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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Well, a lot of people are saying it's taking some uhh..."inspiration" from Metroid Prime. That can't be a bad thing. The Halo 4 trailer at E3 was one of the best ones I saw there.
  2. In all honesty, Halo hasn't been this interesting since the first one. I honestly am curious about it.
  3. Well, 8 out of my 9 PSone games I tried worked, so that's good. Only one that didnt work was Pocket Fighter, but then again that doesn't work for the PSP either. Doesn't bother me too much, but I am curious as to why it doesnt even work on the PSP. Only on PS3. So looking at the European list last night, I noticed that they not only have BoF3, but they also have both Fear Effect games? Are you fucking kidding me? Ugh. Anyways, I also noticed I dont own MGS1 or FF9 yet. Weird. I would have thought that I would have bought them, but most likely I didnt have money when they came out, so I just ignored them. I also suggest no one buy anything from the PSN store til after today's update.
  4. New Vita firmware is up. PSone compatibility in the US is....sketchy. About 10 games will show up in the store to buy tomorrow when the store updates. If you already own PS1 games, some are able to be downloaded from your download list in the store and some can be downloaded off your PS3(some games can be transferred if you DONT install them on the PS3 and some if you DO install them). Europe on the other hand has tons of games that can be downloaded. The US has to figure them out manually.
  5. When I got the game I was really surprised with how sexualized the game was. Makoto aside of course. For some reason, I thought ASW was above panty shots and weird lesbian suggestive stuff. Id say 9 out of 10 times theres a still illustration of a girl in story mode, itll be an unnecessary panty/ass shot. I dont have a problem with it, but the pandering is in full force here. Its definitely a Japanese game.
  6. Theyre giving away these posters at PAX. Looks cool. Also some tshirts.
  7. 1960s JC Higgins Men's Cruiser A friend I used to work with is moving, so he's selling it. I dont know shit about bicycles, but it looks alright for 80 bucks. And I need a bicycle. I trust the guy to not sell me a piece of crap. We'll see.
  8. Ethiopia has their own Craigslist page. And it is completely empty. I find that humorous.

    1. TCP


      Really fucking funny they have nothing to sell and nothing to buy with. Damn Strangelove, you got a heart black as coal....

    2. Strangelove


      Black as Wesley Snipes.

    3. TCP


      Damn that's as black as you can get!

  9. All 4 used from Gohastings for less than 20 bucks. I still really like the Bender head though. Too bad its about 100 bucks, even used.
  10. Well, Id agree, except that I think the pad might be pricey. I dunno. I doubt its 50 bucks like a PS3/360 controller. Itd be awesome if it was, but I doubt it highly. Thats what Ive been most curious about. The price of that pad. The system itself? Yeah, 200 bucks would be fine. Id have no problem with it.
  11. The Vita and the PSP before it was made for the "hardcore" gamer. It was made with them in mind. Theyre the ones who always want better graphics, better sound, better control. The 3DS is made for...pretty much everyone. That's just the road they decided to travel. Its not made for moms to randomly get for their kids on Xmas. With Nintendo around, Sony can try and try, but itll never have that demographic. Sadly for Sony, the "hardcore" gamer that they try to please has become an entitled douchebag. I sold stuff and saved money. Got the system, a 16gb card and a game. Im just not seeing the big deal here. If youre too poor to afford such a luxury item, by all means go for the cheaper alternative. But honestly thinking the Vita and the 3DS should be priced equally is retarded. We can argue about the quality of the games all day, but the Vita is actually worth 250(last I heard it was 160 or 180 in manufacturing alone), unlike the 3DS(Im scared to guess, but Im guessing about 100 or less in manufacturing). The 3DS currently is priced as it should have been from the beginning. The Vita is too. And yes, the cards are overpriced as fuck. They need to change that. Thats the biggest flaw I personally see. I guess Sony should have made a shittier Vita with a shitty screen and shitty graphics to bring down the price. I guess that's what people want. Actually, I don't have to guess. I know. Im actually pretty sad how Nintendo has now set a precedent for a VERY quick price cut. The 3DS did it, so now the Vita should do it too. Soon enough if the Wii U doesnt sell as expected, people will want the same thing. After the 3DS pulled that shit, the conversation changed from "Ill wait til it's on sale" to "Ill wait til it gets a price cut." That is truly awful behavior to have for a hobby people claim to love. Are we so entitled that we dont understand the concept of being...poor? Or having a price range? If you cant afford something, you cant afford something. Its that easy. Save money, wait for a sale, buy it used, Ebay, Craigslist, Amazon Warehouse Deals, whatever. Why should others bend over and get fucked just because you cant afford something? Im usually not on the side of giant corporations, but the entitlement among the average gamer has gotten out of hand. It's sick. And Im not trying to be a Sony fanboy and a Nintendo basher. Its just the way things have happened in the last couple of months. I hope everyone buys those Vita memory cards used so Sony doesnt get any money. That is something that is severely ovepriced and worth actually sticking up for. They need to change that. On the other hand, the Wii U should be priced between 300 and 350. That to me is reasonable. If I cared about the Wii U, id pay that much for it. I hope others feel the same way. Otherwise, I guess theyll have to wait til Nintendo caves. Then once they cave, Sony and MS cave to their new systems. And I guess we...win? Is that it?
  12. Different things are worth different to different people. I personally love my Vita. Before the Vita, my favorite handheld was the GBA SP. But now it's 3: GBA Sp, 2: Vita, 1: my dick. I paid 250 for it with no card or game and I still feel fine about it. I think it takes a solid day to toy around with it to see it's awesome and totally worth the price. The game's prices have also hit a sweet spot. For me, 60 was too much for console games and 40 seemed too much for DS/3DS games. On the other hand, Vita game's production values are somewhere down the middle, but theyre still 40 bucks. Im ok with that. im REALLY ok with that.
  13. http://gamerxchange.net/2012/08/25/playstation-vita-bundles-will-have-memory-cards-available-for-pre-order/ Well, they put the 4gb memory card back. So 250 bucks for a Vita, a 4GB card, and either AC3 Liberation or CoD. It sounds like a fantastic deal to me. I doubt itll stop the bitching about a price drop though.
  14. The moon landing was faked, so what's the big deal? Pshh...

