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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Well, Ground Zeroes is the first game that has heavily changed it's gameplay since MGS2. MGS2 was innovative besides just story and weird fourth wall breaking stuff. It changed third person shooters at the time. It did a lot of new stuff. Ever since then, MGS has stayed basically the same. MGS3, 4 and PW are just modified versions of MGS2 gameplay. GZ is a whole different thing. It's the next step. It finally feels fresh again.
  2. Muramasa Rebirth Nekomata DLC(catgirl). I'd say its better than the main game. A lot of fun.
  3. I actually got it about 2 weeks ago. I could have gotten the 5S, but Ive always had my eye on the green 5C since it came out. It's so fucking sweet. I hate that I had to put a case on it. Even a clear case isn't good enough. Its a travesty, like pissing on God's face.
  4. Odin Sphere is available as a PS2 Classic on the US PSN. It actually runs better than it did on the PS2. It's also a lot better than Muramasa in pretty much every way, and I say it as a Muramasa fan.
  5. Trine 2 was free on PS+. I really don't like the Trine games. The gimmick sounds good on paper and it works as intended, but it's just all so...boring. I hate the switching characters mechanic, which is the focal point. Which sucks because the game controls well and everything feels pretty tight. It's a well made game. Though if they removed the 3 character aspect it would be a generic platformer and Id also find it boring. I also hate the narration. It's just way too "bright and charming" for it's own good.
  6. I used to dislike Square Enix because of how misguided and stupid they are, but now I just feel sorry for them. They really have no idea what theyre doing. Theyre so much worse than Nintendo and Capcom in that respect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      Yeah, could you imagine working for one of their western studios and having the whole management think you're second tier next to Final Fantasy, when your games not only out perform critically but also commercially? How disheartening would that be?

    3. toxicitizen


      Yeah, well, they asked for it! If Tomb Raider had been a soulless, mobile cash-grab filled with micro-transactions then maybe it would've made an acceptable amount of profits!

    4. FMW


      No! I think that basing FF XV on the most expensive spin off screwup/vaporware EVER and mixing it with Kingdom Hearts is a GREAT idea for the future of the franchise! This will open the eyes of the market and the industry. You know, once they finish it.

  7. The first episode of Republique is free on IOS. I had no idea games could look this good on phones. I don't really count stuff like Infinity Blade or racing games on IOS/Android though. It just seems that metal and shiny plastic is incredibly easy to make look realistic. Thats why people always jizz themselves over Gran Turismo and Forza. Or anyone wearing a shitload of metal armor.
  8. MS buys at least 2 Niche Japanese exclusive games for Xbox one and one other exclusive game that everyone wants. PC and ps4 gamers will be pissed. Sony will have Uncharted 4 trailer and at least one more ps4 port of a ps3 game. Nintendo has Zelda and I don't really care. Maybe even a twilight princess or skyward sword hd port. Or both. And some other shit.
  9. Might as well delay Dragon Age and the Evil Within while they're at it. We don't want to play anything new.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Undead Nightmare? Shit, I'm gettind old.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Red Dead Reanimated would have been a better title than Undead Nightmare.

    4. Strangelove


      Red Dead Renaissance.

  10. It's an hour long, but it's pretty rad. There's also a Bioshock Infinite one too which is also just as good.
  11. I can't quite pinpoint what creeps me out about Seth McFarlane's appearance. He needs to stay behind the camera though.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      He's like a clone of Vince Vaughn that got let out of the vat too early.

    2. TheRevanchist


      He looks plastic, like the bad guy on Lazy Town.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      So much makeup. It's like his face is made of concealer.

  12. New Dawn Of The Planet of The Apes trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-EqYhEmKkY You know, I never thought id be excited about one of these movies, but Rise was awesome. I honestly havent even seen any of the other ones. They just seem so silly. But maybe Im wrong. Hopefully this one is as good as it looks. Plus, I always look forward to seeing Gary Oldman play a villain.
  13. Some of these problems are nitpicky and not very important, but some of it is ridiculous to think someone saw it and thought it was ok. While it's cool that so much stuff breaks in the game, it looks really bad when stuff like fences and boxes completely disappear after running through them. Lots of games do this, but it's so obvious here that even I noticed it and I tend not to notice stuff like this. The biggest clusterfuck is the way signs and telephone poles break. It looks awful. Its so bad it's almost good. On another topic, has anyone brought up how lame the main character looks? It looks like something a really sad nerd thought would look cool(or a 1980s rapist). Trenchcoat, face bandana and cap. I hope there's an unlockable fedora(trilby) somewhere in there for the fans. Im ecstatic to see the inevitable 400lb white guy cosplay this shit.
  14. Not being able to get into a certain game genre, is that really a thing? I mean in terms of difficulty, not fun. I always hear a lot of people say this about fighting games. Its not that they dont think theyre fun, they just find them too difficult because of the control movements and all the moves and just all the data thats involved in them. I understand. But do you think if people kept at it theyd eventually get it or are they just stuck sucking at them? I think ive brought this up before, but I REALLY suck at Xcom: Enemy Unknown. Im just not good at it and losing discourages me from trying since its a big amount of time you waste when you lose. And before that I also dropped Valkyria Chronicles. It was fun for a while, but then they introduce tanks into it and the game gets impossibly hard. And Ive even dropped FFT in the past as well. It sucks because some parts of these games are fun, but others I just cant grasp. Theres just way too much information to digest to play. A friend also told me how he cant play the Portal games. He likes seeing other people play them, but he has a hard time grasping the puzzles in the games. And he's not an idiot either. He just has trouble with Portal puzzles. Which I personally dont understand because I love the Portal games and I find them to be really well balanced in their difficulty. Theyre difficult enough to make you think, but they make sense before it gets frustrating. The messed up part is that I loved FFTA on the GBA. I totally got the hang of that one. I hear a lot of people say its a dumbed down FFT. Maybe thats why.
  15. Well, the Order 1886 got delayed to next year, so 2014 is looking slim for the PS4. To Watchdogs or not to Watchdogs?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Meh, I got the PS4 for multiplats anyway, since I (rightly) predicted my PC wouldn't be able to keep up this year.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Should have spent that $400 on master race instead. You'd save a bunch of money on games. Cheaper in the long run.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      But I was going to get a console anyway, for stuff like Destiny, so I get it at the beginning of the generation, then in 2015 or 2016 I'll upgrade my computer when it's way cheaper to exceed the consoles.

