It's pretty awesome on the iPad. Definitely the best version.
I get the hate for the new character sprites, but Ive honestly already got used to them. screenshots are just really offputting, but once you play the game and you see them animated, it's not a big deal. Id even say it's for the better since they were remade by the original artist. That's not something that happens every day.
The weirdest thing(and Ive always noticed this) is how people are complaining that they look too different to be in the game, that they're too bright and stick out compared to the rest of the game. But the entire game is inconsistent visually. All the 2D Final Fantasies are. In one battle you could be fighting a really large realistically proportioned Kefka and in the next you could be fighting chibi Kefka. Whenever people fall off a cliff, get hit, or do anything outside of running or walking, they almost always use the wrong animation. They didnt animated the characters to do so much and it looks off as hell. The magic spells outside off battle look way different than in battle. It doesn't look good, but it kind of becomes it's charm. The game was amazing for 1993. It mostly still is, but its not to be taken so seriously. People need to chill and enjoy it.
I also dont understand the $16 hate. $20? Id understand that. The fucked up part is if it came out on consoles, $20 would be no problem for the people that are bitching.
Blah. Im enjoying it. Its a great remake.