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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. The last 2 episodes of Louie have been amazing. Aside from Freaks And Geeks, I think this the only other show to talk about teenagers smoking weed in a real way. While both shows can be seen as anti-weed, theyre way more ambiguous than that. Nonpreachy. Love it.
  2. FF7 whoring has reached new levels. That being, Ill probably play this. Shit, id even play that strategy game with the boulders and stuff if they made it. FF7 had pretty shallow minigames, but they were fun.
  3. Nope, no Vita version. Check the link again. They made a mistake. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *cries*
  4. From Kotaku: The game's new co-op missions are optional, all story-based, but can be played solo, too. You find them in the game world. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved. There is no competitive multiplayer mode in Unity, the first time a big new AC will lack that since 2010's Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. There's a crouch button. Yay! There will be a modern section to the game as well, in some way starring "you." I'm not quite sure what that means, but they said it'd be different than Assassin's Creed IV, which had the player in the role of an unnamed employee of fictional (and Templar-aligned) Abstergo Entertainment. Amancio may have previously been the creative director of Assassin's Creed Revelations, but he promised me we would not be getting the return of that game's tower defense missions. Praise the lord.
  5. Holy shit, Devil's Third looks like absolute balls. And it's Wii U exclusive. Im not sure which is worse.
  6. July 29th. I wish it was a lot sooner.
  7. Well, no one else mentioned it, so I might as well. Standalone and you play as Fetch. Dont know if its a prequel or sequel. Im excited since I love the series and Sucker Punch knows how to make a fucking expansion. Im assuming Fetch will get new neon powers Delsin never got. If I remember correctly, she already did some stuff Delsin never did.
  8. It would have been hilarious if Sony announced that they were including the Playstation Camera for free with every new PS4. Haha.

    1. TCP


      My fiance was jabbering in my ear during that part, so I thought that was what happened when people were laughing/applauding. Instead it was more shots fired at Microsoft. Still cool.

    2. toxicitizen


      Yeah, I thought the same thing. That would've been such a gigantic fuck you to Microsoft.

  9. I kind of feel the same way. I think mostly because were at a weird state right now as far as games go. A lot of developers are starting new franchises that could be awesome or complete turds, or/and theyre releasing a 3rd or 4th or in Halo and GTA's case, 5th(and Im not even counting all the side stuff) sequel. I just cant be excited about it as much as say, a 2nd sequel. I love Uncharted and Im sure Uncharted 4 is going to be awesome, but the teaser didnt get me super hyped mostly because all i saw was the graphics. Theyre great. I know nothing else. The other thing is that were getting a bunch of new developers introducing new games. I personally never know how to feel about stuff like that. I have to play them first. The only things that ever get me super excited when it comes to videogame announcements are first sequels or new hardware. Im going to lose my mind whenever they show TLoU2. Thats not to say Im not excited about Uncharted 4. Its pretty much the same with movies. This last X-men movie was fantastic and I liked all the trailers leading up to it and Im eager to see something for the upcoming one, but itll never beat the excitement of me seeing the first X-men 2, Dark Knight or Spiderman 2 trailers. It just doesnt have the same effect. Once we get some of these new franchises established, E3 will be a lot more exciting. We might be blowing our loads over Destiny 2 or Sunset Overdrive 2 next year for all we know.
  10. Do they have anger management in Canada?
  11. There wont be any more big Vita games. Get used to ports and indies. That's it. We'll be lucky if we get a decent game that was already in production before the Vita completely failed. So in that sense, you might just get your Gravity Rush 2. But thats about it. Overall, Sony stole it. If not with their exclusives, then by having pretty much every big 3rd party trailer at their show. I wish TLoU had released tonight or this month at least. I need something good to play. Im just glad no conference wasted too much time on bullshit gimmicks like they did a few years back when Kinect and Move came out and both MS and Sony spent half their show showing off gimmicky crap no one wanted.
  12. Fuck yes. PS4 and Vita. This made E3 for me. And yeah, this should definitely be on PC.
  13. Grim Fan-fucking-dango. Fuck yes.

    1. Strangelove


      A tear down my eye....god.

    2. SkyGriever


      I jumped, my dog didn't appreciate being thrown to the floor.

  14. I hardly ever drop my phone either. Im not sure what people who have those Otterbox cases are like, maybe theyre wasted all the time. I dunno. But I just feel a bit better having a case on something so expensive.
  15. Well, its a clear case. Seriously though, there are people who use their phone without a case? Thats crazy. This shit is expensive.
  16. Oh yeah. Oh well. I dont play the Souls games, but Im assuming that if this Project Beast game is real and exclusive, the hardcore crowd is going to bury the exclusive Platinumgames game. At it stands, I think From Software has more popularity and pull than Platinumgames. And I mention these two studios because they seem to be the only 2 independent Japanese studios people still care about. They both have good track records.
  17. Theyll probably show AC Comet and another Unity trailer. Maybe a story trailer. I also forget to mention this, but Im surprised MS didnt get Kojima again to show up. Maybe Kamiya was cheaper.
  18. We were all wondering what EA was going to show, but what is Ubi going to show? Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and Just Dance? That doesnt fill up an hour.
  19. Well yeah, Steve Jobs is dead.
  20. Dead Space Trilogy Definitive Edition....I wish.
  21. I wish EA just skipped the sports stuff. Ugh.
  22. I hope this doesnt fuck the AC series in the ass like it did to Resident Evil and Dead Space by slapping on co-op. I dont want to feel like i SHOULD have 3 other people with me when Im playing solo.
  23. Sunset Overdrive, AC and Tomb Raider, thats about all the cool stuff. And the Halo collection to a smaller extent. I really cant remember the last time I was jealous of a real Xbox exclusive. Not second party, but first party. Its always the second party stuff I envy, like Mass Effect before it went to PS3 and now SO. Theyre so focused on online multiplayer and Im just so not into it. That pretty much defines why Ive never owned any Xbox console. Its just not for me. Halo and Gears were always the big games on the console, pretty much elevated by online multiplayer. Even CoD is what it is because of the Xbox. It wouldnt be as big if MS didnt push for it to be. The funny thing is that I still poke fun of people wanting to keep things traditional. Every time someone bitches about game manual disappearing or digital games not being released physically or people who hate downloading games, I laugh because its so antiquated and no matter how hard they resist, it's the future. But online multiplayer is here to stay and its only going to get bigger. I'm not a fan. Thats why Im a Sony guy. Lots of great single player story driven games. Theyre almost catered to what I like. On the other side of the spectrum, Nintendo is TOO old fashioned. They dont even have a proper fucking account system. Fucking idiots.
  24. I had to cancel my old debit card to use the new one.

    1. deanb


      PlayStation just confirmed your debit card is NOT cancelled.

    2. Strangelove


      Thats not what my sources tell me.

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