  16. I shouldn't have googled "Sinaloa cartel chainsaw" this early in the morning. It's exactly what it sounds like. NSFFW

    1. Mal


      Why would you look up anything related with a cartel that involves a sharp object? Actually, I won't put it pass them to use a blunt object.

  17. I skimmed a lot of the stuff here, but I always assumed AAA meant the most expensive games with the most mainstream marketing. Tv commercials, ads on sides of buses, Jimmy Fallon "interviews". Being known by people who dont spend that much time on the internet. You know, normal people. Thats what separates something like Minecraft from CoD or Assassin's Creed. Minecraft sells like crazy and is extremely popular in it's own right, but Id never classify it as AAA. Im also not sure how much it costs to make, but I personally don't think it looks expensive and I personally have never seen that many ads for it. It was mostly word of mouth that made it so popular. Mostly to me it's about money. Budget and sales. Spending a shitload of money and making a shitload of it back and then some. It's not even about graphics or sound design or whatever else people may think. The Dead Space games, Mirror's Edge and Bayonetta always had the sheen of AAA, but I don't think a lot of people would group it with CoD, GTA, or Halo. It's just not up there. And if I had to absolutely relate it to films, id say it was something like Avatar or Avengers against something like No Country for Old Men or Wolf of Wallstreet. All extremely successful films both commercially and critically, none were indie or even close to it, but Avatar and Avengers were ridiculous in how much money they made and how popular they became. And they were also expensive as hell and had tons of marketing. AAA is kind of just a whole other world.
  18. Any of you ever actually pay for porn? I never have.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      ^That was exactly my thought.

    3. TheRevanchist


      In my young days, I bought VHS tapes and many, many magazines. Last time was 10 years ago, maybe more, a DVD compilation. Since then, all free! Thanks Obama!

    4. Vecha


      I have. I have a sub for Videobox. Have for years. I prefer it over pornhub, porntube, youporn, etc etc. I use to torrent. But got two letters...so fuck it. I'll pay 10 bucks for a site that has thousands of scenes...organized by categories, "actress", etc.

  19. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/director-edgar-wright-exits-marvels-706896 Wright isn't directing Ant-man anymore. Ugh. Its so late into production that I think it'll still be good since it'll still have the same cast and probably same script. And as much as I like Wright, I trust Marvel with their movies. Personally, this is going to be one of life's biggest "what ifs" right next to Stanley Kubrick directing A.I. No matter how good it turns out(if it does turn out good), people are going to be jaded about it and talk about how much better it would have been if Wright had stayed on to direct it. Thats going to bother me.
  20. All tv show dvds should really have an option to skip the intro after the first one when you watch them all in a row. I love the Simpsons and South Park themes as much as anyone, but I dont marathon these shows to watch the intro a million times. Also, Im not sure how many dvds still do this, but the Simpsons and a few other dvds go the extra mile to animate their menus. it looks cool and I appreciate the extra work and everything, but I hate going through the menu while waiting for the animations to finish since you cant skip them. Its a weird peeve, but its annoying nonetheless. Luckily, it's only the first couple of seasons of The Simpsons that do this.
  21. Still playing Borderlands 2 on Vita. I probably would have succumbed to buying Transistor if this game wasn't so damn long. The mission in the preservation really REALLY bums me out. Ive played through this part 3 times now and it always pisses me off. Maybe it's because in the last few years Ive had a really soft spot for pets and animals in general. Ive always liked animals, but lately Ive felt very sentimental about them. Probably due to my cat, that bitch. I just never expected to find something so disturbing in a game like Borderlands 2. 95% of the game is humorous, then this shit happens. Shit, that whole mission is fucked up if you collect and listen to all the recordings laying around the place. Then again, human and animal experimentation is one of those things that I dwell on and play out in my head. I think about stuff like that a lot. I'm not a fan.
  22. Sounds like the title of a Phoenix Wright game.
  23. The ps3 patch for cross saving with Vita was released today. It kind of sucks. Golden keys, skins and your badass rank don't transfer over. theyre all separate. Well, the shift account is the same, but they dont combine in any way, yet they still use up the code. So if you unlock a golden key or a skin with one of the shift codes, itll show up that you already redeemed it, but itll stay stuck in whatever version you used them in. Youre honestly better off just starting a whole new shift account on Vita. Im going to start over on Vita with a new shift account and a new character and play it that way and only transfer over my character to the ps3 to do the dlc that the Vita version doesnt have.
    1. TheRevanchist


      It was the one person that appeals to both the Donald Sterlings of the world, as well as the Al Sharptons.

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