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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Does anyone ever think using a helicopter in an sandbox game is fun?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I typically like the military ones in GTA.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Yeah, if you don't fly like a bitch.

  2. Saints Row The Third. A lot shorter than I thought it was going to be, but never a dull moment.
  3. 21 Jump Street I pretty much avoided it because of the premise(movie based on an 80s tv show, Channing Tatum), but everyones always saying how good it was. It was really funny. Color me surprised. Though it made sense once I noticed who the people were who wrote and directed it. Now I just gotta wait for 22 Jump Street to appear online.
  4. How come no one told me Resistance 3 was fucking rad? The campaign is ridiculously good. I bought the game over a year ago when Best Buy was having a sale and I barely played it this week. It's an awesome game. Reminded me a lot of Half Life 2, at least the parts I played.
  5. So I decided to play Saint's Row The Third since i had it on PS+. This is my first SR game and uhh.....why do people still play GTA? This is basically PS2 era GTA with GTA5 gameplay. Im about 3 hours in and it's easily better than GTA4 already.
  6. Hey jerks, Ico, Shadow of The Colossus, Twisted Metal and Flower are $5 on US PSN.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I don't get the Gravity Rush love. It was interesting visually but the combat was boring and the "flying" controls were terrible.


      I stopped playing after about 3-4 hours.

    3. TCP


      Tearaway is the greatest Vita game. COME AT ME, IAIN, YOU GODDAMN XBOT.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      The flying controls took some getting used to, but I thought they worked once you did.

  7. Camel Lights. And I don't see it that way at all. Even as an origin story, TR doesnt do much either. Compare that origin story to BB's origin story in MGS3 and it's almost nonexistent. GZ was never meant to be a "complete" story, it's a prologue that sets up The Phantom Pain, and it does just as good a job as the Tanker Mission in MGS2. The big things that happen in the tanker mission are the reveal of Ray, finding out Liquid Snake is still "alive", and the reason why The Big Shell even exists. You don't get anything more significant than that in relation to the main game. All the good stuff happens in Raiden's part. As for GZ, a lot of stuff happens. I will agree that $30 is a ripoff. Id wait for it to be $15 or less. As for TR, Id pay no more than $40 for it if youve never played it before.
  8. I never noticed, but MGS GZ and Tomb Raider are pretty much at each end of the spectrum. First and foremost, GZ is really short. If you're just going to run through the story and not experiment with the mechanics, collect trophies, or not do any of the optional missions, don't even bother buying it. Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube. That being said, GZ is ridiculous deep gameplay wise, especially compared to Tomb Raider. Another sad fact is that this one hour game somehow has more story than Tomb Raider. A better one at that. Tomb Raider fell on it's face when it came to writing. You cant even make fun of it because there's almost nothing there. It does have a pretty cool plot though. I liked the premise of it. It's also a really fun game. And it also looks better than GZ and its a hell of a lot longer. I know it seems like Im dumping on TR, but Id say theyre both good games give or take. In the end it depends on whether you want a long game or a short game.
  9. I thought Splatoon looked good. Zelda's graphical style and Splatoon itself were probably the best things about the Nintendo conference.
  10. I really should move out of the south. I'll miss the food, but I dont think id miss much else.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      If you're not in the oil business, there really is no reason to stick down here. I'm gonna go for the oil business.

    2. TCP


      If I had to, I'd live in Nashville and become a true cowboy poet.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Come to California. We have avocado!

