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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Digital. This is my first Blazblue and honestly my first Arc systems fighting game Ive actually paid for. Ive never been a big fan of GG, but Ive never given it a fair chance either.
  2. I think I'm getting too old to read Spin. It just seems like some sort of fashion magazine for clowns, with a few tidbits about music. The whole thing is like a retarded Barnum & Bailey ad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      I remember when I was a teenager a couple times picking up Spin for cover stories on The Pixies, Weezer, and stuff like that. But to be honest, I had no idea it was still around.

    3. Luftwaffles


      They've gone into quite a tailspin in the past few years, yeah.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Spin it let's begin it bear and grin it when you're in it we can win it in a minute if you spin it spin it spin it!

  3. Also, Blazblue got a pricedrop to 24.99 in the US. I might bite.
  4. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2012/08/14/psone-classics-coming-to-ps-vita-via-the-latest-system-software-update-v1-80/ One of the key announcements coming out of Gamescom today is that the next PS Vita System Software Update (v1.80) is coming your way late August, and will add support for playing PSone Classics on your PlayStation Vita. I know a lot of you have been looking forward to playing original PlayStation titles on the go. In addition, you will be able to make various setting changes while games are running and take screenshots of your gameplay. *It might not be possible to take screenshots in some applications, or in some parts of applications. Listed below are a few other new features that will be added with the 1.80 update: Cross Controller The new Cross-Controller feature will allow you to use PS Vita as a controller to play compatible games on PS3, such as LittleBigPlanet 2. This feature lets you take advantage of PS Vita’s rich features including the touch screen, rear touch pad, six-axis motion sensing system, and cameras. To access the cross controller feature you need to launch the Remote Play application and then click on the Cross-Controller icon. Controls As many of you have requested, you will now have the option to control the home screen and some features of applications such as Videos and Music with the buttons on the PS Vita system. Music Playlists will be supported in Music. You will be able to transfer iTunes (10.6.3 or later), M3U, and M3U8 playlists from a PS3 or a PC using Content Manager. Web Browser Rear touch pad operation will be supported by the browser, allowing you to scroll through and zoom out of pages without obscuring the screen. Video The following controls have been added to Videos: Playback speed control Repeat play Photos Viewing photos in MPO format will now be supported, with the ability to transfer MPO files from PS3™ and PC using Content Manager. * 3D and multi-angle viewing are NOT supported. Group Messaging Along with some new layout enhancements, you will be able to take photos to add as attachments when writing Group Messages. Maps The Maps feature has been improved by adding a button on the top screen to switch between “Search for Location” and “Search for Directions.” You can also touch and hold a location on the map and place a user flag. “near” “near” will be able to gather the information of surrounding Wi-Fi access points without internet connection and update the location data based on it later. You can get location data within the area covered by Wi-Fi location services.
  5. Well, it was worded as "ALL your favorite PSone games" when they announced it. So Im assuming its going to be full PSone support. Otherwise Ill be stuck replaying FF7 I guess.
  6. They closed the show with CoD Black ops Declassified. It's actually real and it actually looks like a console CoD game. I was getting worried there for a second since we hadnt seen anything about it except a logo. It's not my thing, but since they closed the show with it im assuming theyre banking on this to sell a ton of Vitas. I wonder if it will. I think it needs more third party support still(Maybe a new Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, or Final Fantasy spinoff) but this is a good start.
  7. 1gb cloud storage upgrade for PS+, RDR, and Vita support. Nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danielpholt


      I wonder. Will we see Freebie games in the style of Plus on the PS3 for the Vita? Maybe they'll give away PSone games?

    3. Strangelove


      I dont think we'll get "free" retail Vita games. At least not for a while. At most itll be free Psone games, PSN games, and discounts. The discounts alone have always been reason enough to have PS+.

    4. TCP


      I'm thinking for the first year or so it'll be a lot of free PSP games.

