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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Well, its official: Im moving out. Im excited, but also worried. Theres a lot of stuff I need to buy.

    1. TCP


      Welcome to adulthood. It sucks.

    2. Saturnine Tenshi
  2. I always have subtitles on. I feel that id miss something without them. And I dont even really read them either. Ive gotten to the point where Ill hear something, then through my peripheral vision Ill see if the letter count matches the word Ive heard. If it doesnt match, then I actually focus and read the subtitles.
  3. Umm..non-Windows machine? That's what it mainly stands for to me.
  4. Goddamn, thats beautiful.
  5. And now Im seriously considering moving out of my house. $795 all bills paid. 550 Sq. ft. 15 minute walk from work. Hmm..

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Independence is wonderful.

    2. Mal


      Sounds good. Just double check how the place is and if everything is good, do it. Then come to realize just how little time there is when you're doing everything. Still wonderful though.

  6. Macbook Pro. Christmas came early. Ive wanted one for a long time, I had the money, Im lonely and material possessions make me happy....it all worked out! Plus, the laptop I have now Im giving to my mom. Itll save me the time and money of trying to think of something to give her on Christmas. Its hard shopping for my mom. And yes, I know everyone here is anti-Apple, especially when it comes to computers, but fuck it, YOLO!
  7. Neogaf has a lot of problems, but port begging being a bannable offense is awesome. Every forum should enforce that rule.

    1. fuchikoma


      It almost sounds like you don't want to see Fruit Ninja on the N-Gage...

  8. Mutant Blobs Attack. Overrated as hell, but still a really good game. Everyone with a Vita should own it.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Wally uses touching you in yo pokemanz.You say no. But it's not very effective.

  10. Did the Pokemon tv show ever touch on the subject of bestiality? It should have. Some of those Pokemon are hawt.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fuchikoma


      so i herd u liek mudkips...

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That'll be the theme of the terrorist team in Pokemon Saffron/Burgundy

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Prepare for trouble, and make it double..penetration

  11. The Academy is made up of almost entirely old white men. Just think about what they like and youll see how these movies get nominated and others dont.
  12. This was explained shortly after the first trailer for liberation was released: it's not an actual historical story. Its a kind of simulation. "Liberation is not viewed through the memories of series protagonist Desmond Miles; rather it is a "product" created by Abstergo who wish to show a gray area of the Assassin/Templar conflict through the eyes of an Assassin. Aveline will cross paths with Assassin's Creed III protagonist Connor Kenway."
  13. Dokuro isn't short though. It's supposed to be 15 hours long. And there are tons of people who are stuck on the second level. To me, that's like being locked out of a game. You only get to play a sample of it. I don't mind there being hard games for the people who enjoy them, but you have to offer difficulty options.
  14. Its a shame really because Dokuro looks amazing. Great art style. I wish it had a demo at least.
  15. I still may get Plants Vs. Zombies. I was going to get Dokuro, but I heard its a really hard game. I dont have the patience for hard games anymore, so screw that.
  16. I downloaded it at work, but I haven't gotten home to try it.
  17. Do astronauts pee in their spacesuits or is there a toilet on their ship?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Johnny


      A human being weighs a lot more than a bunch of piss. I imagine the toilet doesn't suck with such strength.

    3. Strangelove


      I don't want my asshole turned inside out.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I'm pretty sure with the poop you poop in a special bag and then hook the bag up to the vacuum thing, rather than putting the vacuum thing right on your ass.

  18. This isnt actually my cat, but it's been showing up at my door for the past 3 days. Hes such a handsome fucker. Too bad that I already have 3 cats. And this one has a collar, so im sure its lost or something.
  19. Awesome Halloween sale tomorrow, everybody. Dead Space 2 $13.99 $9.79 Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection: Content Pack $10.49 $7.34 Dead Rising 2 Off The Record $13.99 $9.79 Plants vs. Zombies PS Vita $10.49 $7.34 Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City $34.99 $24.49 Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack $5.59 $3.91 The House of the Dead Bundle $21.99 $15.39 Zen Pinball 2 PS Vita Monsters Bundle $5.99 $4.19 AMY $4.99 $2.50 Costume Quest complete bundle $7.49 $3.75 Dead Nation $7.49 $3.75 Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime $2.49 $1.25 inFAMOUS Festival of Blood $4.99 $2.50 If you dont have it, I think now is the time to get Plus. I have to renew mine. As far as reccomendations go: Dead Space 2, Mutant Blobs, Costume Quest, And inFamous FES are must haves. Im getting Mutant Blobs, maybe House of the Dead if it includes Overkill, and maybe PvZ.
  20. I think it's mostly a budget issue. They can't afford the bigger third party characters. Superbot is a new developer and I dont think Sony wants to use up that much money for this unproven concept. I am surprised Ezio or Connor arent in it. Ubisoft whores out AC like a motherfucker. Dammit, that Micheal ad just reminded me of how awesome it would be to have Isaac Clark in a fighting game. Goddammit.
  21. Dat MGS2 Raiden costume. Im definitely getting it, but as it is now, im kind of disappointed with it. Having only 20 characters really sucks. Unless youre using HD sprites, I dont get it. HD Sprites are a bitch to do and are time consuming as hell, thats why KOF and Blazblue had such a low character count. Otherwise, Capcom, Namco, Tecmo and every other 3D fighter company has spoiled me with having 30 plus characters. Im also saddened by the total neglect by the Japanese industry. Raiden is cool and Dante is ok, I cant imagine Sony DIDNT want more Japanese characters. Im sure Japanese third parties didnt want to lend their characters and its probably a money issue. Also, the lack of female characters is awful. I cant remember the last time a fighting game had such a lack of females aside from Street Fighter 2. As it stands, im praying to Jesus there are still more characters coming. Im actually begging for Lightning at this point. Seriously.
  22. Beat RE6 in about 26 hours. It's probably the second best RE game right behind RE4 for me. But in a way, RE as a series isnt all it's cracked up to be in the actual gameplay dept. 1-3 controls like ass and RE5 was a poor rehash of 4 with shitty halfassed co-op. RE6 is hands down the most playable and deepest game in the series and easily beats a few other tps games aside from Vanquish and Dead Space. They also did co-op right. It didnt feel weird to play it by myself. It was still fun and my AI partner didnt fuck my shit up and get in the way, which RE5 did a lot. Ive become less worried about Dead Space 3 now thanks to RE6.
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