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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. And in other news, GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE PLUS R is coming to Vita on the 23rd. I prefer Blazblue, but its good to have options. Shit, id rather have P4A. Id kill all your moms for P4A on Vita.
  2. I cant see it happening any time soon. The only real thing they can do to it is making it slimmer/smaller and giving it a better battery life. It's not selling enough to make a "better" version with extra features. I hate to say it, but the Vita is pretty perfect as it is as far as design and features for the cost. The best you can hope for is a price drop, probably like $50 bucks off, maybe with a 4gb card included. $200 with a 4gb card I think would be ideal. Maybe not for Neogaf and Kotaku nerds, but the average gamer. Just get a bundle you like when you see it.
  3. The good thing about TR is that you can keep playing after the story is finished. You can do the side stuff afterwards. I would have preferred new game+, but I guess thats more or less dead this year since no game has it anymore.
  4. Apparently Bioshock Infinite has a lot of flaws, a lot of problems. Like, most of the game, 98% of the game is flawed and generic. It also doesnt address the issues it presents. Im such a sheep.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      The game has issues with the shooting in that it's nowhere near as good as say Bioshock 2. This comes from the fundamental issue that Ken Levine and his team want to tell a really good story, but for it to sell they need to make it into a shooter.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I think I'm like 2/3rds through and have no problem with the shooting. I can pop head shots pretty easily. Then again, it's not a direct shooter so I don't feel comfortable using that term. If you're not using your powers you're doing it very, very wrong.

  5. You need to play Uncharted 2 again. TR doesnt have better set pieces. Not even close. Uncharted 3? Sure. Though I will say Uncharted 3's ship section is probably the biggest set piece in any game so far. Also, I think Arkham CIty has better game mechanics, a bit deeper and more inventive. I loved TR BTW, but yeah. It is what it is.
  6. That'a fucked up. Women don't play videogames, but they usually just watch their boyfriends play them. Give them something at least. Sheesh.
  7. It's not worth reading. Im kind of wondering if they played the entire game or only half of it. It mentions nothing of the latter half(the best half in my opinion) of the game. It mostly discusses things a random person would see in ads or trailers, then assumes the entire game is about those things. It just isnt and I dont think Irrational ever wanted it to be about those things. Columbia's problems are just a setting for the story of Booker and Elizabeth. As far as Im concerned, history is the style and sci fi time travel craziness is the substance of Infinite. I think people are just impressed by the article because of how "wordy" it is.
  8. This game needs new game+ badly. So did the first Bioshock. Ive always loved starting a game over with all the stuff I acquired. Not just because its fun to be overpowered, but....yeah no, thats it.
  9. I kind of hate videogame prequels. Let's move forward, people.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Strangelove


      A game with sully as the main character would be more of a spinoff/side game, not really a prequel.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      " If Uncharted 4 or the next Deus Ex were prequels, id feel the same."


      ...but Deus Ex: HR is a prequel.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      and it was a fantastic series. I feel the more disconnected a prequel feels to the original the better.

  10. Bioshock Infinite. Its definitely my GOTY so far. And to me it's better than Bioshock 1. Jesus Christ, what a great game.
  11. Tons of blurays Ive bought these last couple of weeks: Leon The Professional Breakfast At Tiffany's Black Swan Back To The Future Trilogy Coraline The Thing Anchorman Death Proof Planet Terror Charade Scarface I now have way more blurays than DVDs. The rest of my DVDs are really just Simpsons boxsets and other tv shows. I doubt half of those will ever come out on bluray.
  12. $59.96 off Amazon.com. PS3 version. "Like new" copy so I hope everything comes with it. I assume it will since its from Amazon's warehouse and it probably has some damage to the box or something lame like that, so they cant sell it as "new" anymore. BTW, The Songbird Edition is cool, but while I do like looking at action figure/statues, Im not into displaying them. It's just not my thing, so Songbird would have ended up in my closet somewhere. Not worth it for me.
  13. People being impressed by other people recreating shit in Minecraft every other week. It just takes time, thats it. Thats the only thing impressive about it. Sadly, these people have a lot of it. Thats not very impressive.
  14. Assassin's Creed 3. Fun game, too short of an ending though.
  15. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.

    1. TCP



    2. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      A threeeeee hour tour!

    3. Vecha


      Now let's get to the good part.

  16. I just got Scarface on bluray. Now I can't stop quoting Tony Montana.

  17. Birth By Sleep and KH2 werent difficult games. At all. If I remember correctly, people bitched about KH2 being too easy and dumbed down. All I know is that Rinzler is pissing me off.
  18. Im not sure why, but Im finding this game kind of hard. Mostly the bosses. Ive gotten stuck at basically every single boss. All I can do is grind. Ugh.
  19. my new 3ds friend code(seriously Nintendo, wtf?!?) is 3454-0438-0811 my name in there is "Strange". Im going to add a lot fo you, just so you know.
  20. My favorite Castlevania(aside from the new Anime direction).
  21. Did I just suplex a motherfucker in Assassin's Creed 3? Sweet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      I dont quite understand the hate. Ive played it for 2 hours and its basically the same as the others, if anything it seems a lot more refined and smooth. The story so far is pretty interesting too. I have no idea what people want.

    3. Eleven


      LOL! YEAH! I had the same reaction. Connor has some pretty sweet moves, with the tomahawk too!

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I don't really get the hate either. Whatever.

  22. Arkham City GOTY (all platforms) is 19.99 at Amazon and GS. Anyone know if the dlc is worth rebuying the game for?
  23. Im a sucker for an Atlus published good sidescroller... with sexy ladies involved. Fuck the HD ports. 20 bucks for the 3DS version. I also got a 16gb sd card, though I doubt I'll ever use it up. Im not buying anything digitally from Nintendo til I actually have an account that is easily transferable. I want that shit online on a server somewhere, not stuck to my system. Get your shit together, Nintendo.
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