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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. The Dark Knight Rises. I liked it a lot. More than TDK, but not nearly as much as BB. Im not going to get too into it because everyone else has pretty much said a lot of my thoughts, but I will say that even 15 extra minutes would have done wonders for the film. There's a lot of stuff in the movie that needed a few minutes here and there. I'm not saying its flawed too badly by it, but a little extra time would have made it even better. Nolan doesn't do it, but if he wants to do an extended cut, this would be a perfect time for it.
  2. I still can't believe that after all these years people still like the Mortal Kombat theme song from the movie. Im almost certain that if that song just came out on the radio without any connection that film, a lot of people would hate it and call it "faggy."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MasterDex
    3. pocoGRANDE


      whoa people actually like that? i listen to it to crack myself up when that guy yells "MOOOORRAAAAAL RAAAHMRRAAHHH"

    4. fuchikoma


      I like it for campiness and because it reminds me of the ad where the guy climbs up on the car hood and yells it. I'd take this as a new theme though...

  3. Ive really started to like putting caramel in my coffee. I used to hate it, but there's a certain smoothness about it. It's great.
  4. I worked a double shift yesterday. I think I'm dying. Both outside and inside.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      Fuck y'all. Im getting buried with all of my belongings. At least the ones that fit inside my coffin with me.

    3. Pojodin


      I think we'll just stick with all. They will bury your place of residency with you, even if that means we have to find a way to fit it in your coffin...

    4. TCP


      Don't care. I'm digging up his grave and stealing his video games.


    1. TCP
    2. TheRevanchist


      Hope that gets you out of the ticket.

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      In Soviet America, police fuck YOU.

  6. http://www.naturalnews.com/036536_James_Holmes_shooting_false_flag.html It was the FBI. Case closed. Let's all go home and masturbate now.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baconrath


      that DCAF pdf he links is fascinating. I haven't read all of it though. its 36 pages of poli-sci goodness

    3. TheRevanchist


      Reading this might be like reading from The Book of Sith: You'll never come back to the light.

    4. Strangelove


      I wont rule out the possibility, but...sheesh.

  7. Batman Begins gets better after each viewing, but I think TDK gets worst. Both movies are awesome, but I prefer how subdued BB can be compared to TDK. That films always seems to have something new I never noticed before.
  8. Just because something isnt dark, moody and brooding for the sake of dark, moody and brooding doesn't mean it lacks depth. I wish people understood that. Im also not sure about Nolan's Batman movies being "intellectual" either. Theyre not mindless, but theyre not on the other side of the spectrum either. Not any moreso than other superhero films. Nothing against them since i like them a lot myself, but Law and Order SVU farts out crime drama every week and these Batman films are just a bit above those in the "intellectual" department. They're not even that thought provoking either. Nolan has basically ripped out pages from the headlines in the last year or 2 and adapted them for TDKR. Same with TDK. Theyre very blatant. I honestly enjoy these Batman films because I find them to be more detailed. Batman Begins more than TDK. They delve into being a superhero more personally. But I cant say they've made me "think" in any way. I'll grant you Inception being "thought provoking", but not any of the Batman films.
  9. Balls have touched.

    1. Pojodin


      Newton's cradle?

    2. FMW


      You said you wouldn't tell anyone about last night!

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      FROSTED YOU WHOREEE! Any room for one more?

  10. It seems Sega is randomly sending out PSN messages offering Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown for 10 bucks(US). It expires at the end of the month, but im definitely getting it.
  11. I hate it when the waffles stick together.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eleven


      Why can't we 'Like' status updates? :(

    3. Pojodin


      Pancakes, waffles, and french toast all sound great right now.

    4. TCP


      Waffles are the poor mans pancakes. It's like if you wanted an NES for Christmas and your parents got you an Atari 7800. Lame.

  12. Its still on there actually, I never even bothered to remove it after the hack. All I did was change my password. Ive gotten charged 5 bucks once on PSN and my bank took care of it, so hacking like that has never really scared me. I just dont have any money in it and probably wont for another week and thats after I deposit my check since I dont have direct deposit yet.
  13. There are finally PS+ deals for the Vita. Mostly, Hot Shots Golf is like 17 or 18 bucks. Id get it, but I dont have PS+. Its 25 without it. Either I get PS+ now and hopefully I can get a 20 dollar PSN card later this week or I just get HSG for 25 now.
  14. Gooby pls

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. fuchikoma
    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I also hate this one.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      This is the first time I've ever seen it, but based on that KYM page it's stupid.

  15. Lots of cream, lots of sugar.
  16. We work hard, we play hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnstableArk


      ♫Everybody Dance Now!~♫

    3. excel_excel




      oh be nice!

    4. Strangelove


      Stand still, there's a spark in your hair!

  17. I see no shame in being a homeless man. I might just go for that as a career. Hopefully I get beaten to death by some rowdy teenaagers...in bowler hats...and weird all white costumes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Last semester when I had a BIO class, one of my classmates told me he pretty much "bummed" around the U.S., somehow barely getting by. He came back to Arizona and decided to lay off the drugs and get his life together. He still gets high and is a little crazy, but he's a living testament that it's possible to temporarily become a bum. I still wouldn't do it.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Viddy well, Strangelove. Viddy well.

    4. SomTervo


      Plenty of people do this by choice. As long as you have means to get your life back together at will, I see no problem with it. Apparently it's, more often than not, a humbling and enlightening experience.


      Not that I seriously condone it for yourself, Strange :P

  18. After being unemployed for so long, work really feels...worky.

  19. For the rest of the year there is: Retail • Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation • Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified • DJ Max Technika TUNE • FIFA 13 • LEGO Lord of the Rings • LittleBigPlanet • Madden NFL 13 • Need for Speed Most Wanted • New Little King's Story • PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale • Silent Hill: Book of Memories • Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time • Smart As • Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed • Spy Hunter • Street Fighter X Tekken • Zone Of The Enders HD Edition PSN only • A-Men • Jet Set Radio HD • Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD • Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD • Orc Attack • Retro City Rampage • Shoot Many Robots • Sine Mora • Sound Shapes • SunFlowers All things considered, the rest of the year isn't looking too bad for the Vita. I bolded the stuff Im really interested. Id say "buy", but i dont have money right now.
  20. Ive always wanted to play Alan Wake. I even considered getting a 360 for it and uhh, other games probably. Sadly my laptop cant run it. I should probably save up for a better pc or laptop instead of a 360.
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