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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I think Tomb Raider might have as many qtes as GoW...I'm not a fan.

    1. Eleven


      I loved the boss QTEs in GoW 3. Ripping heads of gods or beating them to a bloody pulp. Hate the thumbstick QTEs though, they suck.


      But I'm mostly ok with them, like in AC3. Also can't wait to play this game but i have to finish AC3 first, and DmC :(

    2. Eleven


      Do the QTEs here come up at the side of the screen, and positioned on where the button actually is? I hate QTEs in GoW 1 because they're all in the middle. In 3 I can keep my eye on the animation and not even look at the prompt cause their position tells me what to press.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      QTE's here tend to appear in the same position but most of them give you enough time. And most QTE's I did were optional

  2. Took advantage of Target's Buy two get one free deal this morning. Tomb Raider came in a steel case with multiplayer dlc which looks cool, but the box is too big for my bookshelf. I find that very annoying.
  3. Sometimes I wonder if I exclude myself or if I'm excluded. I'd like to think its both. That's reasonable, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      i exclude myself when i would rather sleep.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      I'm scared to answer in case it's a pop culture reference I don't know.

    4. Chewblaha


      Just go ballers out and post whatever you want.

  4. B2g1 at Target this sunday. I guess its time to pick up RGR, Ni No Kuni, and Tomb Raider.

  5. The Dead Space 3 dlc is pretty awesome. But as awesome as it was, it answers some questions, but leaves new ones open. Normally Id think it was awesome, but theres a big chance there wont be a DS4. Id hate to leave it this way.
  6. A little late with the tshirt, but I always wanted it.
  7. Shit Ive bought in the last month: Walk Hard bluray Talladega Nights bluray Melancholia poster Art of Mass Effect book Audrey Hepburn wall calendar Austin Powers trilogy bluray Rocky collection bluray Shawshank Redemption bluray Check it Out! season 1 & 2 dvd 2 tshirts from It's Always Sunny PErsona 4 artbook Persona 4 keychain Squier Jaguar Fender amp 2 cables DS1 Distortion pedal Guitar stand ......and I think thats it.
  8. I already owned all the good games in that sale besides Dokuro...
  9. I want to play the dlc so bad, but IM hoping for a GOTY version to pop up soon. Or at least a discounted dlc bundle.
  10. I haven't and it sounds like I should be glad I haven't.
  11. So yeah, DS4 is up in the air, but Visceral nor the DS franchise are dead. http://kotaku.com/5988639/rumors-of-dead-spaces-demise-are-false-says-studio To be honest, the most shocking thing about is is how many Kotaku readers actually liked DS3. Theyre usually the pickiest assholes on the innernet next to Neogaf.
  12. They closed a branch of Visceral, thats about it. They still have that new Army of Two to release this year.
  13. With the way games drop in price so fast you think publishers would get wise and just lower the goddamn price from the get-go. Any game will drop by at least 20 bucks in a month. Guaranteed.....well almost. Also, stop making so many collector's editions. They end up having too many and stores end up selling them from $20 on clearance. A waste.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      With DLC I thought the point was to keep your sales up after the big drop after the first month. To continue making tons of cash after that period.

    3. deanb


      Also known as the long game, to make up for the fact they're not making thier sales up in the initial month like used to work.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens
  14. It sounds like complete bullshit. All the comments about EA changing it sounds like a pissed off "hardcore" gamer complaining about EA being EA. Its just too cliche. And Im not saying it undersold or that it wont get cancelled, but this particular info is whiny gamer bullshit.
  15. Which is a shame considering it's written by the P4 team. Well, at least the actual game is still sound.
  16. Yeah, I felt the same way. Its the same problem Blazblue has. Adding so much dialogue and story to a fighting game is just...wrong.
  17. Well, I finally beat P4G. I got it when it came out, but I stopped at the last dungeon. I was talking about the game to a friend a few days ago and it made me want to pick it back up where I left off. Great ending to a great game. I did find it weird that the game is still a few hours long even after the last boss fight. Now I just wish P4A was on Vita. I cant play that game on my PS3.
  18. I really need to make up my mind whether to preorder Tomb Raider today or wait for a price drop. I REALLY want to play it soon though.

  19. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/03/01/willem-dafoe-ellen-page-star-in-beyond-two-souls-october-8th/ Willem Dafoe is in it now and the game releases on October 8th.
  20. Well, Sigma 1 was almost an exact port of the PS3 version, but in 30 fps. Same textures and everything. But that was basically and more detailed Xbox(not 360) game. And yeah, the display changes. Ive never seen that either, but I guess it works. Once you get more than 3 or 4 enemies, it gets pixelated. And honestly, it's not that big a deal since the game moves so fast. I still think it's fantastic.
  21. Im 27, so I should probably start learning about philosophy and start quoting Bukowski.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      No, that's Lebowski. Strangelove is talking about that little green dude from Monster's Inc.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      A judge in New York Supreme Court quoted Billy Madison on the record today. Also on the record is that it's her favorite movie.

    4. Dee


      I am enjoying this piece of news.

  22. Im not going to lie, it has it's problems. Slowdown if you fight more than 5 enemies onscreen, the resolution jumps around depending on how much is going on onscreen and the textures are downgraded compared to the PS3 version. It's also 30fps like Sigma 1. That being said - it's still NGS2 on a portable. The game is there in it's entirety and it plays just about the same. It doesnt have constant problems, just every once in a while. It also has gore now instead of the purple mist. I never cared, but some might.
  23. Cave Story sucks ass, so I could have it either way.
  24. Are we talking about shit like Cave Story and Retro City Rampage or shit like Sonic Generations and NEW SMB? I fucking hate the 8 bit and 16 bit aesthetic of modern "retro" games. Not only do they never get it right, but theyre just cheap asses. They dont have the money to produce a good looking game. Thats really the only reason they look "retro". Not only that, but no modern "retro" game comes close to the actual older 8 and 16 bit games in quaity and deep gameplay. The whole genre is shit.
  25. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/02/27/isaac-zeus-and-the-unfinished-swan-join-playstation-all-stars Isaac Clarke and Zeus are the next DLC characters. Fuck yes(for Isaac). I hope you can unlock his Engineer suit from the first game.
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