value in it. Just get on with it.It's not much different than the end of last season with Jon. We all knew what was going to happen. Nothing shocking about it.
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