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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. For Vita. It looks surprisingly well. Looks almost HD, though its in 4:3. Sadly, it just reminded me how much more I prefer Blazblue. GG has always been needlessly complicated for me. Ugh. Oh well.
  2. Seriously? I understand buy 2 get one free, but 3 to get one? Thats ridiculous. and a download code at that. Its almost not a deal. What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo? Its like they think theyre the Apple of consoles/handhelds. They cant afford to think their shit is premium and people will pay whatever they ask, most people wont. Maybe this Wii U debacle will humble them like it did Sony a few years back.
  3. About damn time. If Dreamworks can rake in money with their mediocre crap, Sony has tons of franchises begging to be children's films.
  4. I dont consider myself a big Resident Evil fan, but I noticed today that Ive bought all of them, including the HD ports off PSN. Outside of that Raccoon City games, I own or have played all the main titles. I do this quite often, I dont feel like a big fan of something, but ive played and enjoyed every game in the series.

    1. Strangelove


      Ill add AC, Batman Arkham, and God Of War. I dont consider myself a big fan, meaning I wont rush to get sequels to these games first day, but eventually I end up playing them and really enjoying them, but I still dont change my mind about the series.

    2. TCP


      Wow.. no way... you bought ALL the Batman Arkham games?! #cray

    3. Strangelove


      Theyre just 2 and everyone seems to love them and are looking forward to Origins, but I dont really care. And Im saying this as someone you really liked these games.

  5. Interesting. Well, if nothing worthwhile comes out on PSN today, Ill use my $10 credit to get the season pass. This will be my first season pass ever. Thats how much I liked the game.
  6. Anybody wanna take a guess as to when this thing gets an "official" price cut? I figure if they dont have a REAL Mario game or a new Zelda game, we'll get a price cut this year. On another note, why is it so expensive anyways? Im sure the technology they use they didnt even develop because it already existed and the gamepad has crappy resolution, so that cant be it. It really should be $200 bucks for the basic set. Or maybe $250 with 2 or 3 downloaded games.
  7. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even touch myself before going to bed. Sheesh...

  8. This is definitely spurred on by Kotaku and it's Dragon Crown post, but white knights annoy me. Men who choose to view everything as sexist or misogynistic. Especially when a woman has never brought it up. Just shut up.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j6Ru6DD1xdU Awesome.
  10. Has it been said if theyre releasing actual storyline addons, not just enhancements or new vigors/weapons?
  11. I just finished Heavy Rain for the 3rd time, very different ending from last time. And surprisingly, I still really like the game, despite all the plotholes and uneven voiceacting. Its weird because Ill excuse most things this game does wrong, most of it wont bother me except I also forgot how awesome the end credits were.
  12. Thats usually what I go for, so its good to know ahead of time. I always picks daggers or 2 handed short sword type people in rpgs.
  13. I got the original for $18 and Ill probably never finish it. I don't need the "enhanced" version. I just want to play it a bit.
  14. Why are people using hashtags on Facebook? Do they know it doesn't do anything? It really doesn't. It has no function on Facebook.

  15. I don't own a car and I barely know how to drive.... :/
  16. Sonic Generations on the 3DS....it's ok. About as good as the Sonic Rush games. I wish it was closer to Generations. I also managed to beat it in about 3 hours or so. Short game.
  17. Ummm....there are a lot of people who also hate the new FF4 PSP sprites.
  18. I think the last time someone DIDN'T say that about a new system was the PS2. That was over a decade ago. People suck.
  19. Whenever Nintendo tries to make a 2D game using 3D graphics, it always looks lifeless and sterile. The NEW Mario series is a prime example of that. And now this one. And Id even add Pokemon X & Y if the screenshots are any indication. Theyre not bad games, theyre just visually dead. Yet when they make 3D games like the Mario Galaxy games, Skyward Sword and Kid Icarus, they look fine. Im not sure what it is, but thats how I feel about it. And in comparisons, Sonic Generations and Sonic 4 look fantastic in comparison. Maybe Nintendo just doesnt "get it" or something.
  20. I was informed yesterday that someone I knew that should never have a baby is having a baby. Isn't that always the case?

    1. TCP


      Condoms just aren't my style.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      My first was gonna visit me one time after like 10+ months since the last time i saw her. She cancelled later when she figured out she was pregnant and I freaked out. Then did the math.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Now is your chance to go on Maury. "In the case of Vinnie Grey Jr., Strangelove, you ARE NOT the father!"

  21. This is going to be an awful game.
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