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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I think im about to cave on a Wii U. $350 at Target with a $50 giftcard, or even better $300 on Ebay. Tons of Deluxe Wii Us for $300. Any opinions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Just watch the price drop a week after you buy it. Right now does not seem like a good time to buy.

    3. TCP


      I wouldn't get one now. None of those games are coming out soon and the price could be $50-$100 lower when they are.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Wii Us are useless. Get something worthwhile instead.

  2. Dick or Richard. We all knew who he was going to be since we know you dont bring in a really "hot" actor and give them a miniscule part or meaning.
  3. https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/games/persona4-golden/cid=UP0005-PCSE00120_00-PERSONA4GOLDEN01 P4G on US PSN for $20. If you have a vita but not this game, youre a shithead. Greatest rpg ever made, including all the "western" fluff.
  4. I hate the nonshiny finish and the rounded edges of the system, thats what make it look like a toy. Not to mention the bigass hinge at the top. It reminds me of the 90s in a bad way. Other than that its fine, like you said it fixes a lot of the buttons which are terrible on the regular 3DS. Also, yes. The Vita is sex in portable handheld form. Makes me moist just thinking about it.
  5. Haha, I noticed that too. Her eyes kind of flickered for a moment, then they completely shut. I was way more convinced she was dead seconds BEFORE she did that. And I just thought so much time was wasted on Blake. He just runs around aimlessly for the entire movie, not really doing anything. He finds Gordon, but doesnt save him at the hospital, does his obligatory "im just like you, Batman" speech, DOESNT save the police from being trapped in the sewers because he was too late, when its time to save the cops he throws the bomb, but Batman sets it off, and the bus full of children? A waste. A completely waste of time. It was also kind of lame how they revealed his name to be Robin at the end. It felt bad. Him also discovering the batcave took like 5 minutes too much. I shut off the movie once The Bat blows up. I got all the enjoyment from it i was going to get. Goddammit, he was useless. But I will take back him being talentless, he was fantastic in 50/50.
  6. Uhh, Im going to be that asshole...but I really dislike the XL. if anything, that thing looks like a toy, like one of those 90s toys thats supposed to be a laptop for 6 year olds. Its a terrible build, light and cheap looking. the regular one feels great and looks great. As for the screen size, I dont care. Its right in front of my face and the games were made with the regular screen in size.
  7. Im not sure why I felt like rewatching TDKR, but Robin and Talia kind of ruin the movie. All their parts are super boring, it feels like thats half the movie alone. Not to mention I dont give a shit about Joseph Gordon Levitt or Marion Cotillard. Theyre not very talented. They should have taken their characters out of the movie, would have been awesome.
  8. This sounds like such a bad idea. If you can make a good Batman/Superman comic book AND a good cartoon, Id figure theyd be able to make a good movie too, but I just dont feel right about this. Feels wrong and awkward. Unless it gets a shitload of high marks and recommendations from friends or this forum, Im going to completely ignore it. And honestly after this Batman trilogy, if this is "good if you like action movies", Im ignoring it. And yes, mostly cus I hate that butthole Superman.
  9. Im almost 30 years old, but i already know Im going to die alone. Thats kind of a bummer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deanb


      On the "die alone" in a relationship sense, I'm on the knife edge of how I feel it'll go.

    3. Chewblaha


      Holy shit that's depressing. Keep your chin up, man.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Everyone dies alone if you think about it. Rarely do people, couples specifically, die at the same time. One of you is going before the other.

  10. I hate Shinkiro's fucking artwork. They all have the same fucking faces. Not only that but it makes the more fantastical characters seem out of place. People with weird costumes like Morrigan or stupid haircuts like Haohmaru looks really wrong. Dude sucks.
  11. They kind of fucked the story over since before the game was made since it was made clear that in a way, it's non-canon. Well, its not, its a computer simulation, but it might as well be. And yeah, it needed a few more months in the oven to improve the graphics, but overall having a real AC game on a portable is quite an achievement. I never felt it was gimped in any way like most home console to portable titles. And overall, it looked pretty good considering the scope or other games in the system. I think our standards are set on Uncharted or Gravity Rush, when those are clearly the exception. Kind of like on the PS3.
  12. Glengarry Glen Ross. Infinitely quotable. It's brilliant.
  13. $350...every time I see that number next the to Wii U, it makes my blood boil. I really want to get one, but that price...goddamn. I dont mind throwing money at Apple and their overpriced shit, but Im Nintendo is different. Somehow. it irks me.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      That would be the sensible approach. I'm notoriously bad at being sensible about new tech.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Easy: get a PS4. The Wii U won't be worth having for another year, if ever.

