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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I have no idea what's happening here.
  2. Turns out there is no book called "On A Fat Dick Darkly." A real shame.

  3. Those Uncharted 4 scores. Expected, but still.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Still waiting for my copy to ship but that sounds like a great idea Kenshi.

    3. Eleven


      I'm in! But it's shipping May 9th, no? Do you live in the future?

    4. Strangelove


      There were people already selling their copies on Neogaf. I guess some people got it this week.

  4. Let me know how it is. I've always wanted to play it. I'm curious if it's more Metroid than Igavania. So many games try, but none have scratched that Igavania itch for me.
  5. What the fuck...

    1. Thursday Next
    2. Vecha


      Love how the creator is like, "Trolls...stop...It won't stop me from creating this..."


      Trolls or people who think you're insane? lol

  6. The demo wasn't very good. Hard to believe that this is what they be been working on for so many years. I know games should have their own identity, but Final Fantasy living in its own bubble has hurt it immensely. What they do doesn't work. They need to look at good recent RPGs for some inspiration. If they're not willing to go back to what they used to do, then move forward and catch up to what everyone else is doing.
  7. Ive been selling all my physical games and buying digital and now I have a ton of games to play, shit Ive been wanting to play for over a year, and I have no idea where to start. Bought GTA5 on PS4 and finished that though. Now I just have The Evil Within, Fallout 4, Alien Isolation, Gravity Rush Remastered and Tearaway(PS4) to get through. Not to mention Uncharted 4 next week, which I preordered months ago(along with the season pass thing).
  8. All multiplayer content is going to be free. Theyre going to keep updating the game with modes, skins and maps til next year. All free. I like that. For some reason I thought this was coming out in 2 weeks, but its actually next week. Damn. Time flies.
  9. Im too used to gorging on entire seasons of tv shows, I cant go back to watching shit episodically again.

    1. TCP


      Yeah. There's some shows I like watching episodically. Comedies work great like that. But for a large narrative like say the Game of fuckin Thrones, I'd rather have it all at once.

    2. Vecha


      Yeah...it's torture.

  10. Well, that FF15 demo wasn't very fun.

    1. Eleven


      LOL. Yeah. I was underwhelmed.

    2. TCP


      Yeah, not great.

  11. So you guys like Batman? What about Superman? Well, guess what...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mister Jack
    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      TBF Superman is the worst superhero ever so even though Batman is great, the drag coefficient was too much for him to overcome.

    4. SomTervo


      I said the same until I read All-Star Superman, TN. Give that a read. Morrison kills it and makes the guy actually compelling.


      Plus the '78 movie is great

  12. Why would anyone want to play Twilight Princess again?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pojodin


      Majora's Mask is definitely one of my favs.

    3. TCP


      Pojodin is definitely one of my favs.

    4. Pojodin
  13. Being so overpowered after this last expansion, I wonder how unimpressive the old raids would be to people who have never done them before. VoG was fantastic when it was the end game, but now you can slaughter everything easily and the loot for it is outdated shit. I'm pretty sure that would put a damper on the whole thing. Which is kind of sad because to me it's the best thing in the whole game. I really like VoG, but there's no reason to do it now. Hmm.
  14. RIP in piece Bowie-san.

  15. Finally got the flawless raider trophy. It wasn't too bad since we had a guy who managed to do entire parts by himself while the rest of us just stood around waiting.
  16. I just finished watching Jessica Jones last night(which was great) and every time Luke Cage showed up all I could think was, "goddamn, I wish I was a big strong handsome black man." So distracting.
  17. Shadow Fall was a boring piece of shit. Play Mercenary instead.
  18. Tales From The Borderlands is fantastic. Easily Telltale's best game. Anyways, Im poor and dont have a backlog, so I decided to play MGS5 again and actually do the mission where Quiet leaves, then I got her back. No more butterfly emblem for me.
  19. What ending did you get? Witcher 3 was one of few games in recent memory where I was really happy about the ending.
  20. Finished Witcher 3 yesterday. Great game, lame ending. At one point I thought the game was going to keep going for at least an hour or 2 more, but it ended after 5 minutes. Weird.
  21. Im The only one who voted MGS5. Ouch. Im probably also the only one who would put Tales From The Borderlands at #2. Then Witcher 3 at #3.
  22. I think I've officially done everything there is to do in the game outside of making extra characters to get all the swords and exclusive exotic guns. I guess I just wait for the hard raid.
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