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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/11/arts/video-games/theatrhythm-is-a-music-game-based-on-a-japanese-series.html?_r=1&ref=arts NY Times is going to print Kotaku reviews on their paper. Id be proud of them...4 or 5 years ago. But not now. That being said, I still kind of like a lot of their reviews. Theyre not half bad.
  2. You're asking the wrong person. I strongly, even fanboyishly prefer the PS3 over any other current console in almost every way possible.
  3. Xbots, Wiitards, Narutards, Uhhh...PS3 fanboys? I dunno what their derogatory name is. Naruto is retarded though. Calling Naruto fans Narutards isnt completely uncalled for, but I dont want to discriminate.
  4. I think they completely have to revamp the store with a firmware update to get a PS+ section in there. 1.80 will have a PSone section now, so maybe a PS+ or even a wallpaper/avatar section will get added too while theyre at it. Im personally waiting on PSP/Vita discounts/free games to be a part of PS+ so I can subscribe again because I haven't really used my PS3 for any gaming outside of seeing the ME3 ending. It was weird when I played it again because the analog sticks felt huge.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I personally love the XMB on both the PS3 and the PSP and I like the bubbles on the Vita too, but I expect things to be added on what what I already had instead of juggling between new features and removed features that will be added lately. Just the fact that the PSP can do things that the Vita cant is wrong. That shouldnt be. But I think overall is that the PS3 has/had a lot of little things that the 360 does/did better. Installs, trophy synching, some people think the PS store is a mess compared to the XBL Marketplace, not every game has a demo, download speeds supposedly suck on the PS3 compared to the 360, updates are supposedly huge compared to the 360, and I dunno. Other stuff I guess.
  6. I think he means the OS more than the games.
  7. Well, that's what $ony said. I can't make sense of a lot of the shortcomings when it comes to the two being cohesive. I'm sure some stuff is not Possible, some stuff was badly scheduled, and some stuff was just a dumb oversight. I never noticed this, but the Vita store has a ridiculous amount of omissions. If you don't have a ps3 or don't look online, there's absolutely no way to know about the recent psp sales. You can't even buy premium avatars and we don't even have a wallpaper section yet. Basic stuff that will someday probably get fixed. And even more than ps1 support, ps+ is entirely nonexistent on the Vita. No sales or anything. It just seems stupid on their part. But I suppose this is the price to pay for being an early adopter. Overall, I'm very happy with my Vita, but I have a lot of little things I'd like added to it.
  8. Strangelove


    To be honest, the world has become so PC that we are going to have to come up with new words altogether. You cant even say "retarded" anymore without offending retards or retard sympathizers. The world is harsh and were all just delicate flowers I suppose. I think thats faggy as shit.
  9. No they do, but your PS3 friends cant see you playing Gravity Rush/any other Vita game. It wont say it on your PSN status. Kind of like when youre watching a bluray or a videofile. Its just blank.
  10. You know what? Not having money kind of sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strangelove


      Ive come to terms with the fact that I will NEVER be a wealthy man. Every time I fantasize about it I always think of the worst things that a person could do with money. Its always well meaning things like buying my mom a house and giving expensive shit to my friends and adopting every single animal in every adoption center in the US. Thats the kind of thinking that makes a man broke. Well, that and coke. Lots of coke.

    3. deanb


      They do BOGOF offers on coke now n then though. But yeah I'd only be "rich" if I won lottery or something. Not the right kind of mind to get rich via business or birth. I'd do the same things SL would do too (except the pets thing). I guess I'd buy/set up a business too depending on how "rich" I became.

    4. Vecha


      I'd buy alot of Coke. Sorry cute puppies, daddy gotta swim in the snow.