  8. Psone support on August 28. New game by Media Molecule called "Tearaway." Looks awesome. "Killzone: Mercenary". Looks amazing too. The live actions tuff is lame, but the gameplay looks great. New "Crossbuy" system where you buy the PS3 copy and get the Vita version for free. All Stars, Sly Cooper, and Ratchet & Clank are the ones who will support it so far. Ill use this option if the Vita version is a dlc code and not an actual cartridge. As far as Im concerned, Tearaway, Killzone and The crossbuy thing makes up for the shitty E3 the Vita had. Still want an inFamous game on here though.
  9. Spike(Ape Escape), Ratchet & Clank, Sackboy, and new Dante confirmed. I hope to god there's an original Dante skin. Otherwise people will be pissed. Trailers: These were all already leaked and theres 4 more that were leaked, so im sure those will also be confirmed eventually: Raiden(MGS Revengeance), Sir Daniel(Medievil), Nariko(Heavenly Sword), and "evil" Cole(inFamous.) But there are still more characters to come. I think Solid Snake was sort of leaked already.
  10. Guitars are expensive.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Pawn shops usually have a decent discounted price. Looking for acoustic or Electric?

    2. TCP


      You're telling me. I want a Gretsch White Falcon (look it up) more than anything in the world. But unfortunately, while I have the money, I can't justify spending 3 grand on a guitar this point in my life. :'(

    3. TheRevanchist


      I wanted a 1970's paisley jazzmaster back when I was single. Now, I'd settle for a kit to build a generic guitar. Those can also be an option, as you can get one relatively cheap.

  11. Richard Dean Anderson will be in my dreams tonight!

  12. I stand all day at work, so...no thank you.
  13. Japan does a lot of stuff just because it sounds or looks "cool." They never attempt to rationalize it. Theyre kind of stuck in a early 1990's mentality where sunglasses and backwards baseball caps meant you were a rebel. Except they do that with naming videogames.
  14. Im not sure about other regions, but in North America, if youre a PS+ member, youre going to get into the beta.
  15. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=485951 Vita sales incoming. Probably on PSN too.
    1. danielpholt


      I might finally pick myself up Wipeout, Thanks for the info.


    2. Strangelove


      Same here. Ive been waiting for Wipeout to go on sale.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      Damn, if they'd just drop the price of the hardware... and yes I known it's already great value but I have some sort of mental block stopping me buying it now.

  16. I just looked up Batman and Batman Returns on Amazon and theyre both over 30 bucks on bluray. Insane. I hate when I pass on something only to find it's rare and more expensive later.

    1. Strangelove


      I also passed on Akira on bluray last year for 15 bucks. Now its 50 and up. Eesh.

    2. danielpholt


      If you search amazon UK you might be able to find the BR Boxset for like £30. Should include all 4 films. Maybe its region free?


    3. danielpholt
  17. The colors are awful, but Ive always been a fan of the Wii logo's font. It's classy. Yellow and light blue are not. It looks like some sort of weird computer textbook or something now.
  18. Cant the master race just mod the hell out of GTA4 until it turns into RDR? It's the same engine. Stop building Midgar in Minecraft and work on something truly worthwhile instead.
  19. Fuck no! I tried 2 levels in death mode...I suck. Ill keep trying, but it doesnt look like it's going to happen.
  20. I hate when something that gets spammed on Facebook actually agrees with me, but a few weeks back someone posted a picture that said(as far as I remember)- People constantly ask God, "why do you let bad things happen to good people?" -God asks you the same question. That was sort of the gist of it. And I kind of agree. Im not a religious person, but this is a sentiment I can get behind. I still think God is a dickhole though.
  21. People who beg for specific games to be on their platform of preference. Asking is cool, BEGGING is not. PC gamers constantly asking for RDR has reached begging levels. It's 2012. Time to move on...yet there are still people asking for it. And you know what? I still wouldn't rule it out. But please shut the fuck up already. Just buy the 360 version. I know, it isnt in 10800p and it doesnt have 200000x AA, but deal with it.
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