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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. This remaster is a bigger deal to us living in the US since this is the first time were getting the international version. Same with FFX-2. Europe got the international version by default.
  2. Well, i already got a job interview at a place that seems pretty rad. So I guess it's not all bad.

    1. TheRevanchist


      But is there a fine chick for you to bang at this one?

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      there always is revan. there always is

    3. Vecha


      Awesome! Good luck man!


  3. Ive gotten a little obsessed with the Appstore. So far Ive gotten- Sonic 1 Sonic 2 Sonic CD Sonic 4 Ep2 FF Tactics WOTL FF4 Xcom Deus Ex The Fall Bastion SW KOTOR Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Tomb Raider 1 Dead Space Scribblenauts Remix Ghost Trick The Room Dokuro Limbo Ace Attorney Trilogy ....and thats about it.
  4. Got The World Ends With You - Solo Remix from Mister Jack. It plays really well on the iPad compared to the DS. Never finished it on DS, so hopefully this time I can. Thanks, man.
  5. The Last of Us - No fucking contest. To be honest, the more I look back one some of my favorite games this year, the more flaws I see. To me TLOU is still as good as when I played it. Story, gameplay, visuals, music. Its the complete package. Tomb Raider was really good. A lot of people compare it to Uncharted and I can see why, Uncharted was always compared to Tomb Raider too. And while TR does a lot of stuff better gameplaywise than Uncharted, it fails at everything else. Set pieces, story, dialogue, and voiceacting are all superior in Uncharted. And while TR is a lot more open than Uncharted, it still very much a corridor with an optional tomb every once in a while. Seriously, the game was very short of tombs. And the Metroid comparison was very shallow. The Arkham games did it better. Super Mario 3D World - It's just fantastic. If youve played 3D Land, its like that, except about 2 or 3 times as good. Assassin's Creed 4 - I had a ton of fun with it, but the more I think about it the more it seems like its just a "reskinned" AC3. I actually liked AC3 too, but I think the whole "AC4 is a million times better than AC3" is overblown. AC4 just has a waaaaaay better "skin" than AC3. Its more interesting, more charming, and the pace of the story is a trillion times better. Otherwise they both have almost identical gameplay, which admittedly the AC games arent great at. So I guess I see what people see too. Bioshock Infinite - I only remember parts of it, mostly the beginning and the ending, and the boss battles. Everything else is kind of a blur. I wish it had less shooting and more walking around exploring, which sounds crazy since this is still a game. I dunno, i liked it a lot when I played it, but now it seems like a blur. Plus, I always thought the shooting in all 3 Bioshock games was kind of weak. It just has no feedback. Enemies just fall over like you hit them in the head with a frying pan. It bothers me. Theres no joy in it to me. Also, I hated all the items and money being all over the place. I cant help myself, so looking in barrels for cash when there are a million barrels in the game is annoying. Its almost never worth it. Ugh. Beyond: Two Souls - I liked it quite a bit. It fixed a lot of what Heavy Rain did wrong. The story is still quite lacking and a lot of stuff never makes sense, but I had fun with it and it looked fantastic. The voice work was also a million times better. It also felt more like a game. But it just didnt have the impact Heavy Rain had on me. HR was something super weird and new to me at the time It had quite an impression on me. GTAV - Really good. I wasnt even going to try to play it because of how much i fucking hated GTA4. Thankfully, this fixed almost every problem 4 had. At the end of the day though, GTA games never have a big impact on me. I play them, enjoy them and put them away for ever. Im not huge into these types of games. I feel like theyre "too real" to keep my attention. .....and thats what I remember as far as good/great games this year. Maybe Ill update later with more.
  6. I cant finish a damn game this year. I still have Killzone SF and Marvel Lego to complete.
  7. I made $35 an hour last night bartending. Thank you, drunk people.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vecha


      Damn man! Awesome money...but you seriously have no family?

    3. Vecha


      Nevermind on the question about family...just saw you post that you got something from your mom..lol

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I have family but I still go out every Christmas night.

  8. I got a couple of Chucks from my mom, along with socks and M&Ms. Sadly wherever she got the Chucks, they forgot to take the tag off. The little plastic device that breaks open with ink if you try to cut it off. Now she has to take them back. Thats all I got. And now that I can pretty much buy myself whatever I want, it doesnt bother me as much as I used to.
  9. This is kind of bugging me, but do people really genuinely like the MGR soundtrack? I find it embarrassing and bland. If you want cheesy buttrock, there's tons better quality out there. I just figure its some form of irony.
  10. Was I supposed to get my cat a Christmas present? I figure I didnt since she doesn't even know a thing about Christmas, or holidays, or probably time in general. To be honest, she probably doesnt even know what goddamn planet she's on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      *Give a present if you want to give a gift to someone you love, not because you have to give.