  11. Yeah, Nintendo won basically because of Zelda and Smash Bros. And the other 2 conferences werent great either. To be honest, all it takes to win these conferences is nostalgia. It's pretty much the reason I think Sony won, because I value Grim Fandango and Uncharted way more than Zelda or Smash Bros. But people love those 2 Nintendo franchises to death. And not to take it all away from them, those 2 games looked great. But its not shit I care about. Been there and done that to death.
  12. Been playing all the Borderlands 2 dlc. I dont think theyre that good. Captain Scarlett was good, but the Mr. Torgue and the Sir Hammerlock dlcs have been pretty lame. I didnt even bother doing the Hammerlock side missions. I just did one, and it was only for the skin. Now I just started the Tiny Tina dlc its already loads better than all the other ones. I hope it doesn't disappoint. Also, the difficulty has been ridiculously easy as shit and the loot has sucked for all these dlcs. Eesh. Almost all my good equipment has been from using golden keys.
  13. Probably saving it for the sequel. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they never use the powers they mentioned in Second Son. The inFamous universe pretty much allows anything to be a power. Which is awesome.
  14. EA never seems to put their dlc on sale, at least not on PSN. I still have never gotten the ME3 or DA2 dlc because its either fullprice or it's half off, which is still expensive as hell.
  15. God, I hate the GCN controller. I can only assume nostalgia has a big part in people wanting to use it for Smash. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Pro controllers.
  16. So did only one of you play Transistor? I've been waiting for someone to persuade me into buying it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      I'm waiting for it to go on sale. PSN is getting really good with sales in the past 12 months, which has turning me into a more cautious consumer.

    3. toxicitizen


      Ugh, fine! You should REALLY buy it.


      @Cowboy: Yeah, which makes it all the more surprising how unbelievably shitty the E3 sale has been. I was kind of hoping to grab OlliOlli. Would've been perfect timing, too, since it seems they finally patched the crashing issues that have been plaguing it since launch.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I loved it. Did you like Bastion? Play it. Did you hate Bastion? What did you hate? Did you not play Bastion? Play Bastion AND this. It's as simple as that. But like I said I loved the game. Not terribly long but the combat is fun and super customizable

  17. Umm, I dont think graffiti in a post apocalyptic setting is meant to be after, but before and during the breakdown of civilization. It's shit that no one cleaned off. Its basically what real cities would look like if the government didnt give a shit about graffiti. Can you imagine what a city would look like if every single piece of graffiti and other forms of vandalism weren't cleaned up over the years? It would looks as shitty as a...uhh, post apocalyptic world. And if there is graffiti being made after the apocalypse, its usually in the form of a warning from still civilized people or it's unintelligible nonsense from those that have lost their mind.
  18. So yeah. I basically replaced everything I had. I got a bigger tv, my fat PS3 broke and I got the slim a few years back, sold my Wii years ago, Got a Wii U a few months ago for some dumb reason, and I cant help but leave my PS2 connected, even though Ill probably never play it again. I also keep my PS4 at the top because Im scared to death of it overheating and breaking like my PS3 did if I put it in one of the shelves in my entertainment center. My house doesnt have 24/7 air conditioner, so if it's too hot I just dont use it. Im just paranoid about it now. This is also my 3rd entertainment center. It took me forever to find one I wanted, so yeah. Even this one isnt ideal, but its good. I amassed a shitload of blurays over the last few years and I used to have a ton of games, but Ive been selling them all off lately. I just really dont care anymore. And I just keep my Macbook on one of those desks with wheels on it in front of my couch. Even though I have a perfectly fine desk in my room. That I never use.
  19. I kind of feel the same way. If you take the series apart, it's...mediocre. Maybe even worse. Seriously, think about all the parts that make it what it is....there are games that do it a million times better. The sword fighting is awful and even worse than button mashy. The parkour stuff is completely automatic. I cant even claim it has platforming. The shooting is also autoaimed and Id almost say that its not true shooting. The stealth is halfassed and bland. The mission structure hasn't changed since AC2. And the less said about the stuff outside the Animus the better. But somehow when you mix all that stuff in with great sense of scope and size, fantastic real world locations, decent to likable characters, involved stories(which arent great either really), fantastic graphics, and boat shit...it works. So yeah, "resentment" I think is the appropriate word. I enjoy it though I really shouldnt.
  20. No. And I dont think its going to happen either. And if it ever does, itll be for the digital PS3 version. But even that I don't think will happen.
  21. I think it's about time we update this. Beside my PS2 and a few games, I dont own a single thing from my last picture anymore. I'll update mine tomorrow.
  22. So Im still not quite sure what the cloud does in relation to Xbox One or gaming in general. Are they being vague on purpose or is it actually difficult to explain? Someone explain to me this power of the cloud. Cus it just sounds like a joke to me.
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