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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Let's crash the rocket into the white house and kill the president.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SomTervo


      ... No, really.

    3. Luftwaffles


      Not sure if Simpsons quote or bomb in an airport behavior.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I'm thinking he just wants to get on as many lists as possible.

  2. Im not going to lie, I really only bought it for SOTN. The actual game is kind of not good. Not for me anyways. I hate the old Castlevanias.
  3. That feel when you feel that feel.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^See any re-post of something from 4chan on Reddit for an example most of you might understand.


      Also open up an email and see what ">" does in a reply.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      'for an example most of you might understand.'Obviously not you though, TCP. :-P

    4. TheMightyEthan


      4chan has 100% ownership of anything that anyone says there, and those things can never be said in any other context, ever.

  4. Got 2 boxes of these ($44 at Lens.com) and also got the stupid eye exam for the prescription($75). I'm now broke. But I'll get over it once I get my contacts and stop wearing these stupid glasses. Sweaty people and glasses don't mix.
  5. You know what's great about you English? Octopussy. Why, I must have seen that movie...twice.
  6. They really could have made two films with this script. I wish they had. Or I at least hope we get an extended cut with extra stuff in it.
  7. On the character thing, they could have lost John Blake. I liked the character enough, but he felt unnecessary. just a cheap ploy to link it to something in the future. The entire film was only 4 characters though - Wayne, Blake, Catwoman, and Bane. Anyone else? Dont get me wrong, there are some more important characters in the film, but those didnt get a lot of time, so I cant count them really. TDK did just fine with 3. I felt like Lucius Fox went underused in this one. TDKR really needed more Lucius Fox.
  8. I have a lot of issues with the film, but I dont get the time issue. I may not like it, but I didnt find it confusing either.
  9. It's going to be 106 degrees tomorrow. Come to Texas!

    1. TheRevanchist


      Due to the negative effects of tin foil hats under the strong solar waves, none of my conspiracy theorist friends will be able to come.

    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Last week we got up to 115 plus 60% humidity. Triple digits, triple pain.

  10. I just got it in today and I already love this thing. I left my laptop on all afternoon and when I got back home it hadn't shut down like it used to. In Texas, under 103 degree weather, I consider that a huge success.
  11. The dpad looks like a shithole. Otherwise I think it looks cool.
  12. After the Aurora shooting, I feel like discussing conspiracy theories. Someone make a thread. Id do it myself, but you know...

    1. excel_excel


      Yeah I'd like to talk about this too.

    2. excel_excel


      Actually yeah this is the perfect New Vegas thread

  13. BRB going to one of those awesome FEMA concentration camps I've heard so much about

  14. Don't forget to pay it forward today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P4: Gritty Reboot
    3. Strangelove


      I already fucked myself this morning. What now?

    4. TCP


      ummm.... find someone and.. pay it forward..???

  15. 215. I gotta lose 15 more pounds in the next 2 months. Maybe I should try that black coffee and apple diet Christian Bale went on for the Machinist...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vecha


      You can definitely do it!(without doing a crazy diet).


      2 pounds a week is totally doable if you cut your calories by 500-1000 cals.

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Coffee and tea are your healthiest choices for when you need caffeine, considering they are natural sources. So if you drink a lot of soda or energy drinks, just start drinking coffee instead. Actually, kicking soda alone can make you drop a few pounds.

    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Check out my fitness thread, too. I've posted some good exercise videos and some healthy food sites.

  16. Holy shit, I just got my Vita case in the mail and it is fucking awesome. I cant imagine a better one....unless they made it in green or purple.
  17. $11.59 like new off Amazon. Now I just need season 8 to have all first 10 seasons. Too bad its over $15 without Prime shipping. I need to find it for lower. My Prime membership expires in 2 days. Im kind of sad about it. It was awesome while it lasted, but it's not really something I want to pay for.
  18. Of all the good games I played on the 3DS, I Miss Resident Evil: Revelations the most. Actually, its the only 3DS game I miss.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. excel_excel


      Mario 3D is still really fun and not every level is like that Strangelove

    3. Strangelove


      It's an awesome game, but I can't really say its a hard game. The only thing hard about it is getting the star coins in each level.

    4. TCP


      I got really lazy with Mario 3D and would just die over and over again till I got that special Tanooki suit. I'm a terrible gamer though.

  19. You have a Kinect? For shame, Ethan. I expected more from you... Then again, you also have Move... and a Wii... My reality has been shattered.
  20. It was under 10 bucks. Id like the official one, but its too big. The one in the starter set is the one id ideally want, but Im not paying 40 bucks for it.
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