      *the basic spirit of Christmas

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      My cat's about due for a new toy so I'll get him a toy and some catnip.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      cat's don't give a fuck, just keep feeding it. A dog on the other hand deserves errthang

  11. Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Ghost Trick are .99 cents on IOS. In case anyone is interested.
  12. Check the options menu. They changed the aiming for Uncharted 3 and people bitched about it so they updated the game with an option to have it aim like Uncharted 2. Well, at least I remember that it's optional.
  13. I'm closing with a new female bartender. She is fiiiiiiiiine...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. staySICK


      my wife and I met as coworkers. so, yea

    3. TheRevanchist


      My dearest Pojo, if you label me, you negate me. Most profound quote from either Kierkegaard or Dick Van Patten via Wayne's World.

    4. Pojodin


      @Revan: I didn't want to negate you. T_T Be free, Revanchist, and reach your full potential!


      Also, looking at your first statement, there's a joke in there somewhere about her taking "just the tips"...

  14. I already owned Eastbound season 1, but it was on dvd. Now I have the first 3 seasons on blu. Also, I already have the Robocop trilogy boxset, but this one is a new 4k remastered version with all or most of the special features from the Criterion dvd. Im pretty excited about it.
  15. Its going to be really awkward when a portable version of the same game sells 20 times more than the better looking, probably better playing(thanks to the gamepad and local multiplayer) home version. I don't think thats ever been the case before. Honestly, the gamepad inflated the price and so far it's useless outside of offscreen play. And you know what? Its nice and I use offscreen play quite a bit myself, but it's not $100 nice. I feel like the decision to have it backfired. Outside of Nintendoland and Zombi U, the thing has been useless. I feel XBO made the same mistake with packing in Kinect, but XBO had next gen graphics to fall back on.
  16. Does anyone here truly and honestly believe the Wii U is ever going to recover? Theyre running out of sequels. Pretty much just Smash and Zelda. Otherwise, weve gotten sequels to everything else. I dont count Metroid though, because Nintendo doesnt seem to count Metroid anymore. I cant predict the future any more than anyone else can, but I dont think it will be a success like the Wii was. I dont even think it will ever in it's lifetime sell more than half of what PS4/XBO sells. Then again, by next year itll have quite a bit of critically acclaimed exclusives to it's name, the price will probably go lower and MAYBE people will get it then. If the gamepad, the last gen resolution, or the lack of third parties doesnt bother them. And hopefully it goes to $199 retail. It just has so much stacked against them.
  17. Steam ID: ReverseApacheMaster, USA General criteria: Well, I dont have a wishlist on Steam anymore because I basically got what I wanted off Steam from last year's secret santa. I dont really game on my Mac, so that's not really an option. Lately Ive been playing games on my iPad, so Im really into that right now. I also download stuff off PSN, so theres that. What are your favorite genres? I play everything except sports games. But if I had to narrow it down id say rpgs and action games. What are your favorite games? Super Mario Bros. 3, Last of Us, Final Fantasy 6, Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, Breath of Fire 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry 3, and a bunch of other ones. Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Yes. Yes I am. And since I cant share my app store wishlist, I just may as well list them here: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy V, World Ends With You, Walking Dead, and Castle of Illusion. My Apple ID is Fernandosolano1234@gmail.com. And as for PSN, I really have no idea what I want off it. Id have to look. I have a PS3, PS4 and Vita, so yeah. Will you take games not on your wishlist? I guess, though that's weird.
  18. Eventually they'll hook up ships to the animus to relieve their ancestor boat's memories.
  19. These Spike videogame awards are a decade old today and they still havent found a way to make them not awkward.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      The problem for me is that the nongame stuff is really awkward and the game stuff that's not trailers are really boring. I don't mind reading what game developers have to say, but seeing them get interviewed is ridiculously dull. I think this is lose/lose situation.

    3. toxicitizen


      Yeah, and most of their "world premieres" were absolutely shitty. Almost all of it was just new footage/info for shit we already knew about. And at least half of it was tech-focused. What the fuck were they thinking? This kind of event is the time to build hype, not to show off your fucking fancy rendering tech. I guess that might be a part of why they went for a smaller thing this time instead of the usual big show with an audience.


      The Telltale stuff and the new game from...

    4. toxicitizen


      ... from the Joe Danger guys were the only actual announcements. That's kinda bad when compared to past reveals like Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us...

  20. Apparently Tomb Raider is getting a PS4 version. I think Im going to double dip, despite how overrated even I thought it was. I still liked it enough.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      Theyre not. Its basically the PC version with all the dlc included. So its an extra tomb, skins, and multiplayer stuff. It really depends how dead the end of January is. Ports like these drop in price fast anyways.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I didn't realize they'd announced the content.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Multiplayer that no one played! I couldn't even find a match a few weeks after launch.

  21. Me and a friend tried Warframe for a bit. The visuals and most of the gameplay is pretty fun. It honestly reminds me of RE6 a bit, or ME3 multi. Theres really 2 things I hate about it and maybe those are just part of being a free game, but leveling up is slow as fuck. Ive played through 4 levels and im not even level 1 yet. Also, the major currency in the game, platinum, is ridiculously low in supply. But you can buy it off PSN with real money. Its just such a shame because there are so many weapons and skins and powers int he game, its pretty cool. But I doubt Ill stick to it enough to unlock any of it. Oh and the other thing that sucks about it is the melee. Its super powerful, but so difficult to get a hit. Annoying.
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