    4. Vecha


      @FDS I already know the games I want. I can wait to get said games for cheap/second hand.

  14. Silent Hill: Book of Memories is ridiculously addictive. And its all a fucking grind. And the story is barely there. And its not scary at all. But its looks good graphically, the Silent Hill aesthetic really works for a dungeon crawler, and goddammit it's just fun.
  15. The problem with the Uncharteds, Assassin's Creeds or any other AAA title is that their Vita versions typically fall short of the console version. Thats usually the norm, but weve finally arrived at a handheld capable to get full fledged titles without being neutered gameplaywise. Can you imagine the abandoned ship battle from Uncharted 3 or the naval combat from AC3 on the Vita? Thats the type of thing people want to see. Now, I am all about the indie titles. I love them actually and its great that the Vita is where they normally all get portable ports. As far as Im concerned, were getting the best stuff, the Vita store isnt completely cluttered with crap. But it needs something more. A REAL Metal Gear title. Peace Walker on the PSP was pretty good, but it wasn't as full fledged as MGS3 or MGS4. A GTA title. The PSP ones were fantastic for their time. Also, the next Monster Hunter. I dont care about it, but some people do. Maybe a new Final Fantasy. Another Crisis Core-like title would do wonders. That rumored Bioshock title. A new Resident Evil with the quality of Revelations. And finally, Persona 5. Money int he goddamn bank.
  16. Thanks for the much needed info, FDS.
  17. I liked the demo when the game came out quite a bit. Its a nice time waster. I also got the expansion.
  18. They changed Yuna and Tidus' faces, so far anyways. And the textures arent just uprezed, theyre actually sharper and cleaner and have more detail. They actually did put some work into it.
  19. You destroy half the shit I love, but I still love you a lot more. - me to Sher(my goddamn cat)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deanb


      Improves the flavour, but easy to over do it. Hence Ethan saying not much.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Cats really hate the sour/citrus taste.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Cats actually loathe citric acid. Open an orange near a cat. Look into their eyes.

  20. Guillermo del Toro is the writer and director. He directed and at the very least cowrote Blade 2, both Hellboy movies and Pan's Labyrinth...he's fantastic. He was also supposed to direct The Hobbit. Also, Charlie Day and GLaDOS.
  21. Well, answer number 2 then: Naughty Dog doesn't want the player to kill 200 human females in the gruesome way that you usually do cus that tends to make people uncomfortable. And whether they meant to or not, it makes the women that die in the game feel more significant. Im not sure why we just dilly dally when the answer is obvious. It has nothing to do with the story. Im just trying to create some fiction around it for fun, otherwise...yeah. Easy.
  22. I was way more "entertained" by DA2 than Origins. I thought the game was a lot more fun. The story had a better pace and it was self contained. party members with personality and pretty good dialogue to boot. I also preferred the new art style. A lot. To be honest, I wouldn't classify Origins as a "fun" game. That being said, Origins has a huge scope that DA2 lacks, Origins is an adventure and everything about it is crafted perfectly with backstory and meaning. Its easily the better game. Not only that, but the recycling of obvious dungeons in DA2 is almost insulting. I feel like Im being slapped by Bioware whenever I run into the same damn dungeon. They dont even remotely try to dress it up or cover it up. The only differences are some doors are closed and some are open. Thats it. Ill stick up for the game any time, but the recycling is offensive. if it was my name on that game, id never release it in that state. Were way past using the same assets for clouds and bushes. Its just embarrassing.
  23. Wasnt it pointed out several times during the game that men were the only ones who went outside to scavenge, no women or children? At least thats the "good" people. The other survivors just killed kids and women. Less mouths to feed. And I can only assume women like Tess and Marlene were the extreme exception to that rule.
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