  11. Well, you CAN post your Vita trophies on Facebook. As well as your purchases and ratings. It's exactly as the PS3. It should be under the PS Network option at the bottom. Also, Vita trophies do add to your overall trophy "score". You just cant see them on your PS3 individually. And I also dont get why trophies have to load every single time you want to look at them. Im not sure why they havent fixed that. On the Vita you cant even see PS3 trophies unless you connect online. Theyre not stored anywhere on the system. Its just weird.
  12. Well, that's kind of a negative and a positive. The reason the PS3 and Vita don't gel together that well has little to do with the Vita, it's the PS3 that has the problem. The Vita was made with the next PS home console in mind more than the PS3. It made everything the PS3 had, but better. The PS3 is the one that cant see Vita trophies, the one that cant do remote play as flawlessly as you'd think, the one that cant see Vita friends. Either its impossible to patch that on PS3, or its too much work for Sony to do it this late int he console's life. If the Wii U becomes a success, I expect Remote Play to be a big deal with the next Playstation. Just as a "me too!" sort of thing. As it stands now, its just a novelty. Ive used it for maybe 5 minutes to play MGS1 a few years back.
  13. That'd be nice, but I doubt itll happen. Theres a limit to what the PS3 can do retroactively. I think weve reached it. Im still surprised it got this far. Adding stuff that wasn't meant for it is kind of neat, especially stuff like the trophy system or dynamic themes all while making the xmb faster, though not fast enough. I cant imagine what a pain in must have been to add shit like that after the machine was built so specifically. But I don't know shit about computers, so maybe it was really easy. I kind of want the vita to have dynamic themes though. Its entirely possible. Im not sure why, but I love dynamic themes. I think theyre great. Live wallpapers were one of the reasons I also liked my Android phone. I just think its a really cool feature. Im honestly surprised Windows 7 doesnt have live wallpapers. Is that kind of thing even possible?
  14. Anyone else getting the new Maid dlc pack today? Im kind of sad that this is the last one. Hmm...
  15. And Square is the wrong publisher/developer for it. New hardware is supposed to bring about better more sophisticated AI, but Square has never been interested in shit like that. They like making really pretty, yet traditional games. That's what they do. New prettier coats of paint on things that people already liked. Nothing theyve made this generation has made me think that with better hardware theyd make a better game. Every mistake theyve made has been their fault entirely. FF13 wasnt corridor-ville because of the hardware, it was because of laziness. Same reason Versus 13 or KH3 hasnt been made yet. Well, that and milking.
  16. Does "Dinosaurs" count as a period drama? It does take place during a period". Id also argue that its more drama than comedy since they all die at the end of the show. Thanks alot, ice age/meteor/god/whatever.
  17. I dont count the non-Japanese stuff like Tomb Raider or Deus Ex, but even then those games werent groundbreaking technological marvels. TR Underworld was at the very least a hd PS2 game and Deus Ex HR was a bit short of a full fledged AAA current gen game. A lot of animation was a bit off and the details were kind of missing on a lot of stuff. Still a great game and it still looked pretty good, but it wasnt anything near an Uncharted or a Gears of War graphically. Even Nier was really a PS2 game. It could have easily been a PSP game. They dont make games that push the hardware, so why do they need new hardware?
  18. How can they say this generation is too long when theyve only released 2 games in the past 6-7 years? And they were both using the same engine and a lot of the same assets. Compared to the previous generation when they sure as hell had more than 2 games. And those games weren't even graphical marvels either. Don't get me wrong, FF13 looked fantastic when i came out and still does, but it wasn't pushing any boundaries. They didn't push the PS3 to its limit. What can they do on a more powerful console that they cant do on a current one? I never thought of FF as something that NEEDS more powerful hardware to fully realize it's vision. FF13 could have been a SNES game if they wanted. Gameplaywise or even the scope of it didnt do anything crazy new. I expect to hear this kind of ramble from Epic or Naughty Dog or even Bungie, but not Square Enix. They dont really have the right to demand anything from anyone right now. I liked FF13 and FF13-2 quite a bit, but to others, prettier shit is still shit. Square cant survive on cg cutscenes and anime storylines like they did the past 2 generations anymore. People just dont care.
  19. Spelling shit in a derogatory manner. Crapcom, M$, $ony, Wii, etc. Who the fuck thinks that's clever? It stopped being clever after the first time someone used it, afterwards it was just dumb.
  20. Ive never done it either, but there are tons of websites that verify it. US by the way. Im not sure about other regions. There are cases where one game works only in certain regions, so you might want to look that up before you buy it.
  21. This bar business confuses me so.

    1. Pojodin


      The exam you take to get into law school, the M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle, or the pub where people consume massive quantities of alcohol?

    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Strangelove is hardcore, he's probably doing them all at the same time.

  22. The character models in MK(Vita) are so awful. It's almost funny. Almost.

    1. Strangelove


      Not to mention that the art style for most of the characters doesn't help either. Some of them are cool, mostly the ones who wear masks. But the characters that dont look awful. WTF is up with Johnny Cage's hair? Plugs? That shit is creepy. And Liu Kang just looks like some average Asian guy off the street who is cosplaying Liu Kang.

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