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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Shit, if I were them Id pay Sega and add all their Sega Kart characters to it. Itd be the greatest kart racer ever.
  2. Im surprised they havent replaced Mario Kart with Smash Kart. It would work.
  3. PS4 Tomb Raider looks damn good. It really should have been a launch title. That being said, there's still some inconsistencies. Mostly the dlc costumes dont get dirty or damaged. It bothers me for some reason, so I dont use them. Also, the fancy new hair technology they used looks bad when Lara is hanging upside down or in any weird angle that isnt standing, which she does several times in the game. Im not sure how the voice commands work either. I guess I need the headset. Not that Ill use it. Its also weird that they use the controller audio, but it also comes out of the tv at the same time. Every other game I have with controller audio only plays it out of either the controller or the tv, not both at the same time. Weird. And I still have the same critiques that I used to from the PS3 version. Good game, not great. Maybe with the sequel.
  4. Maybe its because Im not a huge Smash Bros fan, but are people actually dying to know each and every single character that Nintendo feels they have to draw it out by announcing one character a month? This is the 4th one. We get it. 90% of the previous roster is coming back. Duh.
  5. Finally got around to playing and finishing The Walking Dead Season One + 400 days. It's pretty great. Its all pretty draining though. Im going to wait til Season Two is completely released before I jump in. And im not sure how it is on all the other platforms, but the Vita version kind of sucks. Tons of stuttering and slowdown. It looks good, but it doesnt matter when it performs so shittily. Easy platinum trophy though, possibly the easiest ever. You get it just by finishing the game.
  6. The Last of Us: Left Behind. Amazing dlc. I think it's easily the best dlc Ive ever played with only RDR: Undead Nightmare right behind it.
  7. It's 5gb, so Im just going to let it download overnight and Ill play it tomorrow....err, later today, since its 2am right now.
  8. Anyone have a set threshold when they'll sell their Wii U? I think after Bayonetta 2, im done.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      You can still buy both a used SNES or a gamecube off Ebay for less than $100. I dont see the big deal.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      What's the going rate for used Wii Us?

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      If Nintendo got more jrpgs for the Wii U I wouldn't mind getting it. But the grand majority come out for 3DS so what's the point

  9. Yeah, I think it just might be me. I cant imagine it being more complicated than it already was. And no, im not faulting it or the people who like it, its a quality product, I just cant get into it. Weird.
  10. Ive been meaning to ask this for a while, but I completely forgot about it. Ive played a few strategy games in my time and Ive liked them enough, but I wouldnt say Im a fan of the genre like i am with tps or fighting games. Im not a pc gamer. Anyways, how did Xcom Enemy Unknown get as mainstream as it did? It won tons of awards and sold pretty well and was released on most devices, but I personally find the game really complicated. Some would say it's "deep." But It just goes over my head with all the stuff you have to keep track of and maintain. There's just so much shit to do. Not to mention that I found the actual game hard. Not impossible, but I cant imagine the average gamer being good at it initially. Im just going to assume I suck at these type of games.
  11. Didnt think about multiple tvs. Hmm. Makes sense.
  12. So why do you guys want the Vita TV for really? You both have Vitas. Ive just never been a fan of playing handheld games on a tv. Its basically going against why I got a handheld in the first place. Ill go one step further and say its a huge pet peeve of mine. Seeing kids play Pokemon Red in all its black and white glory on their SNES was so stupid to me. I just dont get it it at all. Nowadays i try to get as much stuff on portable as I can. Especially ports or games that just dont look that great.
  13. Yeah, I heard the PSX version is pretty bad. I still have my GBA version, though the music kind of sucks on that version. And honestly, rpgs dont really need dpads. Its fine with touch controls. Navigating menus is kind of why touch controls exist in the first place.
  14. It's pretty awesome on the iPad. Definitely the best version. I get the hate for the new character sprites, but Ive honestly already got used to them. screenshots are just really offputting, but once you play the game and you see them animated, it's not a big deal. Id even say it's for the better since they were remade by the original artist. That's not something that happens every day. The weirdest thing(and Ive always noticed this) is how people are complaining that they look too different to be in the game, that they're too bright and stick out compared to the rest of the game. But the entire game is inconsistent visually. All the 2D Final Fantasies are. In one battle you could be fighting a really large realistically proportioned Kefka and in the next you could be fighting chibi Kefka. Whenever people fall off a cliff, get hit, or do anything outside of running or walking, they almost always use the wrong animation. They didnt animated the characters to do so much and it looks off as hell. The magic spells outside off battle look way different than in battle. It doesn't look good, but it kind of becomes it's charm. The game was amazing for 1993. It mostly still is, but its not to be taken so seriously. People need to chill and enjoy it. I also dont understand the $16 hate. $20? Id understand that. The fucked up part is if it came out on consoles, $20 would be no problem for the people that are bitching. Blah. Im enjoying it. Its a great remake.
  15. Im not the biggest fan of fps and something that really bugs me, yet isnt really exclusive to the genre and honestly, I might be the only person who is annoyed with something like this, but I HATE having to figure what what type of guns each gun is. Especially in sci fi titles. They always name them something stupid that says nothing about the actual gun until you get it and shoot. Dont just call it an Eviscerator or a Needler, call it an "Eviscerator shotgun" if you must. Tell me what kind of regular person gun it is. Fuck.
  16. Whenever I see Jesus up on that cross, I can't help but think that he looks kinda hot!
  17. Outlast on PS4. Its pretty good. Though gore and jump scares are kind of cheap, it does them really well. Anyone here played it or is playing it right now?
  18. RIP in peace, Andrew Dice Clay.

  19. So I still had like 3 or 4 hours to go in Xillia, can I just say I beat it? I already read what happened. I just got bored with it.
  20. Fuck, the ending to Thor 2 pissed me off. Good movie, but I just really dislike those type of endings. Leave shit like that for the after credits scene. The mid-credits scene was pretty sweet though. I am quite the fan of the actor in question of that particular scene.
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