    1. Chewblaha



    2. Strangelove


      Stop being such a sheeple, Chewy.

  15. Golden Abyss badly needed multiplayer, considering the last couple of Uncharted games have had it and how popular it's gotten. Especially since they charged 50 bucks for it. Its not my cup of tea, but I think it would have helped get some more sales.
  17. I still can't get over GTA4. I still hold a personal grudge. How many years has it been since it came out? 5? It was the first game I bought that I thought was bad. Not just bad, but terrible. I paid 60 bucks on release day. It still stings. RDR deserved a sequel more than this thing. Too bad it's not nearly as popular.
  18. They need to go back to sprites with these side scrollers.
  19. Well, all videogames have is videogames. Videogames and dlc. And a lot of people HATE dlc. That's how game companies make extra money though. You either succeed in a big way or fail miserably. There is little inbetween. On the other hand, musicians have album sales, singles sales, concerts, merchandise, and all sort of other sellout shit like commercials, branding and whoring out your name. There are tons of options to make money. Videogame developers dont have that many options and the ones they do have aren't as popular. You can get a a videogame tshirt, but theyre not as commonplace as a band tshirt. Movies on the other hand have superinflated prices at theaters(3D and IMAX are scams, as cool as they are), TONS of merch when it comes to those huge big budget action shit, dvd/bluray sales, and streaming licensing. An actor, director, producer or musician makes a bad film or album and they can just try again. Thats an option that is almost completely gone in the gaming industry. CoD tries to make a licensed headset or Mass Effect a licensed keyboard and we all cry and bitch about how it's shitty sellout crap. Fans of videogames don't like that kind of stuff, while film and music thrives on it. Even if the product is crap, the fact that its licensed is something people like. But gamers dont fall for that shit...yet. Not to mention that videogames are always supplementary to film and music. Videogames WORK for the film and music industry, hardly ever the other way around. Theyre not equal. Shit, we still cant get rid of Keanu Reeves. He does one thing - act. That's his job, to act. And he can't fucking do it. But he still makes films and makes money. But the guys who make Wipeout are gone. Wipeout is amazing. The videogame industry is harsh.

    1. excel_excel



  21. So this is a thing that has been bothering me for a while, but why is it Mac vs. PC? Isnt the Mac also a "personal computer"? That's like saying Sony Trinitron Vs. TV. It's the same shit. Or does the Mac do something to not be a personal computer? The difference as far as I know is the OS(and overall sleek sexy style of Apple products).
  22. It's stealing. You're all stealing. End of discussion. No, fuck you. Bye. *farts*
  23. Thank you for calling Gamestop, where you can trade in your games and preorder Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Madden 13 and Assassin's Creed 3, my name is derp herp derp derp derp, how may I help you?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I hit that 1/100 person once. The rest of the time, everyone is really cool and will talk games with you, if the store is empty. Love the one near my house.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      jesus, what could someone do in a shop that would make you hit them?

    4. TheRevanchist


      Funny. Wish I could have hit him. He swore there was never a wireless adapter for the original XBox. There was, but he didn't believe me because he never seen it (it wasn't easy to find at times, and this guy was an arrogant prick). So, I bought a brand new one off ebay that night.

  24. I beat Calamity Trigger Reconstruction. How long are each character's stories after that? I liked Reconstruction for the most part, but there was a sever lack of fighting in it and tons of dialogue. I guess thats why it's called "Story" mode. Thank god the dialogue is pretty good, especially considering it's a Japanese game.
  25. I don't know how things are in other countries, but US police officers are some of the most incompetent and untrustworthy people ever. The last things they do is serve and protect the people.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TCP


      That's not really related?? I wish you'd quit going after me. And also understand that I'm not from Vancouver, so when you keep bringing up the riots, it doesn't really bother me.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Some cops are cool, some cops are dicks. Much like people in general.

    4. deanb


      Ours are decent, at least up north n ones I've interacted with. Always PC Todd for some reason.

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